"You sound like you need a 16 ft. metal semi-v jon boat with a 9.9 engine..." You are probably right sir, and I am here to learn so I get the right boat. Right now I have a 10 ft. Bass Raider 10E which is great because it has taught me the basics of how to maneuver a boat using a trolling motor and various other things that have gotten me more and better bass as well as crappies and bluegill. I have even taken it on a tidal river and caught some yellow perch and catfish.
...I live fairly close to the Potomac and Patuxent rivers here in Maryland. From the amount of long, glittery bass boats I see flying by me on the highway headed to these rivers every weekend, I would imagine it's a VERY good place to bass fish. The current in these rivers are very strong, and I am very nervous about the amount of large boats and the inability of me to get out of the way in an emergency situation. I live near a Bass Pro Shops, but I have read some posts that say to stay away from Tracker and Triton...Does anyone on this forum have the same opinion? I am looking at the Tracker Pro Angler 16 or the Panfish 16 maybe, or I can go larger...i'm still not sure...What is a good "starter" bass boats from the Tracker or Nitro lines if I were to get only one from these two lines for now?