You seem like a smart fella and passionate about fishing, but c'mon.... To say that water temperature does not affect bass migrating to deeper water is non sense. Im not saying that predatory fish don't congregate near oxygenating vegetation, but it's a well known fact that colder water holds more oxygen than warm water (I think I learned that in 4th grade). Add deeper water, structure and current , now you have a very nice hunny hole. Also "deeper water "is a word relavent to the avg depth of the body of water that it is associated with.
It is my perspective that a "favorite technique" for "summertime" is more or less concerning the specific fisherman's confidence level with a specific lure or technique. So maybe your post would be more accurate if the question wasn't "your favorite technique" but if it were "what is the best technique"...
My favorite technique durings the hot months are, cranking "deep" structure and/or skipping jigs, plastics under docks , shoreline overhangs / brush ect...
-If I'm on a farm pond ect... Than it's top water all day, everyday