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Everything posted by Packard

  1. Not if you don't post a pointless thread.
  2. IMO Heavy is too much I'd go with MH if they have it. But I too would favor the St. Croix
  3. A savings account
  4. Yes both of his posts are moronic
  5. I'd get some leader material. Flurocarbon is optimal, Seaguar is my favorite. You want to match the braided lines diameter. You can google it. Then find the # test of fluro of the brand you want thats the closest.
  6. No offense but you are making a bunch of threads like this. Have you tried searching this forum or google?
  7. I was using the Gama Octopus yesterday and they were working great! I'll pick up a pack of Lazers next since I'm running out.
  8. Tbh, I'd just get what's on clearance. To me braid is braid you they all pretty much have the same qualities.
  9. Do the surgeon knot. I do it on all my leaders and it is so easy to tie. No break-offs either!
  10. No it's called being a bipolar moron. "Oh I love Carrot Stix I have not problems with them!" "This is my last one I love the Shimano Crucials!"
  11. I caught 7 bass in an hour in 90 degree weather in the afternoon yesterday. They were in 3-6 ft. water.
  12. I thought you were talking about using braided lines for frogs in general. Now that I see you meant just 832 I see where you are coming from.
  13. I don't think they have it in stores, you have to order it from their warehouse.
  14. Those look sweet.
  15. Call them and ask them for a new side plate. They have a ton of parts and I'd be surprised if they charged you for it.
  16. It doesn't stretch like mono.
  17. I wouldn't say that you are wasting your time but I don't think it is as productive as a crankbait, senko, or a jerkbait. JMO
  18. Ive got a quantum iron round baitcaster if you think it will do the trick.
  19. It's fake, look how the lips overlap the hands and the eye does not look right to me. They copy and pasted the bass on top of the he/she.
  20. Look for a rod on the flea market or eBay would be my suggestion. I got a BPS Extreme for $55 on eBay which retails at $100.
  21. Put it up to someones throat and have them talk and see how sensitive the vibrations are The BPS guy did it for me
  22. I call things what they are.
  23. Sam pretty much covered it besides the fact of how much it would suck fighting a hog and then falling out of the tube
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