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Everything posted by JDuncan

  1. Reel mounted to rod 26. And I have 8 or 9 loose reels in the bottom of tackle bags to rotate in or off a rod. Had several more but I've given several reels away to coworkers that I know fish. Just told them fish em hard. Don't go easy on em. What's a couple of your favorite reels you've collected?
  2. I keep one rod and with a reel mounted and a duffle bag of baits with two other reels stored In the car I drive to work everyday. I get off at 2.30 so I'll usually find a spot to fish before I hit the twinspan on the way home.. butttttttt other than breaking the tips off 5 different rods. It's been flawless
  3. Bubble gum is a color ive been wanting to try but havnt, ill grab a pack.. Walk around the store then end up putting it back
  4. From what i hear getting married cures most peoples fishing addiction..
  5. Is there a solid color soft plastic you always disreguard or ignore for whatever reason? White or albino are colors i never give a chance. Just curious if anyone else does this on a conscious or subconcious level.
  6. I love the way round reels look, i have a abu morrum that gets used less than it should. Im like an alzheimers patient. I see a nice round reel buy it. Put it on a rod, then try to wrap my petite hands around it unsucessfully. Luckily my girlfriend can cast a baitcast reel so we go cat fishing once in a while and it makes me feel less guilty when she uses my round reels.
  7. Ive heard alot of positives about the zonda. Havnt tried it though
  8. Daiwa zillion, abu revo toro winch, and david fritts cranking reel from a few years ago
  9. Zoom 8" magnum lizard pumpkin chart. This bait is why I'm sort of one dimensional. I also like the 10 inch black culprit worm.
  10. My girlfriend loves to fish. She wants to go more often than me sometimes. I taught her how to cast a baitcaster, now she has two of her own and everytime we go fishing someone comes up to her saying how well she can cast. Only problem is so far she's caught twice as many fish as me.
  11. I had a dream I went fishing with Peyton Manning 2 nights ago. I don't know if he fishes, or what it says about me that I'm dreaming of fishing with peyton manning. Cool question. Tell us how the fishing trip goes.
  12. I agree. Just coming at it from a diffrent angle
  13. so supporting human lives conflicts with support for animals? Id say help all life if given The oppurtunity. Btw if abortion was banned that's more people to possibly feed. But whatever..
  14. It was gummed up. I figured I could take care of it, I just didn't know what to look for specifically. Anytime my reels have a problem I do all the repairs, just hadn't had that problem until this morning. I learn to fix as something breaks. Thank you very much
  15. On a revo s of mine the levelwind is getting stuck on one side during retrieves, Is there an easy fix? It just started doing it about an hour ago. I figured this forum has the most knowledgeable people with the least amount of smug pretension. Thanks again for even reading this
  16. Zoom 5" fluke anywhere shallow and or grassy 1/2 oz spinnerbait with generic worm tail trailer. Dark colored rattle trap.
  17. I grew up in a fishing family. But they fished for what seems like everything but bass. Cat fishing in ponds and lakes wasn't my thing because it seemed like a lot of sitting and starring at water. Saltwater fishing was ok, but bass fishing seemed more technical. So when I turned 13 I got my first baitcaster and that started it all
  18. I'm certain a lot of people would say banjo minnow.
  19. A person can be versitile without having lure ADD. If you're switching baits often chances are you aren't catching anything. Be more confident. Confidence is bringing a few rods and reels all rigged with the same thing IMO
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