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Everything posted by BassAssassin84

  1. i have only fished a few lakes up north of here fished a few lake in Hovland MN and some in grand rapids, mora, hill city
  2. hey man what part of norther MN you from do you ever make it around chisago lakes area ?
  3. I will dig through some old pics and see if i can find a few for ya Vinny they are amazing fish for this state that's for sure another thing that makes it hard for them to get big in this state is that there is so many people that won't do replica mouts because they don't look like the real thing but if you find the rite taxidermist they really do or they are those real crazy ones that think bass taste good and eat everyone they catch should be a catch and release fish world wide JMO
  4. 7 1/2 lbs is plenty doable in MN don't get me wrong your never going to boat a limit of them but i have personally seen many in the 6-7 1/2 lbs caught up here in central MN and personally know of two that broke the state rec but it takes a lot of time on the water and shorelines to come across them
  5. I was wondering how hard is it to fish Bass Jigs with a spinning reel? I have never attempted to fish many Bass Jigs but I am going to really push myself this season to learn how to fish them but every article i read they only talk about using baitcasters not spinning setups don't get me wrong i can use a baitcaster just fine but I sold all of the ones I had in the past and now all I have is spinning rods so i guess what im asking is does anyone on the site fish Bass Jigs with out a baitcaster? and if so what type or setup do you use rod,line,ect. any help would be great oh and I fish Minnesota lakes only not sure if that matters just thought I would throw it out there thanks again!
  6. I myself perfer the shad lots of action and it can be fished many different ways not saying that the toad can't be both are great lures the toad is the better for a slow retreive but the shad can be fished alot faster
  7. yeah i have fished chisago lake alot i grew up in the area got a few other lakes i want to hit up around my neck of the woods just wanted to see where everyone likes to fish thanks for the reply and hope to see many more of your post
  8. what is your favorite lake in Minnesota for largemouth bass?
  9. I myself perfer Spiderwire
  10. cool thanks for all the replys guys good to hear what everyone thinks thanks again
  11. welcome to the site
  12. I forgot to state I fish Minnesota and usally fish bass and big pike
  13. just wondering how many people have used the Vicious line and what did you think? I have always had great luck with Spiderwire but had seen a clip on the vicious line not sure if i want to switch from something thats been working so good for me any tips would be great thanks
  14. how did you guys get a picture to upload for you profile? i can't seem to get it to work for me was also going to make a album and share some of my pictures but it won't let me do that either any help would be great thanks
  15. Black BuzzBait any time of the year best luck just after dark with them though or Floating Pumpkin Ribbit Frog at day break seems to do the trick every time
  16. grew up In the Chisago Lakes area been fishing the lakes around here all my life stumbled across this site while looking for other people to talk bassin with and try and learn a few things to make my days on the water that much better and hopefully return the favor with some of my little tricks to land the big ones
  17. Vinny Chase I am from North Branch mn grew up in the Chisago Lakes area
  18. hi there i am from central mn just joined the site hope to see alot of fellow minnesota bassers on here
  19. hi my name is joe 27 year old avid bass fishermen from minnesota i have been fishing since i was able to walk but really got in to bass fishing when i was about 11 years old and have been addicted every since can't wait to see what the site is all about and hope to get alot of good tips and give some of my own thanks
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