Guys I renew my fishing license tomorrow. Not sure if I remember if I’ve ever seen a thread on here about what licenses cost us. Different states I’m sure have a variety of costs and types of permits that are associated with it.
I will pay approximately $32.00 tomorrow for resident license and my trout stamp.
Believe me, my thread is not a complaint by any means about costs. I get out on the water a lot. Or let’s say as much as I can, and will never be satisfied and want to be out more. I’m in PA so I can get a real winter and a winter that extends longer than I like it to into early Spring. That’s down time. Safe creek access for winter trout fishing is what I have to look for.
Guys I love my bass fishing, especially Smallies on the river. Dinks, runts, respectables and beauties I’ll take it all and try to be satisfied. Along with fishing for Mr. Greenjeans up at the lake.
My fishing for trouts goes way back as a kid. I can’t shake that. I have the ability to fish for native, wild and stocked trout all within a short drive or not that long of a drive.
I’m not all that crazy about eating trout. I prefer to eat the small native Brook Trout grilled but they are catch and release along with the wild trouts unless I harm one. That is not very often if once in forever. Stock trout that’s a different story, I have family, friends, neighbors, co-workers who eat the heck out of them. All people who don’t fish. I enjoy giving them to them as much if not more than catching them. I hammer some stocked streams close to the house. It’s a mix of rainbow, brown and brooks. And I can fish these creeks without being a bridge rat or a communal hole fisher. I get off the beaten path. I find that brown trout seem to be trout that want to wander and spread out and get away from others but, I’m sure that just a coincidence. A biologist I am not.
One of my friends she’s a single mom with a couple of kids claims I gave her 80 trout a few years back. Was alway getting pics of them cooking in the frying pan or on the grill. My one work buddy his mom (passed) you couldn’t give her enough of them. She had and maintained old Scottish roots. Trout was a big part of it, ????????? so I’m told. Don’t let me hold up a tradition.
Sorry for being so long winded over the license costs, but in my case enjoyment far exceeds the cost.