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Hi Salenity

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Everything posted by Hi Salenity

  1. How were you fishing? 90 foot is deep! The last time I fished that deep my "bird" was telling lies. Lol
  2. What, No love for the McRib? It's back too.
  3. This thread was a let down!
  4. Ask a fish. LOL, sorry I couldn't resist.
  5. How did I know this was going to turn into that. LOL
  6. Great fish! She's a keeper.
  7. Post those pics, Chris texted me a couple pics and they were HUGE!
  8. What was the water visibility like? It still looks Green. I got a new Jerk bait rod/reel and I keep thinking any day now I'm going to need it...
  9. I hope that's air temp. lol
  10. A Jig & a Lobster with the last "bump?" cut off fished deep! This is also hands down my favorite way to fish.
  11. The blank the new Extreme uses is lighter than the LTB blank so it shouldn't be as tip heavy and probably more sensitive. I'm still not sold on the handle but I'm going to buy one on Black Friday to give it a shot.
  12. The rod your talking about weighs 5.5 oz the same rod in the LTB "Tournament" series weighs 4.4 oz I think they are missing the mark on the new Extremes HOWEVER, haven'tnt used one.
  13. How was the water clarity? 2-3' still?
  14. LOL I just noticed the fish are hiding.
  15. I still have aquariums but they are all salt. I have downsized a lot. I used to have a 6' in-wall that was the headboard of my bed that was really cool! This is a pic I just took with my phone. It needs cleaned.
  16. One of the guys that works for me wanted to go to Melvern Friday morning. So I made a trip up to BPS and got a new reel for him to use and rigged him up to fish the "rig". He ended up oversleeping so I went by myself. It was like Blue said, a bit off. I got 17 fish in 3-4 hours but the water was on the green side and visibility was only 2-3' tops. I don't think I caught anything over 15''. This morning before daylight me and Peter went to the state lake. Once the sun came out enough I could see I realized the lake was in turnover. visibility was only 6' and super brown'. In 3.5 hours we got 4 fish! I tucked my tail between my legs and went back to the house. After a day like today I may not fish again until spring!
  17. I love Colt and several others that sing like him.
  18. Legend Extreme 7'ML spinning Another Core 50 8# Nanofil
  19. Wow! He was living in your house while you were over seas serving your country? I don't know who I like the least him or her...
  20. Buy them from DVT. Yes, its worth it.
  21. It would still be a cluster &^$#! Some would like muzzle E more than muzzle G...................................
  22. http://www.barlowstackle.com/Do-It-Walleye-Head-Jig-Mold-P216.aspx
  23. Yep, they suck!
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