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About cowie

  • Birthday 01/20/1983

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    Milan -ITALY

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  1. I have the "black" model of REVO. I think that the "black" model is havyer than the "white" that is the top model about revo. I use the "black" for pitcing and flipping and I think that is a good reel expecially for quality and price!!!
  2. The new site is on line. Have you ever tried this lure??? It's one of the my favourite brand! ;D
  3. my favorite swim bait are: - Evergreen ESDRIVE - Imakatsu Husky Hasuzzy - Imakatsu Cofunazzy - Evergreen Timberflash - Maderalive Molix I bought it on www.fishingevolution.it
  4. Hi Guys, B.A.S.S. federation nationa is started!!! Come on Roberto Rondini the Italian Angler. Have you got same news about the pre-fishing? Someone knows if it is possible to see on streaming the weight in??? TNX a lot Francesco!
  5. cowie

    Killer Bill

    For me is the best jerk suspending! Killer bill and super killer bill give me same fish during all the year. The Power bill is nice too!!! 8-)
  6. This are my favourite rods http://www.evergreen-fishing.com My favourite's reels are TDZ (for pitching), Metanium XT (flipping), TDZ BBS (swim bait), Abu Morrum/Conquest for Crank and Spinnerbait! Spinning reels Caldia KiK
  7. For me conquest DC is the best round reel at the moment!!! Abu Morrum are good too, but the DC system is the A BIG that you feel on fishing! It's amazing!!!!!
  8. Imakatsu flappinsonic for me is the best for the vertical fishing, expecially in winter!
  9. Hi! I am Italian and I wolud like to speak always by bassfishing but I can't stay a lot of time on internet and on this FANTASTIC FORUM! If sameone want chat on skype about bass fishing and much more... contact me on lsfrancescom bye!
  10. Yes, it's a MB Diablo: F5 ½-68XFti Diablo (Medium Fast, ¼-1 oz., 12-25 lbs.) Dan Good rods... but I prefer Evergreen Rods... Have you ever tried them? 8-)
  11. Great DAN! What is the rod's name in the 6lbs picture? Megabass? :-?
  12. How many russian people do a torunament in Cypro? bye
  13. Hi Dmitri! I read your report on Bassmania magazine. Congratulations on the passion you put in fishing!I hope to see you very soon in Italy to fish together. Bye Cowie
  14. Great fish! ... but I am speaking about the fish catch in Tournament I saw a article abuot Cyprus Bass and I saw some pictures there were great bass!
  15. the 4.200 is catched on Tournament? If yes... what was the tournament?
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