When asked or approached about taking a kid(s) fishing or just a curious adult friend male or female as to what I’m doing out there on the water, I’m up for doing it. I put on a good show, generally don’t care if I get a line wet, I bring everything they need, put on a bit of an on the water classroom first, try to see if they are green as grass or not. I try to be a guide. Most times I’m told they fished before blah blah blah only to find out they never touched a rod or reel. But there is nothing wrong with that. Wanting to be there is the most important. How long their attention span is the next thing.
Yesterday I had my sister-in-laws twin grandsons out. 9 year olds. Well behaved, respectful, listened and teachable. Weather cooperated but recent weather and water conditions has the normal bite off for a variety of panfish. Had my bases covered with live bait, I didn’t them to get skunked. Them catching is important for them to keep an interest. They caught about 25 fish apiece. A few large bluegill, sunfish, white perch and bream in the mix.
I could not get them to bait a hook with that livebait. I tried like heck. They would touch it, would give it to me to put it on but they had no interest in doing it. I could not get them to un hook fish. I have all the tools for those smaller hook and showed them how to use them. I have them use Aberdeen and cricket hooks. Makes hook removal simple and easy. Fish don’t get injured. I didn’t want to press this lack of trying with them. Thought if I overpush it, maybe they would get turned off. They clearly were having a good time.
I had them fish some soft plastics. The Bass are there and I wanted to see them hook one. My thought with soft plastic worms is you pretty much can’t fish them wrong. It took awhile but they started to catch on. They didn’t grasp on too well about fishing a tighter line but they finally got it. Got them to rig weedless. I fish with them awhile figured they would copy what I was doing. They did catch on to hopping, sliding and shakey worming and maintaining a tighter line. They were worn out and wanted to take a break and get into the snacks.
I continued to fish on a bit longer with a worm. As much as I would rather have seen them keep catching them, in my head I wanted them to see a bass caught to show them what else is there for them. On about my third solo cast I had a solid hookup, what I perceived was to be a sizable greenie. A minute or so into the fight I had my doubts about a huge green fish. Acted more like a catfish. I had a full 10 minute fight on 6 lb. test and landed a 29 1/2” 12 pound channel cat. Finessed rigged PowerWorm. I wish they would have landed it. They could not have handled it. They would have lost my rod. I was speechless and dumbfounded. I never expected anything like that. Those kids were amazed, and so was I. They got to see a big fish. I tried to get them to touch it, hold it, unhook him and let him go but they wanted no parts of it. They wanted to leave after all that. Thought maybe that would spark them up. They wanted to roll. I guess they seen enough. We went to the Diner for lunch. I wasn’t sure how good a time they had. I had my doubts because they didn’t like to handle bait or fish. They had a great time and kept thanking me for taking them. They thanked me for landing that catfish. They never seen anything like that before.