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Everything posted by mcliff

  1. Took my son (9) and father (70) out fishing today in the canoe. We had a great time, landed over a dozen crappie (big one today was 9 1/2 inches) and enjoyed three generations of fisherman together! It was the first time my son caught anything other than a sunfish, so he loved it. Can't wait to get back out there again next weekend. Mike
  2. Mike, Looking to get out tomorrow as well. Hopefully take out the canoe and get out on a pond. Weather should be a bit more comfortable Sunday. Mike
  3. Good fishing to all of you tomorrow!
  4. Brain, Thanks for the invite, I've been reading this post actually! Unfortunately I have to work this weekend and next....figures! I live in Brockton, which isn't a bad spot to hit other areas from pretty easily. Thanks for the welcome. Looking forward to meeting the eastern MA guys one of these days....I consider myself an informational sponge! Mike
  5. Thanks for the tip! Has anyone fished Whitman's Pond in Weymouth this year? I know it gets a ton of shore traffic, but I wasn't sure if there are still plenty of fish to catch if you can get out on the water.
  6. I'll give that a shot as well...just need to find a spot with a clear enough path to run the worm through.....
  7. Thanks for the replies! Can't wait to get the canoe back in the water next weekend and give the frogs a try.
  8. Hi there. I was just wondering what is the best lure for fishing on a pond with heavy lilly pad cover? The pond in question has heavy coverage on top, and heavy weeds just below the surface as well. I will have to fish above water if I don't want to catch vegetation all day long. Any suggestions? Mike
  9. Outstanding work!
  10. My guess is if I build one for my father, I would end up building one for my son and myself as well....and from what I've read from all of you, making lures and rods becomes addicting.....
  11. Thanks! I swing back over there and take a look this weekend.
  12. Thanks Tom!
  13. Hi there. I have been looking at the starter kits (blanks, accessory kits, etc;) on Mud Hole and considering building a custom rod for my father, who I have convinced to get back into fishing now that his grandson is hooked (pardon the pun). My question is, beyond the blank kit and accesory kit, what else "must" be orderd in order to make this special gift for my father (from myself and his grandson)? Feel free to PM me if it is easier. I apprecaite any help / guidance so I can see if this is a realistic idea (I have a garage full of tools, drill press, etc; so it would only be a case of specialty tools). Thanks. Mike
  14. Welcome!
  15. Any idea which aftermarket stadium seats would have straps long enough to work on the scanoe seats? Wouldn't mind a little back support when anchored and fishing.
  16. We decided to hit the pond near our house today before dinner, and my sun landed the biggest bluegill of his short fishing career! He battled it in like a champ! Mike
  17. Thanks Marty! The NY link is exactly what I was looking for!
  18. Hi there. I was wondering if there is a sticky topic or perhaps an article with photos to help ID the various fish species in the regions we each live in??? If there isn't one here, is there a good site for helping to identify a catch?
  19. From a fellow Newbie to the site - welcome aboard!
  20. Here is to hoping we both have years of fishing and canoe enjoyment with our kid(s)!!!
  21. No problem! Hopefully I can get the canoe out on the water later this weekend with the family!
  22. Yes. Square back model.
  23. LOL. That's the risk with kids....it is the best thing they have ever seen/done/heard/eaten/etc; one day....and they have no interest at all the next! Hopfeully my son keeps the fishing interest....I just went out and picked up a coleman canoe for us today!
  24. Picked up a 14' Coleman SCanoe today for my son and I to get out on the water for some fishing. Looking forward to taking it out next weekend and giving him a chance to fish away from shore. Hopefully he catches a good size fish out on the water!
  25. Thanks for the note! I took my son to Cleveland Pond (Abington) on our way out today, and there was a nice looking small mouth sitting not 8 feet from us on the edge of the pond! Too bad the rods were all the way back in the car! Oh well...at least I know there are fish in there!
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