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Hi Salenity

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Everything posted by Hi Salenity

  1. Lol, I leave all my beers in the PRIMARY for thirty days! The thinking behind this is that the yeast will actually clean up after itself and produce a better beer. I don't ever use a secondary for your common ale. I go from the primary directly to a keg or in your case bottles. It will normally take another 30 days for it to condition before it's drinkable... I know the wait kills but you can't rush beer I'm guessing you got a extract kit? Local brewshop or online retailer?
  2. -11 yesterday
  3. I'm with J, it's a cool boat but it'll never be a good bass boat. I'd consider selling it and finding something else..
  4. Why don't we try to do the weekend of May 31 And also do a one day event 2 months earlier, say the last Saturday in March?
  5. So are we looking these three weekends in May the 10th 24th or 31st ?
  6. I wasn't correcting you, I was just casting my vote.
  7. Do you use a milk crate with Plano boxes?
  8. I'm not a cuddlier, I can't do the first sat in May (the weekend of the road trip). My wife graduates with her masters that day.
  9. Btw, LEW'S
  10. I agree I like the lightning cable but the one that comes with the phone is not a video cable They do make a $50 cable that does support video but it comes out as hdmi. Do you think someone makes a video cable that could go from the HDMI to the USB input on my Kenwood?
  11. I will say that I'm not happy with all the upgrades. My iPhone and iPad has and my sons IPad mini all have the new style lightning cable ends and they won't allow video out. Hence, I can't watch YouTube or Netflix on the DVD head unit in my truck. They do make a lightning to HDMI cable so I may be able to go from the hdmi to the USB port?
  12. What do you have in mind for a date for a 2 day? If we're thinking about camping that trip needs to be summerish ... I should have a new enclosed trailer in a couple weeks. We could use it as a shelter, tent, kitchen... I'm planning on putting heat and air on this one and I'm probably going to get a 8.5x24. My last one was 7x18" and would easily sleep 4. I loaned my trailer to a friend and he rolled it. I'll find out Monday what the Inshurance co wants to pay me for it
  13. EXCELENT !!! I tried to wash some off and change colors. Lots of scrubbing!
  14. I wear a size xxl gloves and don't have any problems fat fingering my iPhone. And as far as the phone size they still fit in my pocket good but if you are going to use it for an extended period of time I'll get my ipad. Nothing's perfect
  15. Trust me 3 of us watched it happen, it landed on a pice of gravel under the grass.
  16. My wife has the 4 (I hate it, if it was my first iPhone o would have gone back to Android) she had it fall off a 30" handrail in into the grass and the screen broke.
  17. I like that!!!! Congrats
  18. Pros= IT WORKS By that I mean it doesn't have to be powered on and off and it's not dog slow... Cons= Fragile!!!!!!!!!! I'm on my third, one went for a swim in the hot tub and the other one fell out of the truck on a gravel road face down and I stepped on it! BTW, the one that went swimming for SEVERAL minutes I took apart and dried it out and it worked fine but the camera never worked again. I actually think I may have done that taking it apart... Get a Lifeproof "Nuud" case!
  19. Oddly enough that's what everyone uses and then uses an epoxy topcoat.
  20. I vote rock! But seriously not everyone will probably not be able to make that trip so if we are going to get a group of guys together to invade the Rock we probably should still do a local thing also? Thoughts? That said I'd love to spend a weekend at the Rock... On a side note when do we get to go to Shawnee to catch trout?
  21. What ratio of paint to thinner are you at? Did you buy a budget airbrush? What are you using for thinner?
  22. Yea the "dots" kicked my but! Live and learn... I'm using mainly Createx I got a few of the wicked and I like them allot! Try the wicked Aluminum $.02
  23. Best phone ever made. Period!
  24. All of my blanks came from predator. The practice ones are almost as nice as the full price ones And he shipped fast!
  25. Hey Blue, is it to early to start setting up the KC Classic?
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