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Everything posted by avidone1

  1. One of the nice things about moving to one of Florida's many retirement communities is that chores such as lawn mowing and landscaping etc. are HOA's responsibility. Hey, there have to be some perks for getting old.
  2. I was a moderator on a message board for several years so I know these things are unavoidable. Glenn jumped right on it and that's good.
  3. exceelent stuff here. I see what I doing wrong......My palomer might have been x crossed because I never checked it. but my clinching was wrong, so I probably did both things wrong. Funny but it never mattered with 8-12lb mono, but this flourocarbonitronic stuff is a horse of a different color so thank you all.....Just so you know I have experience with all the suggested knots except that san diego knot which I will practice. I use a double uni for splicing mono to mono with no problems but I have it slip on me with mono to hook. I used the improved the clinch knot or trilene for years with no problems on lighter mono but found it too awkward to tie with the heavy flouro. but the paolomer is my confidence knot. As y'all know, confidence is 90% of the battle in this game. so learning how to tie the palomer in the exact proper way to avoid slipping and breakage is the way I'm going to go. I'll check back in with y'all in the future when I hook into a few more nice sized fish to let youse guys (sorry, I flashed back on my Nah Yawk days) know how it worked out. Hopefully I'll have some pics.
  4. I got this pm today. Would have sent to mods but did not see a "report this pm" so I post it here. Hey there! My name is Michael Mardi. As a fellow fisherman, you're going to like this Fishing Shirt that I recently launched on my website. With the help of a few Bass fishers, I created and design the shirt with this forum in mind. It would mean a lot if I can have your support Get the Shirt here Thank You, Michel Mardi
  5. I lost two quality fish today. both losses were due to knot failure. Oddly enough it wasn't the braid to leader connection but rather the leader to lure. this is unheard of for me. In my decades of fishing I haven't lost a fish or lure due to knot failure in many years. I usually use the palomer and trilene knots with total confidence. The difference today was that I was using 25 lb. fluorocarbon leader. I have never used line this heavy and stiff. I have to believe that this contributed to the knot failure although I'm not sure why. It did seem as if the knots weren't laying right, but I tied them the same as always. I asking those of you who use braid and leader to tell me which knots your using. I'm kinda stunned about todays results
  6. I'm a firm KISS when it comes to Kayak fishing. Two rods, a couple of 3600's and a couple of 3500's in a soft bag with pockets for a multi-tool, fish grippers, flashlight, knife/hook sharpener, sunscrren, insect repellant, braid scissors a small box for hooks, weights etc. Safety is always the first concern. Good pfd with a sharp knife clipped into the holder. Around my neck I wear a whistle/compass combo. I attach my paddle with a leash. I use scotty stabilizers when going by myself in big water or the salt.
  7. Jerk baits are better fished standing up Kayak or no
  8. I carry mine the same way. 74 pounds would be way too heavy for me. That's why I got the Eddyline Caribbean 12. 45 lbs. I had the factory install scotty mount bases for me at the factory. They were real nice about it. So If I'm going out in some big water I can deploy the stabilizers and i'm essentially fishng from a jon boat I just got this in the mail yesterday............Ain't she purty? Daiwa Ballistic
  9. what he said
  10. I keep them in the original bag and carry them in one of my many pockets
  11. I think the importance of color is so the bass can see the lure. I've never seen a bubblegum colored worm in nature but the bass in my lake eat up the plastic ones.
  12. I often use a snap on cast and retrieve type baits. Big fan of the Berkley cross lok #3. I don't use a swivel because unless I'm fishing inshore and using spinning gear.
  13. My friends and I would ride our bikes to the docks. There were a lot of blow fish back then. My mother called then 'chicken of the sea' she would fry up the tails and they were really good. We also used to catch blue claw crabs off of those docks. This was back in the late 50's early 60's. It was a great time to be a kid.
  14. I went through a rattle phase and was buying noisy lures or adding rattles to everything. It was fun and caught fish. I have a soft spot for Arkie jigs because I joined BASS and the first bassmaster magazine I got had Bo Dowden on the cover who just won the classic fishing a ........................wait for it........................................Arkie jig. 1980 I think
  15. I'm the only one in my family who fishes. Not my dad, or grandparents or siblings. I have no idea where I get it from
  16. I love a deep diving crankbait on rocky drop-offs. I start shallow and go deeper, bouncing the crankbait off the rocks. It's really a fun way to fish.
  17. Most of the rods I use are original Avids and they are all excellent rods. Light, strong, good casting and durable. I prefer fast actions on all my rods. I think your over thinking this. I would suggest that you go to the shops and check out different rods. See how they feel. I have a rule of thumb when it comes to power. If I'm using it primarily for treble hook baits then I use a medium. If it's going to be used primarily for a single hook bait then I use a MH. that being said then I would suggest a MH rod since your "primary" bait is tubes, and the only non treble hook bait you intend is a spinnerbait. But it's true that there is no industry standard for power ratings. It's also true that that the same manufacturer with have different power curves with the same power rating for different models. e.g. a Loomis M in the mag bass series is more like a ML in the pro green series. So you really have put them in your hand. My last suggestion is to the rod you love.....I mean it. don't just settle. Try out as many as you can and when one feels just right then that's the one for you. Trust your instincts.
  18. Well that there answers your question. One of the good things about retirement is that you don't have to get up on Monday morning and go to work after a busy weekend. One of the not so good things is that you forget it's Monday. Welcome to club..............The outweighs the bad by a lot............
  19. There can be a lot of 'dockside' kidding between Canadians and Americans here at bass resource, but after viewing the horrific videos of fort McMurray I gotta tell you guys how shocked and awed I was by the extent of the devastation. The news reports indicate that the fire is spreading. to our friends in Alberta. Be safe y'all.
  20. I fish both high end Loomis and St. Croix. Love em both. Can't go wrong with either. I would get the one that brings out the color of your eyes.
  21. I wore cacoons for years whenever I went fishing. I always had the transition lenses and they were fine in NY but when I moved to florida I found they just weren't strong enough. Then I got the extra dark transitions or something like that. anyway they are fine and I no longer need the cacoons. Ps......My wife thought they made me look like a toad Oh, a pair of RX glasses was never an option for me. you can't go outside in florida without sunglasses and the constant switching was a deal breaker
  22. I have a few of the rick clunns from lucky craft. haven't tried the lucky strike version, and probably won't anytime soon. the kvd's work just fine and are sold in my local wal mart soooooooooooooooooooo
  23. I'm really glad this topic came up. for years I kept a fishing diary as part of a bass research project for fish and game in new York state. I would record the date, time, air temp, weather, exact location of catch, lure used and size of the bass caught. Not all the information was needed for the research but it was useful to me. In those days I would start fishing as soon as the ice left the water, usually end of February or early March. Before ice out as part of my pre season ritual I would go over the logs. I can't tell you how useful these were to improving my catch rate and size of bass caught. I can honestly say it was the best thing I ever did to improve my success. so for any of you who are considering keeping a log, journal or what have you. all I can say is DO IT
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