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Everything posted by avidone1

  1. I guess your lake is over populated with bass, so you need to cull some. My home lake seems pretty balanced i.e. a nice balance of small, midlin, and big bass as well as other species. I wonder what a fisheries biologist would tell us regarding the overall health of our local system? Personally, I practice catch and release but like I said earlier, I will keep and eat one or two bass a year
  2. Yes, your fingers from an earlier catch The bass I catch don't have teeth. Good thing too because lip landing the beast would be very uncomfortable.
  3. There are regions I have fished in where carp were everywhere. Trying to avoid them while bass fishing, is like fishing while trying to avoid water. never worked well for me.
  4. Personally I have never observed the "trace slime on lure" phenomena that you describe. But I can tell you that a rule I always follow "when in doubt, set the hook"
  5. I seem to remember that braided line did not twist when casting spoons. Wow! was I wrong. I was wading in the indian river for snook and casting a gold spoon. It was windy and I'm sure that played a big part, but man I got some tangles that could only be fixed by cutting them off. Sooooooooooooo. I need to get some snap swivels for spoons. Wal mart has a big selection of mustad brass snap swivels. but they come in size designation with no break strength. Mustads website was no help, so I come to the ultimate resource for help What say ye?
  6. I'm the curious type. So I google a lot. Some of my inquires can be pretty obscure like "does yo zuri hybrid line float" I noticed that often when I googled something related to fishng a link to a forum thread here at bass resource was often at the top of the list. So I decided to go right to the source and discovered a friendly fishing place to hang out. Truly 'the ultimate resource'
  7. sometimes I like catching numbers and sometimes I want those hogs and will fish big baits only. depends on how the fishing has been lately. If I've had a few days where the numbers were good, that's when I get the itch to go big or go home.
  8. Nope. Not in bed. I actually like to read in bed. Now I will spend all evening tinkering with fishy stuff before bed. but so long as you don't tinker with hooks in bed, then I see no harm.
  9. I can't say that I believe in the communication theory either. I have had a few times over the years where the bass were just stacked up like cord wood in a particular spot no more than a hundred yards in diameter. You would get arm weary hauling them out, letting em go, and them hauling in some more.
  10. I admit they are not the best tasting fish. Nothing like fresh water trout, or salt water mahi to name a few. but I do keep and eat one or two bass a year. It may be weird, but I feel like I'm honoring the fish somehow. I find that if the fish, any fish, are cooled down right away after killing that makes a big difference. Then there is the cooking. Any fish recipe can be applied to bass, but the saucy ones are my favorites. Oh, and don't forget. Bass are an excellent source of Omega 3's. Not all fresh water fish can make that claim.
  11. that's a really good idea. If its' legit she will make arrangements if not..............................................
  12. Sorry but that sounds like a justification to me. Unless the bass are really active, fishing shiners, or other live bait will always out produce artificials.
  13. Sometimes lure makers do something real gimmicky to catch your eye in bait store. Actually being able to catch fish can be secondary.
  14. My first reaction too. What we often forget is the 'secret ingredient' to all artificial baits is confidence. It's amazing how truly believing in your lure and presentation will make the bass come running to you. I find that women are the same way.
  15. I've used the skirt trailer and also the back end of a culprit worm. They all worked. Never did try it without a trailer, and I see most folks here don't either. The people I know using it without a trailer are mostly inshore fisherman, so that may explain it. Oh, and I agree that hook can be a pain to sharpen, I do keep the weedguard on though
  16. I agree about Florida specific site.. I would love to see it...I suppose Glenn would then have to hear arguments from the folks in Texas and California to name a few. But still.............................just sayin' YeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaw
  17. I'm amazed that you were able to catch it on four pound line, it takes a lot of skill, and a bit of luck, to be able to do that! Not as much as you might think.....The fish inhaled the tiny jig just like a crappie would. there was no "jolt' like a big bass might make. then he just sort of casually starting swimming away, like he didn't even know he was hooked. There was no sudden tugs, no head shaking, no nothing. Just this behemoth out for a sunday stroll with a tiny jig stuck in his mouth LOL. It was one of my more memorable days on the water.
  18. First of all even though they call it the silver minnow down here most people use em in gold. but my real question is "are you using any kind of trailer?" Back in the day using pork rind was standard but lots of guys use em plain, and lots with a trailer, if so what kind? How do you like em?
  19. I'm just not into gun hunting as much as I used to be. As a matter of fact I haven't hunted at all since I moved to Florida 11 years ago. But along with bass itch come the hunting itch. I have had two shoulder surgeries and arthritis in my hands so a compound bow is not working for me. But I thought a crossbow would be a cool way to hunt. All 'game of thrones' LOL any suggestions from you xbowmen out there would be appreciated.
  20. I'm really glad you posted this because the truth is that the big boy towed me for over 100 yards over nearly a half hour, but I scaled it down because I didn't think anyone would believe me. I'm new here and didn't want to get a reputation as being a bigger liar that most fisherman already are >LOL.....
  21. Yeah, that's a sucker. I caught a 24 lb carp once on a 1/32 oz white maribou crappie jig UL rod and 4lb test line. I was in an aluminium jon boat and he towed me for about 50 yards It was really something
  22. Wow!!! Outstanding! Wanna be my best friend?
  23. Yep, that's how it's done son
  24. I used to have a lot of fun with stocked trout back on L.I. years ago. I would go to the park with some small hooks and tie on bits of worm or little cheese balls, corn was good too, right from the can. I would also throw little trout size (tiny) plugs like tiny rebels etc. and of course small spinners. After awhile I started using fly gear. Nymphs would slay em. It's a lot of fun and a great way to get the bug.
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