Purdy! That new of a boat should be good to go but it makes no sense that he won't get it out to sell it.
Does that have a folding toung on the trailer?
This is what I'm using. It's tough as nails but goes on thicker than I like. You can get it at Ace Hardware. Don't get the 30 minute cure as it won't flow good.
Are you wanting Santa to bring you a 110 or a 110+1?
Drew, I'm glad you brought up lure painting. I had some time this afternoon so I got the airbrush out.
Now if I could remember where I put the eyes at???
I think this is what I have
That's a good start then I got some metallic gold silver & copper.
I like Predator Baits for the blanks.
Hey guys, we've kicked around the idea of getting everyone together for a "Christmas" dinner. It's winter and we don't get a chance to hang out...
I'm thinking this Thursday would be the best date? We've had a suggestion of a Mexican restaurant in Gardner or Sizzle has said we can have it at his house in KCK.
Anyhow who would be able to attend?
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