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Everything posted by Packard

  1. We still have soft water up here in Michigan.
  2. Split grips are way more tapered than full grips. No need for the smart a** answer.... OP I can't seem to think of a way. No way to get that on this without possibly cutting and sanding the balancer.
  3. My dad just got the same rod. It feels great. He mounted a Shimano Saros on it and it is ready to go for next season!
  4. There are many threads on this topic recently. Scroll down this page and try the next page as well. You will most likely find more info their rather than people having to re post it all here.
  5. By visibility I assume you mean it is highly visible to your eyes that way you can watch the line for bites? I also prefer fluoro for almost every technique. Only downside I've encountered so far is the stiffness in heavier and more abrasion resistant brands and weights. That can be partly solved with KVD L&L.
  6. He is partly right because most people say the two rods have the same blank because they are both IM-10 Graphite. He just said they are both IM-10, I don't think you were trying to start an argument or feel you were coming off rude. But the fact of the matter is nothing he said was "Partly not" true. There is nothing false by saying, "The new Crucial rods are IM-10 like the Cumara." You are right by saying that the Cumara is superior to the Crucial and the blanks are not the same. But if price is an issue is the Cumara worth $50 more? I honestly don't think so.
  7. Micro guides actually benefit spinning rods more than casting rods. I don't personally use micro guides as of now though. I'd look into a Powell Max or Endurance which are on sale at TW. They are AMAZING rods especially when I got mine for $100!
  8. They just moved the models down a level. The Curado 200E was 179.99 and the new Chronarch 200E is $200 and it just came out. So it isn't as big of a deal as you guys make it out to. It isn't the exact same reel either. I'm not saying it is a better reel but it isn't the EXACT same reel. Low and behold I just bought a Curado 200E a week ago and was happy with the $130 I spent for it at Gander Mtn.
  9. The Rage is better. It is also $50 more. I don't really understand this question?
  10. The compre is a nice rod. I haven't used the cranking version but will assume it lives up to the other rods. I throw a lot of squarebills and I find a graphite rod to be better for this application. I throw them on a 6'6 M/F St Croix Premier. I love that rod for it. Some others you may want to look at are the Powell Max and Powell Endurance which are both on sale on ***.
  11. Crucial for sure man. I love the sensitivity, weight, and the new reel seat. Not to mention it is a Shimano!
  12. Not sure what this crossover baitcaster is or haven't heard it called that before. Most if all baitcasters will work well with braid. Heavy braid aids in the prevention of spool digging but I use some cheap trilene big game as backing. When I get snagged with braid I will cut the line if it is a texas rig or wacky rig. I also have used this trick I say on Lunkerville. Wrap the line around your reel's handle (Not the knob part, the part than connects to the side plate. Can't think of what to call it.) and pull straight back. Don't use your rod or you might break it. I was fishing this river one time without line clippers and got my spinnerbiat wrapped on a tree branch and couldn't reach it. I could not break the line and had no way of cutting it. I almost had to leave my setup hanging from the tree and go to my car a mile up the river and come back with a knife or something. I eventually got it to break and this was only 20# line!
  13. Fluoro has better abrasion resistance than braid.
  14. Look like you are doing a fine job!
  15. Hahaha I was thinking that too.
  16. Not that I expected him to know but for him to tell me there was no such thing made me laugh even though I told him that they released it on the BPS website a few days ago. You'd think one of the employees would know and might say, "did you see the new johnny morris carbonlite? it is only 5.9 ounces!" I just feel that most of the guys in the fishing department don't know a whole lot about fishing BPS and Cabelas are much better than DSG. I don't think the guy in the fishing department at my DSG has ever fished before.
  17. I just started getting in to bass fishing this year and I fish mainly from my Ocean Kayak Prowler Trident 13. I was fishing with my dad who has the same kayak as me on Lobdell for the first time. I was throwing a T-rigged gycb senko and felt a bite. I set the hook and the fight was on. My dad didn't realize that I had a fish on and casted his crankbait over my line..... I freaked out and the fish dove into the weeds. He just buried his head in there and I manged to pull him out after tons of pulling and cranking my 6' M rod. I got it to the kayak and netted him. He was a 21" 6lb LMB which is above average for Michigan. (State record is 10 or 11lb I think) It was my biggest LMB and I was ecstatic. It was the biggest bass me and my dad had caught all season. I hope to beat it next season.
  18. I have had mono and fluro snap on the spool on a hard backlash. It doesn't happen often but it has happened. I haven't had this experience with braid I assume is due to its shock strength. The bends might weaken it a bit but since you are using high lb test (I assume so because it's on a baitcaster) then you should be fine. I do not like braid's slack line sensitivity, abrasion resistance, manageability, and visibility. I only use it for a few applications such as wacky worming which I use a fluoro leader. I know many users on this site like braid but it's just not for me. I roll with mostly sunline super fluoro right now due to trial and error as well as insight from members here.
  19. I find braid to be less prone to this than fluoro and mono. I don't like braid's other hindrances though.
  20. Same here. I asked him about it and he kept saying there was no such thing. He kept showing me the johnny morris reel and saying this is the only johnny morris we have and the carbonlite is a different reel. What a joke!
  21. Sure, I use a 6'6" M/F St Croix Premier with a Shimano Chronarch 100B from my kayak
  22. Where did it go? It isn't on their website at the moment. I hope this wasn't some cruel joke
  23. I prefer Sunline FC Sniper or Super Fluorocarbon. Seaguar InvisX is a lot easier to find though and haven't had any problems with it except the occasional backlash is difficult to pick out.
  24. Get a 51e and spool it up with some nice flurocarbon and you won't be sorry!
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