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Everything posted by Basswhippa

  1. Same finite resources and people pouring into the South fleeing their horrible states. We definitely need to shrink the sport not grow it. Some Yankee guide on Guntersville was complaining he got a gun pulled on him Saturday when he called someone out for pulling in on him (rightful to call the encroacher out) . It was a charitable tournament. Sheesh. Way to many people on the TVA systems.. I cringed watching idiot high school coaches flying across dangerous stump and ridden flats back in February. Finally I saw a boat getting towed in without a motor. All fun and games until some idiot coach gets a kid maimed or killed. Keep your kids safe, get them into real sports and video games, which lead to computer careers. The only people that want the sport to grow have a financial interest, like guides, who exploit the waters financially. I watched a video of a legendary Guntersville guide discard the back half of a senko right into the water the other day. Plastics everywhere. We need less of him and his customers, not more. Definitely need less fishermen in the Tennessee Valley. Assuming you want to wait in lines at ramps for hours, like California, idiots will then run back and forth over shallows and through bass beds with trolling motors on high and mess the big fish bite up except on the high wind and pour down rain days. Tournaments are overrun with professional wannabes who don't want to work for a living. Check out the economics of BASS opens and MLF series. Tons of people trying to be pros. Problem is there's no money in it. Pretty bad to hope for even higher gas prices to thin the heard, but I'll pull the donkey ticket if it will continue to get higher fuel prices and thin the herd. ? You asked.
  2. My son has used a 7'4" H St. Croix Rage for years on Guntersville for jigs and frogs and such. Very versatile heavy action rod. The newer MOJO with the same specs should be very similar.
  3. Great tips. Keep them coming. I haven't had much luck on Denny Brauers method on braid. Mono, It works most always! I'm very greedy about loose reels and bomb casts. 90s model Chronarch A. If you have ever owned one, you know how far it is capable of casting...... I run 3 n 1 oil which is similar in viscosity to yellow rocket fuel.... 6 inch senko. 50 pound braid, 20 pound fluorocarbon leader. 7'4" rod. 32 Tennessee River bass came aboard but stupid me took the backlash as a challenge. I almost had it done until the wind blew my pile of line into another monster mess......
  4. How long will you work to solve a backlash.... I worked on one the other day a stupid long time, perhaps the longest ever for me. It was about 2 hours. I got so close and then it became impossible due to wind blowing it into a impossible yo solve knot. It was braid. A really dumb move to waste that amount of time. So how long for you until scissors time.
  5. A wide spool ultra mag plus ABU from the 80s has one casting championships with several hundred yard casts. You can find them on the auction site. Or ABU Pro Rocket CS Mag should do similar to the ultra mag. There's your answer, unles you want something modern and lighter.
  6. Be sure to check the date of the original post! ?
  7. Does yalls Ollie's have anything but the 6 gear ratio SLX? I like the $49.99 but have plenty of 6 gear older Shimanos. Looking for the 7 gear ratio or 8 gear ratio.
  8. They both will provide service a long time. There are some surprising complaints on the 2020 Metanium getting rough feeling by even a Shimano man who sponsors another board. I own one and haven't experienced it. It's sweet. But I haven't used it that much.
  9. I filled the boat up yesterday and no ethanol fuel was around $4.50 a gallon. At what price do we start seeing people fishing less? A boat is a luxury item for most, I suppose.
  10. Dumbassangler. Who makes an all aluminum frame reel that weighs less than 7.8 ounces?
  11. Competition? ? A 7.8 weight reel is a non issue on the Bantam for most men and women. The primary issue on the mini tank of a reel is that it's aluminum. If you fish in very cold weather it will be close to air temperatures and won't heat like graphite and magnesium. One should take this into consideration.
  12. Bet he doesn't wear skinny jeans either.
  13. I have 15 E series, and 3 bantams. The Bantams cast standard weight lures a mile. I can sling a weightless fluke on 50 pound braid furtherthan it needs to be cast. I dont understandthe poor casting comments, unless its for tiny lures. . And they all weigh about 7.8 ounces. No problem with the weight. I don't lift weights and I'm in my early 50s and occasionally fish 15 hour days.
  14. Cool video Catt!
  15. Lews are $59 Wal Mart bubble pack reals made by Doyo. Use them for a few months and when they become grinders, they are throwaway reels. Go get yourself another. You'll come out cheaper in the long run.
  16. Beautiful fish. Will look even better!
  17. I'm not sure, and more of an attribute than skill, but I think I exceed lot of folks in terms of time on the water, while working full timme. It might be Guntersville, or a pond, or below Wheeler dam like tomorrow. I've fished 101 days so far this year. Many times it's 3 or 4 hours in a pond bank or Guntersville in a kayak. Other times it's all day in a 20 foot Ranger. Guntersville is the home of many world Champions and the best fishermen nobody has ever heard of . I don't tournament fish against them much, but when I do I hang with them. I sometimes have days I know I did better than anyone on the lake......
  18. I use 20 pound mono regularly to keep jerkbaits over grass. 150 would be minimal. 200 is better.
  19. I've got Loomis IMX,s, Megabass Destroyer, Falcon Cara, us made Castaways, high end Dobyns, Expride, Avid, etc, but the MOST SENSITIVE rod I ever had was a usa made SJ1 IM10 All Star with the telescope handle that I bought around 2002 from Flippers Tackle at Old Hickory Lake, Gallatin, TN.. I could shake a 3/8 ounce jig slightly and feel the rattles in the jig with 15 pound Big Game mono. It was amazing and that is an understatement. Barely twitch it and you could feel rattles pulsating. It must have been the telescope handle because I bought the 6'6" WR1 version and it isn't as sensitive. Sadly I broke the 6'10" rod. I immediately went out and bought the next generation also IM10 6'10" version (gold) and while it's a great rod , it's not as sensitive as that red and blueish telescope version. One day I will get a rod that sensitive. I'm afraid it will be a NRX price/rod........ The 1994 WR2 rod I had was/is excellent but the 6'6" heavy wasn't enough to stop a Guntersville hog , so it's been laid aside, relegated to pond duty, in favor of longer and stronger rods. I also have a 6'10" SJI, the oldest version.
  20. Where there's smoke there's fire. This is what every company says, right before going belly up. ? Anybody got a good Ole Monster, Trick worm and fluke replacement? ?
  21. The Tennessee State record was caught in the 50's from a small creek in Lawrence County TN. You can throw a rock across it. It was 14 .5 pounds. This fish was likely a super old Northern Strain that lived its life in solitude with no pressure, eating and growing. This would never happen today due to pressure. The record stood until 2015 when the Florida stockings started to show up. A 16.9 pounder was shocked up in Tennessee a few years ago. That's slightly over 5 pounds smaller than the world record, this far north. I believe under ideal conditions, no pressure, a freak like these TN fish could have showed up as a world record in GA. I've seen a 16.75 fish in a fish tank taken from Orange Lake. Florida should start stocking trout into Kingsley Lake in the winter. It's deep cold spring waters would grow true monsters in no time.
  22. I own a lizard dragger (3) falcon Amistad (3 of them) and son own a 7'4" st. Croix rage build on the same MOJO blank. For heavy cover frogs and jigs I would get the 7'4 MOJO first, then the Amistad. They are two excellent rods and neither broomstick. The St. CROIX is stronger, but that's what you need. The mentioned lizard dragged is one of the most versatile rods on the planet. I love it. But i don't want it dragging hogs out of thick Tennessee River vegetation. If you don't have really big bass in your area or vegetation the lizard dragger could work. I'm amazed at what CATT can do with that rod and 15 pound big game. I can't come close. Lizard dragger fishes like a st. Croix MH.
  23. Excellent information!
  24. I’m not one to dog peoples fish pictures, but that 14 pound 30 inch girth just doesn’t look credible. The state record photos do.
  25. Great story and thanks for sharing.
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