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Everything posted by SlappinKraken

  1. From the album: Sinish's album

    Lake Michigan perch
  2. I have a friend that lives in Calumet City so I pass through there a lot. Thanks for the tip. I actually just read a forest preserve report that says the walleye in Tampier are pretty big. I haven't fished there since I was a kid.
  3. Hi all, I'm from Posen which is a south suburb of Chicago. I've been shore fishing for a while, but just got a kayak this past weekend. It's extremely fun and is a ton easier to locate fish. The pic is from powderhorn caught on a spinner bait. Caught a handful of northern, too, but no size to them. Anyone have other suggestions on where to take the yak? I'm thinking about learning wolf lake and busse. My main shore fishing lake was Heidecke but I can't take my kayak there. Trying to get as much fishing in before I start teaching again. -S
  4. My PB smallmouth. No tape or scale so I have no clue how big it actually is.
  5. SlappinKraken


    Very nice! I just landed a job in the area and found your pics by googling monee reservoir. I'll have to check it out sometime.
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