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Everything posted by avidone1

  1. whenever I here complaints like those the op stated, my first reaction is to say "look in the mirror" Yes, there are rude and aggressive people out there, but I have fished for many years and have had only a handful of problems. Perhaps your doing something that is provoking these outbursts. If a couple is being intimate in a secluded lakeside spot and you decide to fish through is it really a shock that there will be some harsh words? Mind you I'm not saying that you are doing anything wrong, all I'm suggesting is that you examine your own behavior before giving up on your favorite fishing spot.
  2. I wish I could wade in the bass lakes down here. It's not the gators I worry about, although they are a factor, it's the fact that the bottoms are so mucked up that you sink right in. some of my most enjoyable days on the water up north were days IN the water. Fishing for trout or smallmouth by getting right in there with em. There is no better way to cool off on a hot summer day As we mature as bass fisherman we can gain knowledge and along with that knowledge we gain confidence. There are times when I look at a spot on a new lake and I KNOW there are bass there. I will cast with that knowledge. It's not a guarantee of course, noting in this sport is, but I have caught plenty of bass by repeatedly casting to that fishy looking spot.
  3. Thank you smalljaw. while I agree with Catt that the wood baits were better, I have to admit that 'advances' in plastic are the way the manufacturers will go. They will never give up the ability to mass produce and that is just the way it is. I have on occasion bought hand carved baits from custom lure builders and have actually carved a few successful baits myself. I'll take todays rods and reels and line, but I long for the bagleys and storms, and Cordells, and heddons, and creek chubs of the 'good ole days' ps. Catt, you are one lucky dog to have vintage baits built by the masters. Are they in your collectors case or your tackle box?
  4. grave digging Heeheehee. thanks guys
  5. Speaking of owner hooks, it's all I use. Strong, sharp and easy to re-sharpen. I do hear a lot of oooh's and aaaah's over the trocar hooks from eagle claw, so I feel tempted to give them a try, but owners are so good, it wouldn't be because I feel the need to change
  6. I would just add that jig bites can be very soft. they are a great bait, but keep an eye on the line
  7. I'm sorry guys, I didn't realize y'all were so sensitive. I thought we were rugged outdoorsman types who could do a little "give and take" without getting our panties in a bunch. If I said anything that was over the line I would appreciate it if a mod would tell me so. We also don't judge and make fun of people that don't wear them. I don't see how I did this What is so confusing/threatening about a comfortable alternative to sunscreen? I don't feel threatened, I just think it's a fad Don't feed the troll. Troll? really? In my experience with internet forums my comments were mild kidding. I know were not all grown men here at bassresource but c'mon now.....I hear rougher talk at my wife's yoga class I'm sending this to the mods..........I need to know if I'm out of line here or if some of you are just being a little too sensitive.
  8. I don't see how changing hooks could affect the action of a big bait like that. I miss striper fishing on Long Island..........Montauk?
  9. the technology in fishing is like any other technology. it just keeps getting better and better. the problem comes from corporate decisions to cut costs. Moving production off shore, china and the like does not automatically mean inferior quality but it certainly can. so like Hog Basser says one must beware. Where I think technology has worked against improving quality is in lure manufacturing. The old time baits were made from wood. since you can't melt wood and pour it into molds the manufacturing process for wood is much more expensive. hence the demise of the production wood lure. Yes, I know companies still make them but they used to be the primary material for crankbaits, topwaters, and jerkbaits, now they are specialty items like vinyl records. Ask anyone who used the original bagleys balsa wood crankbaits and they will tell you that the action was different and not as good when they switched to plastic. sam is true for may other baits. I had a wood zara spook for years that was all chewed up but still out fished any super deluxe JapanesemegacraftZtenthousandendorsedbytackletour bait on the market. Lost it to a small black tipped shark and my life has never been the same since
  10. Well I had no idea these things were so popular. Nor did I realize what a passionate bunch you are. So I've heard the arguments and I gotta tell ya the only one that convinced me was the "too cold" replies. that I can see. As for the skin cancer argument, sorry but I'm not buying it. Outdoor sports have been popular long before "buffs" came into fashion. anyone with half a brain put on sun block to prevent the sun induced carcinomas. I for one had one skin cancer in the 1980's from bass fishing and learned my lesson. I never went out again without it. No cancers since. Some of y'all make it sound like your doomed to a horrible death if you don't wear a ninja mask. It's a miracle that any of us ol timers are still alive So anyway, thanks for the feedback. I think it's a fad. We'll know for sure in a couple of years. Stay tuned...............
  11. It won't be easy. There are clear plastic bubble floats that you can attach to a spinning line and then just tie a fly on the end of your line instead of a spoon etc. The float will keep the fly on the surface if properly dressed. The problem is that you can't make a quiet presentation and trout are easily spooked. My suggestion would be to go on craigs list and get a cheap fly rod and some flies. One of the big myths in fishing is that fly fishing is difficult. it's not. It's like any other kind of fishing. you go on you tube, watch a couple of videos and you'll be able to make a decent presentation in no time. I admire your location. One of the things I truly miss about living up north is the beautiful trout streams and the joy of presenting a well cast to a rising trout. Excuse but I need a 'moment'............
  12. I'm gonna show my age again I suppose, but I don't like this 'buff' business. It looks like something out of professional wrestling. I know it probably serves some useful purpose or other but it seems to me it's more about the look then any practical benefit it may provide. Ok, now please tell me why I'm wrong.
  13. Yo bob. follow these steps 1. Go to your favorite local pond 2. nose hook a small bait 3. cast it to a fishy looking spot 4. repeat till you catch a fish Yer over thinking it dude.
  14. Excellent post. thank you
  15. Over the years I have bought a lot of these expensive unique sorts of lures. They are often beautiful and do have some exciting actions, but truth be told it's rare to find one that would catch fish when other 'standard' lures don't. That doesn't stop me from buying though, when I see something that just might be really special
  16. I am truly a tackle junkie. As such I like hanging out on the tackle forum clicking on the different threads. I see that the threads go waaaaaaaaaaay back. I don't to violate the letter or spirit of bass resource so I'm wondering if I see a thread that died a year or so ago, would it be wrong to comment on it and thus bring it back to life?
  17. I gotta agree with Catt on this one. Fishing from the bank reduces the amount of fishable water so when you find a likely spot you gotta work it. Multiple presentations to the same stump, cut or brushpile can be just the ticket.
  18. If the girls really love they will understand. NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT HeHeHeHe..................nah........yer screwed dude
  19. when I lived up north I had good luck with a large single Colorado bladed spinnerbait slow rolled on the bottom. Good luck in the 'event'
  20. I use chartreuse because it's fun to say. Charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtroooooooooooooooosssssssssssssss (Harry Potter parcival tongue)
  21. I think baits is the least of your worries. First you should calm down, slow down, and please SIT DOWN
  22. You did real good. Now go out and fish
  23. I know .........right? ......................pathetic
  24. AAARGh.....I knew someone would steal my idea. Next time I'll remember to patent it.
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