Clayton i bought one of your chatterbaits from mondo before i went down to LOZ and i love that thing! great product!!
Little update i havnt been on here much lately but I fish for the KSU fishing team and last month we had our midwest regional qualifier for the BASS national championship. This was a two day tourny (friday and saturday) we went down the week before the tourny to prefish, which fourtanatly was our spring break, during that week we boated ONE fish......So the whole next week we were kinda worried about going down and not catching a single thing. Thursday roles around and we are at the ramp at about noon to pre fish before our meeting we ened up boating two keepers before the meeting which made us feel a little better. Day one is here and we decide we are going to make a far run up north to gravious arm and fish it our first spot yields nothing but our second stop we landed TWO keepers and after we covered it for a while we decided to leave. Our goal of just weighing a fish in our fist college tournament is becoming reality. We ran further up the arm and found a bluff wall to fish on and the second cast with my A- Rig I landed a short and after that one it was on but the problem was it was all shorts. Finally i landed a 4lber to add to the bag. We left that spot and headed down to the glaize to fish the rest of the 4hrs and did not catch another fish. We were sitting in 15th after day one with two of the other KSU teams in 14th and 7th. The cut to go to the national championship was 14th
Day two is here and we were happy to even be there at this point, and sitting in 15th with a shot at advancing to the national championship was just a bouns. We deciced to head all the way up to gravious where we caught our 4lber on day one....It payed off big time!! By 9:00am we had our 5 fish in the boat with two of them being 4.5lbs 1 3lber and 1 2lbs and 1 1.5lb. We knew we had to cull that one fish, we stayed on the spot until about noon with no luck at culling him we caught a bunch of shorts. We were headed back to the glaize when we decided to pull in a random cove we have never fished just to get out of wake from a huge boat coming through. I threw my A-rig across the face of a dock and while i was pulling my rig out of the water I got smashed!!! a 5lb 4 oz giant at this point in the day! Thats it we knew we were national championship bound. As the day came to a close we started wondering if everyone one else had as good of a day as we did? we walked across the stage with 18lbs 12oz! that put us in 1st for over an hr that we were in the hot seat! the second place team came up and knocked us off by 1lb 1oz! one more fish on day one and we would have been in 2nd. But we took third in our first college tournament! and we are national championship bound! It was such an amazing experience and i was glad that my parents and girlfriend were there to support us along with 7 other KSU teams.
It was announced today that the Championship will be held on Lake chatuge in Georgia. The dates are July 31st and August 1st.