I was wondering what everyone does with their used soft plastic lures?
After you use them for a little while, fish hits them, drag them across the bottom, or you just pull them off to change colors they become damaged to where you won't use them again. So what do you do with them? I have seen plenty of people just throw them in the water, back in their tackle box, or in the trash. I know that these plastics do not break down naturally and stay in our rivers, lakes, oceans forever and can actually kill fish if they eat them. But if we are throwing them in the trash then they are just getting buried in some landfill which isn't much different than throwing them in the lake.
So being the conservationist that I am , I was thinking what if I collected everyones old, damaged, unwanted, and used soft plastic lures and remolded them into perfectly good lures that could be used again? Then possibly resell them as "100% recycled soft plastic lures" and use that money raised to put towards other conservation efforts in order to protect our waters.
The only problem is that I need used/old soft plastic baits...that is where you guys come in. In order for this to work I need to know if you would participate.
1)How many soft plastic lures do you tear up in a typical outing?
2) What do you do with your old plastic baits after you use them?
3) Would you be willing to save your old baits and then give them to me?
4) Would you be more likely to drop them in a "drop off bin" at your local bait store or mail them to me?
5) What would it take to get you to mail them to me? (free pack of remolded baits? discounts on recycled worms? beer ?)
6) How else could i collect the used baits?
7) Would you be willing to buy 100% recycled soft plastic baits if they were the same price as non recycled baits and basically the same design?