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Everything posted by B-ASSman

  1. What about a winch? If you do go the trailer route- can you drive one at 55mph on the high way?
  2. OK- Ive pretty much borrowed a lot of ideas from nearly every post and modified my 10E into one fine vessel. One thing I am NOT so happy with is the boat dolly - for at 135$ is nearly a waste of my hard earned mullah. I find I can just back up my pick up truck and launch this sucker easily into the water on 2 4x4's Ive rigged into a ramp. My problem is getting that sucker back into the truck with out killing myself - which the boat dolly doesnt help a bit with. Mind you at 38 I still bench 250# easlily - YET reloading this boat out of the water into my truck is an awkward biatch and I just know Im gonna through my back out. I am thinking about winching it up into the bed a bit then I could push it easily into the bed- any body have any tricks they use to get it in the truck bed easier?
  3. or these... http://www.basspro.com/Rod-Rack-N-Go-Rod-Storage-and-Carry-System/product/55181/-1031942?cmCat=CROSSSELL_PRODUCT
  4. d**n sorry that pic came out like gibberish
  5. What do ya think of these? They hold from ceiling typically so they should work flat. 1 per side = 8 total rod capacity http://www.basspro.com/Berkley-Twist-Lock-Horizontal-Rod-Rack/product/15992/-261276 berkeley even makes a 6 rod version if u wanna keep it only to one side and max out number
  6. [ This boat has built in wheels to roll it around which is great however not so great trying to load into the truck by yourself as the boat wants to roll out before you can position yourself to lift the rear of the boat to slide into truck. I made a simple hook from a piece of stainless rod to hold the boat so I could reposition without having the boat slide out. I tried ramping the boat into the truck....no good, plastic wheels slide around the ramps. Regarding loading into the pickup I am making 2 - 7ft long 4x8's wrapped with carpet to assist ramping/sliding my rig into the bed if u used them on edge it might prop high enough to eliminate the wheel problem u have
  7. Here are some pictures of my new rig.... Very Sharp Looking! Nicely done Funny- but I am fabricating a similar floor for mine- cept I was considering using the Ol' green indoor /outdoor turf instead of a marine carpet. I like the pedestal look too....but i need a high back to stay comfy How was it without the rudder- If only I had any welding skills.....i hate to spend that kind of money on scrap metal
  8. Hey Red- Wonderin if one could opt to use a drift sock or anchor instead of a rudder- Any experience with those ? I ask because I am plannin to back mount my trollin motor and a front rudder isnt so practical? Anybody else have any input on this - it'd be much appreciated.
  9. Ive decided to adopt this as well. Any updates on performance or other issues you may have run into? I am wondering how protected the transducer is at that level when moving the boat in and out of the water? How do you protect it from damage? Thanks
  10. Hey J- I'm waiting on some chairs I bought- then will post pics. Right now its just a plain ol 10E
  11. Hello Guyz! Just wanted to say how awesome this site is. Im resurrecting my love for bass fishing with my kids- and hope to renew the joy I had going out with my gramps before he passed when i was 14. This time - I hope to pass lessons on to my boys and maybe start a tradition
  12. Hey Guys- What an amazing thread! Im sooo digging this boat and its mod- ability. Just picked up a 10ftr for 250$ - as a project for me and my two boyz (6 and 8). First Im tackling the fish finder- and wanted to see if you bought that clamp rig from someone?
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