Took a trip over to family doctor. Have been having congestion, hacking, hockers, some shortness of breath, wheezing for quite a while. All stuff that we all have had. Pulled an abdominal muscle from coughing so much I decided to make that doctor visit. I’m pretty stubborn so I’m one to keep trudging along from one day to the next figuring it will go away. Someday.
He checked me out pretty decent and had a plan to put me on a few meds for the condition. He didn’t like my elevated heart rate. Took EKG and stuff. I couldn’t tell it was elevated. Sent me over to hospital for other evaluations.
Hospital did a quick job of getting me hooked up and getting me in the right direction (I hope). They thought higher heart rate was from dehydration and an infection. I never thought that was gonna be an issue. Didn’t feel dehydrated. A couple of IV’s and heart rate came down to normal. Handful of tests and scans show I have pneumonia. They have me on some meds and a steroid. Is not a COVID pneumonia. Most likely from allergies that festered over time. Sucks and stupidity on my part. Not keeping in tune to what your body is telling you but I really never picked up on any elevated heart rate. They suspect our current weather pattern we are in with excessive heat and humidity has not helped.
I hope to be back to the fishing hole in a few days, will take a few down day from working around home and on the water.
I never thought dehydration was an issue, have to take in more water. And the only thing I can really only pass on is, if your body is trying to tell you something don’t ignore it. Maybe get looked at sooner than later. Should have reacted to the shortness of breath stuff and not be my own doctor back a while ago.
You guys stay hydrated. I don’t drink a lot of coffee, ice tea or soda normally but they don’t help you hydrate.
Sorry for rambling on, I’m sure others have bigger issues than I do but it’s not fun when you know you might have eliminated the problem long ago if you just react to it.