So it rained Sunday morning so we didn't get on the water until around 9. Not a lot to report Sunday, 2 cats, 2 crappie all on a Mepps Several whites but no Greens or Browns that made it in the boat. I did have 2 unknown fish to the boat that were in the 2' range easily. I was brown and may have been a Carp and the other was Black. I didn't see it's head but it's tail could have gone 6'' tall fanned out.
The camp sight was $22.70 with a truck pass!!! We stayed in 38 on church hill loop. We were the only ones in a tent everyone else was in RV's
A tournament was just getting over as we got off the water. It took just over 9# to win it and paid $500 to win and my buddy said he thought they said it paid $300 something for second!
I talked to a guy that fished in it and he said the winner had 1-15'' 1-14'' and the rest were 13'' fish? I can't make that add up we got a smallie that went 16'' and it didn't go 2# maybe I need new scales LOL! Do they let you enter 13'' fish in Tournaments?
Anyhow this was the fish if the weekend. I had one almost as big but the pic sucks.
Anyhow it was a great weekend I hope I can make it out again next weekend.