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Brian Peacock

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Fry (1/9)



  1. Just fished Rockygorge for the first time today! I took my two man kayak and my buddy john and a topo map and just went for it , had no clue about the place. we put in at the ramp off of supple rd.got there at 6:30am as soon as we were in the water I could see fish breaking acoss the lake by the powerlines got there to discover the lake has a great white perch population. I cought two bass on a spitin image( top water ) on the point under the lines.aafter 8:30 - 9:00 we dicided to go up the lake across from the big point on first main bend in the lake my map showed a step drop near the bank fished a white senko , nothin! Tried crank bait . nothin! then I went to my old reliable 4" curly tail worm peanutbuter n jelly color with a 1/16 oz. bullet weight. BINGO ! caught 7 more before we left at 11:30 nothing biger then 2 pounds but stil not bad for first visit this lake seems promising can't wait to come back with my depth finder then its on! fish were on drop offs in 8 foot deep or more.
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