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Everything posted by GruntVet

  1. Old thread but a goodie!! I've been doing some serious crankin these last 2 years and one thing that wasn't really touched on about tunning, mistuning your bait making it run off to the right or left to crash into floating docks with pylings, bluff walls and my favorite being METAL sea walls! Being able to run those cranks under long docks is awesome! I am so suprised when people don't try those tactics. I almost always put a limit in my boat in a hurry!
  2. Absolutely!!! You loose your confidence you loose the ability to land good fish... Among other things, that is why the pro's excell when others fail, they are using 10 times the confidence level than the weekend guy like myself! :-) Good input!
  3. Thanks! I've been an avide viewer for sometime, felt the need to register and hopefully help support a great network of knowledge and fish tales... Glad to be here, the ole lady hardly lets me get out on my boat these days, so at least I can talk fish and visualize being out on the water haha. Different perspectives lead to enlightened thought process, plus my pops was about your age and I've always learned to take his word with a grain of salt
  4. I know 7lbs when I see it.. Good fish!
  5. lol that definitely sounds like something I would do!
  6. For simplicity sake, colder water holds more O2 than warm water. Generally... Fishing is an art, not a science... I.E - Ice in the live well reducing stress to fish Thanks for putting me in my place though
  7. I use the universal 10pm - until the old lady starts blowing up my phone. Here in Ohio, for me the bites fade around 6pm and lights back up around 10pm. I use this method for bigger bodies of water (lakes ect). I read in some magazine some time ago, that those hours between early dusk to dark are times that the bass adjust to the lighting. Sounds like crap to me but hey I didnt write the article and Im sure it's hardly universal. Whatever it is, be safe if your takin the boat out!
  8. You seem like a smart fella and passionate about fishing, but c'mon.... To say that water temperature does not affect bass migrating to deeper water is non sense. Im not saying that predatory fish don't congregate near oxygenating vegetation, but it's a well known fact that colder water holds more oxygen than warm water (I think I learned that in 4th grade). Add deeper water, structure and current , now you have a very nice hunny hole. Also "deeper water "is a word relavent to the avg depth of the body of water that it is associated with. It is my perspective that a "favorite technique" for "summertime" is more or less concerning the specific fisherman's confidence level with a specific lure or technique. So maybe your post would be more accurate if the question wasn't "your favorite technique" but if it were "what is the best technique"... My favorite technique durings the hot months are, cranking "deep" structure and/or skipping jigs, plastics under docks , shoreline overhangs / brush ect... -If I'm on a farm pond ect... Than it's top water all day, everyday -2cents
  9. Bass Pro has lucky craft deep divers on sale for 10 bucks and some change. STOCK UP! PS use BP gift cards for free gas and always remember to link to BP through this site, to contribute! Fish on!
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