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Hi Salenity

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Everything posted by Hi Salenity

  1. No
  2. As the water gets colder I love to tie on some form of spoon.
  3. Purdy! That new of a boat should be good to go but it makes no sense that he won't get it out to sell it. Does that have a folding toung on the trailer?
  4. Tell Santa I like scantily clad petite blonds!
  5. What was it? And BTW, I'm the idiot that buys a boat that's never driven it. Lol! I've done it at least twice.
  6. This is what I'm using. It's tough as nails but goes on thicker than I like. You can get it at Ace Hardware. Don't get the 30 minute cure as it won't flow good. Are you wanting Santa to bring you a 110 or a 110+1?
  7. True, no one wanted a bike made by a bowling ball manufacturer.
  8. That place has been adding on my entire life.
  9. SPEEDBEAD would never approve of that list!
  10. That's a great price! Thankfully I don't need them but it's a great price!
  11. Lol, nope it was under water
  12. Drew, I'm glad you brought up lure painting. I had some time this afternoon so I got the airbrush out. Now if I could remember where I put the eyes at???
  13. I've got to get a 360. It would be great for chasing Whites & Wiper in the winter. Do they make a mount for the Terrova yet?
  14. If your buying,,,,,,,,,,,,,IM IN!!!!!!!
  15. The best I ever got was a Coleman lantern. It's Propane and works great!
  16. I think this is what I have http://www.ebay.com/itm/23-Createx-Airbrush-Paint-Primary-Pearl-Opaque-Fluorescent-Cleaner-Color-Set-Kit-/290938301427?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43bd462bf3 That's a good start then I got some metallic gold silver & copper. I like Predator Baits for the blanks.
  17. I'm using a TFO 7'6"EH Rod I had laying around its a fast action. With the size of hooks on the 10XD I don't see needing a slower action rod.
  18. Good thing we didn't plan it at your house!
  19. I'm in and can bring the boxing gloves if needed?
  20. I haven't caught squat on a jerkbait in over a month.
  21. Sorry you guys got cold.
  22. The place in Gardner would be closer for everyone but I guarentee the food would be better at Sean's!
  23. Sure, Id plan to bring my wife (to drive me home) lol.
  24. Hey guys, we've kicked around the idea of getting everyone together for a "Christmas" dinner. It's winter and we don't get a chance to hang out... I'm thinking this Thursday would be the best date? We've had a suggestion of a Mexican restaurant in Gardner or Sizzle has said we can have it at his house in KCK. Anyhow who would be able to attend?
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