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Abu Vasili

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Everything posted by Abu Vasili

  1. Thanks, PA has a limit of 2 hooks. MD is three.
  2. Hey Guys, Question, has anyone tried using a tube on the bottom of a drop shot rig instead of a wieght? Why not present two baits? One tube at the bottom, and another lure about a foot or two higher on a drop shot hook?
  3. Long time guys, I have been off the radar getting answers from my Bass Club buddies. I hope all Is well. I have been doing a bunch of fishing in the Northern Chesapeake Bay. Basically flipping a creature/craw dad in the grass. I have been thinking what the best method of going about this is. Do you flip far, and make your way slowly through patches of grass? Or do you flip/pitch repeatedly-quickly, getting to as many spots as you can, that you think look promising?... my theory has been; basically the grass is everywhere, so cast far and move your bait past/ through grass slowly on your retrieve to cover water. What is your take?
  4. Best advice I have ever recieved. Used this method all today... you are right, it starts to happen from muscle memory and has saved my line twist issus. I will never not manually close the bail going forward. I cannot thank you enough.
  5. I know this has been asked before... Help me out here Gentleman. Please tell me that I can use the BPS Stick-O instead of going through my Senko's like water and paying an arm and a leg to replace them. I know, I know, nothing replaces a Senko... or does it? Is it just that we are so enthralled with the Senko because it was the first of its kind? Has someone truly put the Stick-O to the test and found that they have seen no difference in their catching ability? Thanks in advance for your feedback.
  6. I was wondering; if I was using a jig and casting in the middle of rocks (not necessarly flipping into vegetation or trees), would I be better off using a heavier fluorocarbon rather than braid? Or do you think that this is a reaction strike like using a spinner bait and I would ok just to sharpie my fluorescent braid?
  7. Good afternoon, I love the Carolina Rig. I was fishing with my buddy and he mentioned that he only uses a special type of hook for Carolina Rigging (I forget what he said). Do any of you have recommendations? I suppose the size would depend on the lure of course. Ultimately, the question is, is one hook type, brand, or style better than another for the Carolina Rig? Thanks in advance for your feedback.
  8. Awesome post. You are the man. Not only does it make sense; it is extremely useful information. I appreciate your time and thoroughness in your feedback.
  9. I do appreciate ALL Feedback. I didn’t mean to sound rude. I just wish when I was doing my research this would have been noted by someone about these reels; that’s what I find strange about it. SirSnook has helped me countless times with his feedback; not only in this topic but also in others. I will continue to try to use these reels and try some of the techniques others have used to prevent line twists from happening. Obviously If it continues to twist, by process of elimination; I will know that it is truly the reels causing the issue. Thanks for your feedback.
  10. Is this true? I haven’t toyed with too many types of fluoro, but I always liked the feel of vanish for the price. Could this be a contributing factor to my line twists as well...?
  11. Great information! Thank you so much. I am definately going to start using this method. On a side note: I find it so strange that some individuals are convinced that it is the ABU Reels that are causing the problem... I did a lot of research before purchasing these reels. It blows my mind that line twists never came up as one of the major problems when I was researching this product. I love the way the reel handles; its just those d**n line twists that frustrate me.
  12. It's funny you say that, I was playing around today at the river. I almost never click the bail manually, however, today, after noticing the line twisting terribly, I started to do exactly what you are saying. I will have to start getting used to manually clicking the bail and giving it a pull to straighten out. Thanks for the tip.
  13. No need to aplogize; great thing to consider for future reference. I need to start spooling straight of the top, I am spooling it flat; I think that might be a major contributing factor.
  14. Gentlemen, I am 100% that it is not the bearing, as my Spinning Reels are brand new. It would be strangely coincidental that they are they both messed up... at least I think so. Could it have something to do with the way I am lining my spools?
  15. Typically I am fishing a tube, senko, or jig of some sort; obviuosly of which, I do not use a swivel for.
  16. Good afternoon, I have had major issues with my fluoro line getting twisted when using my spinning reels. I use the plain old Berkley Vanish and it is typically 8lbs test on my Abu Garcia STX reels. I love the feel of fluoro and really don’t want to go back to using mono for the specific scenarios that I am using this outfit in. I have tried KVD's Line and Lure Magic and it certainly helps, but I still find myself with major twists. I also am finding myself having to re-line every other trip because of the knots created from the line twists. The only time this doesn’t happen is when I have very little line on my spool, which isn’t really a great way to fish. I am at a loss. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thank you in advance for your help.
  17. What test fluoro would you reccomend? Generally speaking that is, as I know it would vary in the conditions you are flippin in.
  18. Thanks Glenn, That make a lot of sense. I appreciate your response and I definitely understand how this would be taken advantage of. It's a shame that people cannot respect the purpose of forums or helping one another. A great example for my inquiry was the post the gentleman made about the last day on Overstockbaits.com 99cent sale.... I went straight to the sight and picked a few items that I needed. Thanks again for your response, I will be sure to be clicking on our sponsors also to see what is going on, as I really appreciate having this forum (especially for free!).
  19. Now that, is what I am talking about friend!
  20. No, it would not be for personal promotion. I mean something like... I just saw that *** has so and so for 80 bucks! Or oh my God! Bass Pro has so an so for sale for one day only! Something along those lines... you know what I mean?
  21. I am not sure if this appropriate… but it is the god’s honest truth. While wading in the Conestoga River using Mepp’s Spinners for Smallmouth or Rock Bass, I snagged a…. vibrator. One of those with the wire connected to a remote to pick settings. It was terrible. This is not supposed to be offensive, nor do I wish to offend anyone. But I am not lying, I just about threw my rod into the river and gave up. Instead I flicked the thing a country mile into a tree and kept on fishing…
  22. I am not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this, however, I was wondering if there would ever be a time where the forum would consider creating a new topic area where people can post great online specials that they have run into? There have been countless times where I have been perusing the forum in the Rod Topic area where someone posted something they have come across and I bought it ASAP. I know there is a Swap Meet forum, however, this is guided more to individuals selling items rather than pointing out specials through other vendors. Thank you for your time and consideration.
  23. Just wanted to let anyone know who is interested know... That I ended up picking up the Soron SX. So far so good, really smooth overall. Then again, i have only had it for a 2 weeks.
  24. Do you think a fluorescent red braid with a fluoro leader (12-17 lbs) would be good for flipping? I have heard a lot of guys say that they just take a sharpie and darken the end of the line without a leader...I am not too sure I am confident with this method. What do you think?
  25. Anyone know anything about the Abu Garcia Soron SX (Its the dark red looking one). I have the STX and I love it, looking for something similar, just not as expensive. Any thoughts?
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