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Everything posted by kidnikarus1

  1. It looks like yellow tailed jack. We used to catch these when i lived in Florida as a kid and then use them for bait. Where did you catch it?
  2. Thanks for the update, it is down here in VA too. 2 % bleach solution is what our Department of Game and Inland Fisheries is saying to soak our stuff in.
  3. Hello all, I am doing a camping/kayaking/fishing trip the first weekend in June on the Upper Delaware - starting in Barryville and ending 18 miles downriver. I did this trip about 12 times but not in the last 8 years. I have caught trout, shad, smallies and largemouth on my other outings, but it has been a while. With the poor winter is water flow an issue for fishing and kayaking? Anything working that i should know of. Also, will the shad still be around? Any tips will certainly be appreciated! Thanks! Nick
  4. HI BigBarge, I grew in in the Bronx, most people are surprised at how great fishing is in NYC and just a little bit north. Between Salt and Fresh water is fished almost 10 months a year. It was also a lot easier back then since I was single w/ no kids and bartended at night. The bronx river held bass, prospect park in brooklyn and central park in Manhattan. I went to school in Westchester and loved hitting the lakes up there and in Putnam county. Fahnestock was my favorite. Consistently would get bass at 3lbs and spring and fall the pickerel were awesome. I know some people despise pickerel - but they are definitely one of my favorite fish to catch. I do not have a boat so when the weather warms up let me know if you want to hit some shores spots around here. Holmes Run holds bass. I actually caught my PB there. I am not sure if they are there naturally or if they spill over from the dam at lake barcroft but they are in there!
  5. I fished gravelly point - which is the other side Roaches run pretty much all summer and had great success. A bunch of nice large mouth a few smallies and few strpers. Roaches run has a ton of fish in it. I have not had any luck on that side - shore access is pretty limited but from other reports that i read people due pretty good from there kayak in there. Supposedly a loy of snakeheads - but i do not know if they hang around for the winter. I am pretty sure you need a DC license for Roaches Run - you do need it for Gravelly which is only seperated by the gw parkway. I also just read a couple of recent reports for Four Mile Run - which included carp and largemouth. Sounds like you are in Northern Virginia - you ever try Holmes Run or Accotink for trout. I have had decent luck at holmes run this year.
  6. NIce smallie, i caught one on the potomac about a month ago that had a similar sore below its eye. It was pretty nasty.
  7. Any tips for fishing plastics in really strong current. I just started to gain confidence using plastics (mostly lizards and senkos) in a lake I fish. I just started fishing a tidal river near me that has really strong currents and am having trouble identifying hits to set the hook. Any sugeestions?
  8. I used to camp at Cedar Rapids in Barryville. The same weekend evey year for 15 years. The only trout i ever caught on spinning gear was at the creek on the campsite where it empties into the Delaware. I would kayak fish from Cedar Rapids down river 18 miles. It was great fishing. Its funny how i used to get stares from people on the river when they saw me fishing from a kayak. Nowadays it is pretty normal! How was the shad run this year?
  9. Holmes Run in Fairfax County should be stocked soon. Smells like a sewer though.... @Quanjig...I went to Lake Accotink yesterday. The dam is in unbelievable condition. The path between the overflow and the creek is destroyed. Chunks of the payment everywhere. There was a piece that was just sitting in the creek. Looks like a huge lawsuit waiting to happen. It seems like that place getting crushed with every major storm.
  10. I have caught 9 so far this year on the potomac. All up by northern virginia. The biggest being 26 inches. Most about 18-20 and 1 that was barely 4 inches - but hey it was still a striper!
  11. kidnikarus1


    My Fishing Advisor - free app through android. It is unbelievable, most of it is common sense but is usually nails it. Once you get it configured, you can choose quick picks and it will tell you best lures and best times to fish.
  12. Anyone have a good lure retriever that works ftom the shore? I am losing two to three lures a week and can not afford it anymore!!!!!!!! Most of the ones that i see online (that have good reviews) seem to work only when in a boat and positioned directly above the lure. Most of my snags are thirty to forty feet from shore. Thanks!
  13. Lake Fairfax is pretty good. I caught 5 bass about two weeks ago. 2 under the dock and three in the stream on the otherside of the dam. Riverbend is good for smallies. HUntsman and Mercer are also good lakes with very little pressure.
  14. Any suggestions for shore fishing for striped bass b/w Woodbridge and Arlington. I have a spot that has been pretty productive but it is well known with the flyfishing community and gets extremely crowded. Thanks! If privacy is an issue please PM me. Thanks!!
  15. I don't know much about catfishing. I was fishing the potomac yesterday with a swim jig. When I was bringing in the jig I felt something heavy kinda like when you catch a plastic bag. When I got the jig to the surface I realized I caught something. Big white head....then I lost it. Never set the hook cause I assumed I snagged some garbage. I think it was a catfish. I thought that catfish could were only caught with bait.
  16. Hey there, I live in Woodbridge off of Minniville too. Any suggestions of where to go would be great. i have hit leeslyvania, locust shade and prince william forest park and the occaquan. I do most of my fishing in near my office in Arlington. Thanks!
  17. Any one ever catch a creek chub? Caught one last weekend. Decent little fight for a small fish. It made crazy noises almost like barking when I was removing the hook.
  18. Patience is key. I grew up fishing in new york strictly on crank bait. Started fishing senkos when I moved to virginia and did not have much luck until I found a stream that has a horrible dragonfly problem. The dragon flies would land on my rod my arms and my head. When I would stop bouncing my worm to swat the dragonflies off me I was hooking up with bass. Now I always do a 30 count before I move mt bait and it works wonders,
  19. Hello All, Heading to Emerald Isle in a week. Any freshwater pond suggestions? Also, any tips on shore fishing in the bay - tackle, times etc. Thanks!
  20. Thanks for the tips.
  21. Thanks, for the advice. I have been using the satalitte feature on my phone to find water, but there is a liitle info on line regarding fishable waters. I was surprised to find that holmes run (right below columbia pike) holding some nice bass. I have tried four mile run near wilson and only caught a few sunfish. Do you know if Beaver Pond in Ballston produces anything or even if it accesible?
  22. Hello, I am looking for a little help finding some spots in northern virginia - Arlington/Falls Church/Springfield/Annandale to fish (specifically during my lunch break). I have been hitting holmes run up for the last couple of months and looking for something different that I can get to in 10 or 15 minutes. Any help would be appreciated.
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