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About newcreation

  • Birthday 01/18/1979

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Southern Ohio
  • My PB
    Between 2-3 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Other Interests
    Hanging with my family. I am active in my church. Hunting turkeys. Studying the Bible, and theology.

newcreation's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. Thanks for the reply. I have yet to cut the old nut off. My air compressor is pretty loud, and every time i have had a minute to do it the last two days the baby has been asleep. Should get it cut some night this week. I called BPS and the only prop they had for that motor was a ninja???? i was like ok... 46 bucks with shipping. Should be back in buiness for next weekend, might do some night fishing after opening day of dove hunting...super stoked. Any way thanks again for the reply.
  2. Ok, Here's what I have. I have an old old trolling motor. I'm Guessing it was from the early 80's maybe earlier. I tried to replace the prop, the nut would not come off. The prop broke on the inside where the prop goes on to the shaft. I need to get the nut off, and find a new prop. Any ideas where to start. The nut should be able to be cut off using a die grinder. The only inf i have is it is a motor guide II mdel number is 2600. That is all i know. It is very small but i have a very small boat too. Thank for any info.
  3. I guess i was thinking of getting some driving lights or brake lights to shine on the bank and so I can see logs and stumps. I know that you are supose to run bow and stern lights, however i don't unless i am moving to a new location, I figure no one will hit me if i am 20-50 feet off shore and I have not seen too many people out night fishing on the lakes I fish. I am thinking that the brake light idea may be the best, I dont think the bugs would bother me as bad.
  4. I was wandering if anyone used lights at night. I heard of a few that used black lights and some that said to just get some led driving lights to shine up on the bank or whatever. Also thought of led brake lights (red). A recent night trip i hit a good size stump. No lights on except the headlamp on my forehead. i have heard some say lights scare fish. When we are bowfishing it does not seem to affect the carp and gar, at least. Any thoughts?
  5. There is a n old guy here in town that will take them clean em and eat. That is if we can save them on ice til he gets up as we usually are out til 3am or so. otherwise they go on the sweet corn patch.
  6. your right i meant to say supplies all fish with oxygen, had the thought on my mind of robbing cover. my mistake.
  7. Hope I don't open a can of worms. Bowfishing for carp is it ethical? I have read a few articals recently one on how carp rob stregic cover for bass, on the flip side plants rob oxygen for all fish. Straight up I have been bow fishing and it is a ball! we saw a ton of silver fish (carp) and some green and browns (bass). We shot 14 carp between 4 of us. The particular lake has very very low amount of grass. I also read carp can lay over 2000 eggs a year. I cannot verify that number but it is what comes to mind. I love the sport of bass fishing and would love to see numbers explode in my local lake. BTW I would never run a knife through a bass. Just throwin it out there.
  8. With my work schedule most of my fishing happens after dark. here are some things i learned. Jitterbug Jitterbug Jitterbug. All black. just be careful with trebels at night. I use a head light made by energizer i got at wally mart $12.88 i think it has two modes white led and red i use the red the most. being an led it will last all this season and well into deer season if you are into that. Finally a lure retriever if you are not 100 % confident in hitting the mark in the dark. Also i bring needlenose pliars for the trebels. It is hands down a fun strike not being able to see. Good fishin!
  9. I went to put the boat away and charge the batteries, I checked them last night with my dvom trolling 10.5 cranking 12.6 I left the stern light on to run down my trolling batt. to give it a good charge. This morning when i checked em they wer both at 12.56v ballanced. I must have a wiring issue? well anyway I un hooked them and going to charge them both seperatly.
  10. Hey all. I am Tommy. I have been fishing now for two months now. I am 32 married with a 7 month old little boy! I drive a truck locally so the time on the water usually happens after work when i don't have to work the next day, as we work 12-14 hrs a day. I used to fish a little bit in high school like alot of kids did. After getting skunked this spring turkey hunting, my uncle who fishes alot of bfl's and weekend tourns took me out and we slayed em as they say. We live in southern Ohio and I have fished in only two lakes, My home lake Rocky Fork and last night i fished at Caesars creek lake. It is on the way home fron work and convienent. SUPER CLEAN lake! Alot of ski boats last night. I have a small 14 ft bass boat 85 glasstream, with plans for a 18 ft triton allum. when my fishing buddy grows up a little. Look forward to meeting some good folks! Thanks to all who have been so nice in answering so many questions!
  11. Thanks for the info! I usually only get to fish one night a week, so for now either the 1.5 or the 6 amp charger would work if I am understanding the logic of charging a battery, slower will not hurt it, it just takes more time. I beleive that is what your saying. The new 1.5 has a maintainer option so I can just leave it pluged in.
  12. Anthing has to be better than the guy i saw today.. 2011 21 ft triton yanked by a 89 lincoln town car. nice wish i could have got a pic.
  13. Ok I bought an 2 everstart batteries. I read an article in one of the bass magazines and decided on a cranking battery everstart deep cycle 600 cca to turn my Johnson over. I got the biggest rated everstart to run my motorguide and accessories. Ok first two trips no problems. This evening I was out for about 3 hrs and my voltage dropped to 10 volts. So I cut my all nighter short. I did charge the battery before i went overnight. I used a 6 amp charger that does not have auto shutoff. An old guy on the dock told me I need to slow charge the battery after running it completely down. I have the lights left on and i did get a 1.5 amp charger with auto off. The guy at Wal-Mart said to bring the battery back if it does not hold charge, so that looks promising. I guess my question is am I on the right track?
  14. thanks for the input. thought it would be a fun vacation.!
  15. Have a question. Is it within the rules to fish in more than one division in BFL or BASS Weekend series? for instance this weekend fish in ohio and next in texas different divisions. This question is strictly hypothetical.
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