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Hi Salenity

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Everything posted by Hi Salenity

  1. I've seen Big-O "tiger stripe" the braid with a Sharpie.
  2. This is my Grandfathers 1911 (1918 Colt) and my uncles 45 long Colt. Both of them have passed on and I have inherited them. I have the Receipt on the 1911 from when my grandfather bought it in the 40s. it was $12.50 with $4.50 to ship it by train to the train station that he had to pick it up at. As far as the 45LC it's not really one I'd try to carry.
  3. I'm a fan of the 45ACP but it has plenty of limitations. The first time I ever shot a 45acp I was probably 13 on a gravel road somewhere. we decided to shoot it at a stop sign at say 20-25 yds away. Out of a rifle none the less the ball ammo would just bounce off and not go through. As far as the 9mm goes mine is loaded with 147gr Hydra-shock. I also had a 380LCP You can laugh at me for carrying a 380 but it sure was nice to carry. I'm about to buy a SIG 238? If I find a good deal.
  4. What line are you using ? FC? does this problem happen the most on long casts? If you are loosing fish on long casts with FC tie the stuff to a tree and then walk back to the length you can cast and see how much stretch it has. You may be surprised in what it takes to get the stretch out . I LOVE FC but if I'm casting a jig with a big hook I always have a lot better hookups with braid! Now if I could just tell if I was getting a bite
  5. This is my Sub compact 9mm XD with Trijicon's in a Crossbreed holster. However my full size 45 XD fits in the same holster.
  6. I just sold a 18 Fastwin to a recruiter.BTW, I haven't forgotten about you I just haven't got tires for my truck yet.
  7. I cut the last "bump" off.
  8. Your Dad's not a recruiter is he?
  9. No problem, I know how you feel. I jig with a 7'11" rod most of the time and it's tip heavy. With a rod that long you just learn to deal with it.
  10. Should have taken my advise.
  11. Hardly anyone uses the 300 it's huge! The cool kids have the 50 & 200. Some will use the 300 for larger swim baits.
  12. I have a 160 bird on my trolling motor and while it has the 5'' screen I don't think it's any nicer than the Eagle I had on one of my old Kayaks.
  13. I think this in an interesting topic and was simply "tagging" it to see the replies.
  14. Don't get overly concerned with balance as it's irrelevant. The lighter a rod is the more sensitive it is 100% of the time. This means just what it implies if a rod was made lighter it would be more sensitive than the SAME rod that was heavier. With that said a rod that is light in the tip is nice but with a 1/2oz jig hanging from the end of the rod (or on retrieve of said jig) it will be tip heavy. Basically unless you are "dead sticking" the balance of the rod is of little importance.
  15. Nothing wrong with the MG or the SS. I LOVED the longer handle on the MG. I have a bad habit of backing the mag breaks off too much and then end up with the instant reel locked up backlash from H**L!
  16. The best way to learn to fish with a jig is to only bring your jig rod and jigs! You will learn how to fish a jig by catching fish with a jig. I know that sounds stupid but I tried fishing a jig MANNY times and would give up and fish something else. First find several spots you know have fish. Don't try to learn how to fish a jig in "new" locations start with known places you've caught fish in before. Let me be clear on this, If you catch fish within 6' of the shore that's were you need to learn to fish a jig. Don't get me wrong a jig is the ultimate bait to catch the monsters out deep in the middle of the lake but that's not a good place to learn. Learn to catch the 16'' dinks that have better numbers then go target the big girls. I'd start with a 1/2oz Green Pumpkin or a Black/Blue with a matching Rage crawl.
  17. My 2 favorite reels by far are the Core50 and Lew's TP If you want to throw something lite go with a 50 for $300 For everything else go with the Lew's TP for $150 BTW a Curado 50e is also a great reel for just over $100 used
  18. The Tournament "MG" reel is a few bucks less than the Tournament. It has a longer handle that's nice but it only has the magnetic breaks. I way prefer the centrifugal breaks.
  19. The Pic I saw makes them look a lot nicer than that animated pic. The handles actually look more like carbon fiber and aren't the solid black like in that pic. I was going to trade in one of my rods Today but I'm going to wait and see how long before these come out.
  20. As long as it's not a MG you'll love it.
  21. They both look like money to me. Rage blue crawl on the left and Black/Blue on the right. Or Green Pumpkin for either.
  22. Hi from KS.
  23. Just curious since you brought up the Falcon, What color to you face up? I take it it was designed to be head up wile it's laying on the bottom or does it matter? If Falcon is your Go to trailer I'd love to see your go to jig color.
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