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Everything posted by mcliff

  1. New England style....only way you should make clam chowda'
  2. mcliff

    New From Ma

    Hello and welcome to fellow Massachusetts member!
  3. We were washed out yesterday, so I had to go to BPS to console myself......oh well....the weekend is almost hear again...
  4. I was planning on taking the canoe to the Nip on Sunday morning. Just wondering if anyone has fished it recently and if there are any good tips
  5. Grampa - plenty of fish, but my son was the one catching them all! I got shutout on the bass, but my son caught some really nice crappie and a nice big, fat white perch.
  6. Thanks Grampa! Sounds good. Wouldn't mind my son hooking something a bit bigger than he has been - bigger pond, bigger fish. He has only seen pickerel online and in a fishing book he has, so it would be great to catch one.
  7. Plan on taking my son fishing Friday morning but need to decide between Lake Sabbatia, Lake Nippenicket or Lake Massapoag. Haven't fished any of them yet, and was looking for advice on which one to go with (will be taking canoe and trolling motor).
  8. Hello and welcome! Not a bad way to re-start your love of fishing!
  9. Hello and welcome to a fellow New Englander!
  10. Hello and welcome!
  11. Enjoying ever minute of vacation, so I took my son out this afternoon in the canoe so we could try out the new trolling motor. Set the throttle to "1" and just went up and down the lake a dozen times. While I only caught one small mouth (8 1/2"), I caught a few good size crappies and some perch. My son (9 years old) caught 11 fish (crappie, yellow and white perch and sunfish) and had a great time. I would say he is hooked on trolling now.
  12. Took my son and father out in the canoe again this morning. After a string of perch, my son finally got on the crappie, brining in two 9 1/2" fish. The all of the sudden, he got a nice, strong hit and a young, small mouth (only 7") broke out of the water in protest! He reeled the SM in, and caught the first bass of his short fishing career! Needless to say, the smile is still on his face.
  13. Congrats!
  14. Son's are a great way to get back into fishing (I know!) for sure! Welcome aboard!
  15. Nice work!
  16. Hello and welcome!
  17. Hello and welcome!
  18. So much for the "Live Free or Die" state....
  19. Hi and welcome!
  20. Bad news? I'll take a large mouth..... I'm right over in the Brookfield neighborhood of Brockton, so it isn't much more for me. I was fishing the pond in the Grove in Holbrook over the weekend, and the crappie were hitting like crazy. Good time. I overheard two other guys in a canoe saying they caught several bass over 12" that morning, so I am going to work the other sides of the pond next time I go out. Cleveland Pond is nice, but there is so much to see, my wife doesn't like to stop the canoe long enough to let me fish!
  21. It's all about the fight in the fish!
  22. Welcome!
  23. Great times indeed! Best part was my father catching a little 3" blue gill and me making him hold it up for a picture....he didn't think that was too funny though...
  24. Went out also this morning, around 8:30 toward the tail end of the rain. Took the canoe. Crappies were hitting heavy today where I was.
  25. Congrats on a great day!
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