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Everything posted by avidone1

  1. I never even heard of this until I joined bass resource. I've been impressed enough by what I read here to buy a z man outfit.
  2. There it is I wish I could say that the above wasn't true for me, that I was some Svengali of the lake. But alas, I always have a rod with a speed clip at the end so I can change baits quickly until I find one that works. As an expert bass fisherman with many years experience I have perfected this technique. I call it the "Avidones famous throw them the tackle box" technique. It's famous the world over.
  3. roaming bass are next to impossible to catch. Best to move on.
  4. I guess because based on the replies so far, I'm not really seeing the difference.
  5. I stopped using them because ........and this sounds ridiculous but it's true.......I'm addicted to bass lures and this gave me a reason (not that I needed one) to buy new ones. When I did use a plug knocker, I used a spark plug. Worked really well.
  6. I got a new computer with windows 10 about 7 weeks ago. Before that my trusty ole HP comact was so old it was running vista. it was still working but was slower than frozen poop so I bought a new hp. I must say, I like the windows 10 features. Using apps is very cool. the new browser windows edge is, I think still a little glitchy, but that should smooth out with updates. And Cortana is a very cool feature. I think it's a winner.
  7. this past week or two I've been buying a lot of saltwater jigs and little swimbaits for snook and speckled trout. But just today my bps order came in with my ned rig set up.....1/15 (?) oz. Zman finesse shroomz heads and the stubby little z man plastics whose name shall be forgotten that go with them. Even this old dog is trying new tricks. I will let you know how they work out for me when I work up the nerve to put this itty bitty thingies on a rod and call it bass fishing.
  8. did not get my question answered. What is the difference between a Ned rig and a shakey head rig they seem pretty similar to me so I guess I'm missing something
  9. I saw some rage baits at the bps by me last week. was tempted to buy some because they look so good and y'all here seem to do well with them. The only thing that stopped me was the 40 or so bags of soft plastics I already have. LOL.....now I don't mind having way more bass baits than I could possibly use, but I just got done culling my baits and donating to police kids fishing program, so I'm a little hesitant about re building the bait stocks so soon. No worries, this feeling will soon pass and Mr. bait monkey will be honored.
  10. Smallmouth fishing is so much fun, especially in rivers. I used to go to the Wallkill in NY often. Was never disappointed. they would cream jigs with curly tails .....the original mister twisters to be exact. What ever happened to Mr. Twister??? don't hear about em anymore.
  11. beautiful healthy looking fish
  12. I guess the definition of what constitutes profanity here is a little tougher than what I consider to be ok. so, now I know....................thanks.
  13. I'm trying to get a feel for the culture here at bass resource. I seem to be saying things that are bad and so i'm getting the dreaded ******* LOL seriously though, I don't want to violate the letter or the spirit of the forum rules. That being said I wrote the word d**n in a post as in 'd**n sam' and it was given the star treatment. I don't get why this word is so offensive. Please enlighten me guys. I'm trying I really am
  14. d**n sam, you need to tie on a leader and take a knot tying class. You have excellent taste in lures. Remind me to fish downstream from you ..................LOL
  15. For bass fishing you never NEED an expensive spinning reel. The reason why folks like myself will occasionally spend the high prices is because they are elegant and deeply satisfying. I own a Daiwa Steez spinning reel. It is beautiful to look at. If has no vibration at all when retrieving. It has micro drag settings. It casts silky smooth. it is very light. I also have a Shimano symetre and Sedona which work just fine. But there is something about the refinement of a truly high end reel that enhances the experience for me. It's not a "bragging" thing, because I fish alone so there is no one to brag to. But it is an "ego" thing. I KNOW I'm using a tool that is the best. It strums those soulful chords
  16. 100% deet is what I used to use, but it would numb my skin and make me feel like I was poisoning myself. So I've gradually gone down in strength and found that 14% is a nice combination of mosquito repellant and human survival
  17. Based on what Bassinlou said, I would say "no"
  18. try buzzing a horney toad then kill it when you hit pockets of open water. I 've used this tactic with great results
  19. Hey, a guys gotta make a living right?
  20. I prefer to fish alone, but will enjoy fishing with the right friend once in a while too.
  21. Back in the day, before Lyme disease was well known I used to trout fish on Long Island. Where I went you had to slog through pretty dense brush and tall grass. The fishing was worth it. Beautiful spot full of rainbows that would rise to a well presented fly, but when I got home I would light a cigarette and burn off the ticks that were sucking on my leg like I was a KFC drumstick. I didn't think anything of it. It was just part of the deal.
  22. Now that was a hoot. Smart dog. He learned to stay real still then pounce. good doggie!
  23. I showed this post to my wife and she's still laughing. The idea that my princess bride would touch a fish that hasn't been cooked is a hoot and a half. I do admire you though brother. It's great to have that kind of bond with the mrs.
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