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Everything posted by chilliblanket

  1. i understand what youre talking about and i agree with certain points, but i am not keeping a taut line with my jig at all times. In fact, i may spend more time with slack line when i am fishing a jig than with it tight. With that said, having a more balanced rod would be beneficial to me because holding the rod for longer periods would allow me to feel less fatigue. The only real weight i feel from the jig is if i pop it a couple times or shake it a little. Thanks for your opinion btw. I will definitely consider your input.
  2. well honestly i prefer to have rods that are all the same series, and I'm currently looking for the best series in my price range. the rod i am looking to purchase first though is a jig rod. I already have a heavier action 7'6 for denser cover, but i just dont enjoy throwing my jig with it because at my lake, the heavy action is very unnecessary. The rod i use for my jig is also very tip heavy so giving the jig small twitches gets a little tiresome at the end of the day. just looking for the best budget series to begin following that provides a light and balanced rod.
  3. no sir. I've felt the veritas, but its been difficult for me to get a hold of a compre to compare. What is it that makes the compre more appealing to you than the veritas? Thanks for the reply. If i prefer a balanced rod to a lighter rod, do you suggest that if i purchase a rod longer than 7 that i ditch the split grip to improve the rods balance?
  4. do you prefer your compre to your veritas? which size and action is your veritas?
  5. I'll make sure to take a look at the powell rods too. I was just trying to minimize cost. I am most interested in a light balanced rod.
  6. have you messed around with a veritas?
  7. I've been comparing the lamiglas excel, veritas, and compre rods. I was wondering if any of those who owned these rods could provide some input regarding the sensitivity and weight of the blanks. I prefer rods that are not very tip heavy, and i was looking for a light one with good sensitivity. I dont have access to all three of these rods to try them out, so i was thinking that asking experienced users would be the next best thing. Thanks for all the help.
  8. thank you again for everyone and their replies
  9. Thanks for everyones input and help. I'm just trying to get fluoro perks with braid manageability. A lot of you seem to like just the straight fluoro.. i guess i can try both and see how it turns out. Have any of you guys fished seminole? so it seems to me that you prefer running straight fluoro as opposed to braid with a fluoro leader right? what makes it better for you?
  10. What are your guy's thoughts on running braid with a fluoro leader as opposed to all fluoro? I was thinking about running this combination of line for my reels currently spooled with straight fluoro. What do you guys think?
  11. i heard something about the bigger females too.. but it was about them move up earlier not them actually spawning earlier.. also something about them spawning relatively deeper.. or something like tht, i dunno
  12. thanks for all the replies! i went out yesterday after a rain-- weather was still overcast and a little misty. I found a really shallow flat and threw a spook. Action was great.. but it cleared up today and i plan on trying to slow down if that topwater bite isnt on.
  13. yeah ive always been real interested in using the carolina rig to fidn some fish. I have a little trouble with it here though because there are so many branches and laydown trees at the bottom.. the weeds in this particular body of water are very shallow.. makes it difficult to rip rattle traps out.. i agree with finding fish before slowing down and really taking time to dissect the fish, but i cant seem to find any concentrations of fish fishing any baits quickly up and down this lake lol
  14. well im not entirely sure if the fish are still feeding up for winter.. seems to mee theyre already done with that... this small pond can heat up really quick and stayed at around high 80 and low 90s during the days of the summer... i think the 55 degree temperature might still mean fall patterns for areas more north but since im in the south i think they might be done with that.. what do you think?
  15. actually i totally agree with you. Thats what ive been throwing recently. i cant find any consistent area or pattern though. Im catching fish here and there.
  16. Im catching fish here and there, but I've been up and down my little pond in the backyard looking for the fish, and I cant find any concentration of them. Im looking for breaks or really steep drops around the creek channel and the flats but im having trouble finding where these fish are holding. The past few days the water has been at or around 55 and the water clarity is around 1 feet with a brownish hue. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions. Thanks for the help.
  17. thanks for all the help everyone!
  18. so bends in braided line do not really affect line strength like they do in mono and fluoro? and which characteristics of braid do you not like?
  19. I know fluoro and mono are pretty susceptible to kinking from backlash. Is braid as likely to kink? Will it weaken the line substantially?
  20. typically i dont think duckweed is particularly thick or difficult to get through. You can throw 3/4 or 1 oz jigs into there without a problem i presume. You can try punching too... but i doubt that you would need to. How thick is the stuff?
  21. you talking about the mustad triple grips? Have you found that theyre harder to hang up?
  22. have you found any negative affects on the hook ups or landing fish?
  23. yeah, sorry for the confusion, but i was aware that the pts was the saltwater version. I was just wondering if along with exterior changes for corrosion resistance, there were changes in the bearings to prevent the salt from entering. On top of that, i wanted to make sure that the smoothness and fluidity was not worse in the pts than it is in the pt.
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