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Everything posted by LastCast12

  1. SNAKE... GET AWAY I HATE YOU. I would have swam out right away and ran way away... i really don' t like snakes
  2. No but I fly fish, and the less line you have out the quicker you cast, and the more line you have out the slower you cast
  3. Hello im 16 years old and im from Arlington, Wa. Hunting and fishing has been my life. I have been fishing ever sence I could remember. Some of my hobbies are fishing, hunting, and golf. I play for my high school on the varsity golf team, and that is pretty much my spring, but after that golf all summer and fish almost every day. I hunt for deer, duck, and pheasant. Outdoors is my life and I would rather be fishing then anything else in the world. So ya... now if you read this you know a little about me, o and i have a twin brother so i always have a fishing buddy. If you have any questions ask me
  4. Buzzbait, Jigs, plastic crawfish
  5. Some of you might have seen already I am going to Lake Roosevelt in a few days and im not just targeting Bass but Walleye too. I have never caught or have even fished for them, so I need help on how to fish them and what to use. My friend ( he's taking me) never goes fishing... mabe once a year at the most so Lake Roosevelt is the only place he has ever fished, but he doesn't know much because he isn't into it as much as me and my family. My friend... his name is John, and he trolls for Walleye. He just puts a weight ahead of the hook and then just hooks on a worm, and trolls. But im not the trolling type. I think I'm going to just use a swimbait or a wacky worm, but other than that I have no idea on what to use. Please if you can help give me ideas on what to use, please do. Thanks
  6. Arlington, Washington... its a small town
  7. Thanks alot I'll try a little of everything when I'm there. Hopefully the fishing is great and I'll keep try to keep posting while I'm there. Thanks for all the help
  8. Hello everyone, I am going to Lake Roosevelt in about a week or so and i was wondering what to use for small and largemouth. I do go fishing pretty often for bass in Westen Washington, but I know every lake may very on what to use and when to use different types of lures. I have never been to this lake before so I am just asking what is good to use this type of year.
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