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Steven Dauster

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Everything posted by Steven Dauster

  1. A couple weeks ago I finally purchased a brand new jon boat and a trolling motor for it and Im just gonna say im a better angler than I thought. From the banks I was having a 0-1 maybe 2 fish a day. Now from my boat im having much more luck to put it simply, and Ive finally broken the 3 pound mark. I always bought cheap rods b/c hiking all through creation on shore I would always **** an eylet and beat em up. Now Im considering spending on 2 rods. Id like to do 1 MH 6ft6 with power pro 20lb for really weedy areas which my favorite lake is avg. depth of 8ft and nothing but lillys grass and muck. And another running 17fluoro for more open waters and some finesse stuff when theyre being picky. I only run spinning reels right now. Anyone have any other suggestions or anything thanks for the help in advance guys.
  2. Yup everyone wants to fish the easy banks with no weeds/grass/trees etc. Well if its open land by the bank what do you think is right there in the water? No vegetation for the bass to hide in. When I started really hiking and making my own way and own spot to stand on the bank is when I started having luck from shore....then I got a jon boat lol
  3. Just wondering if anyone else has trouble with different seasons clashing. I was supposed to go fishing today but realized I havent checked my trail cam in 2 weeks so I pretty much had to do that. And the only time of year I find my self not fishing at all is during deer bow season. And this spring I was kinda ticked because it was the least fishing Ive ever done because I started turkey hunting for the first time (at least I got a bird though unlike my first deer season.) Just wondering if other people run into this issue and have decided to drop one sport to chase another more.
  4. I havent had the best of luck with hook sets have gotten a few though. But ive gotten strikes on my SK frog popping it over anytype of cover or punching it through the cover not just lillys. Almost every pond/lake ive fished in nj/ny has lillys
  5. Like I said I gave the Passaic another shot from 730-11 this morn one big bluegill on a jointed rapala and a SMB 7.5inches on a different jointed rapala. Never caught anything on jointed cranks guess I should use em more. Bite was good before it starting warming up. After 9ish I couldnt buy a bite. Had another decent sized one jump out and toss the hook earlier in the morning as well Good day though any time I dont skunked I consider it a good day
  6. I've been on forums where mods rule with an iron fist or act like babies and take things to personal and I've never had a bad experience but I've seen guys get shafted before maybe some people here have seen that on other forums too would be my guess
  7. As far as freshwater goes I like walleye catfish trout crappie bluegill bass in that order nothing better than catching a dozen keeper bluegills and frying em that night
  8. Agree with what someone else said I starting noticing patterns when I started keeping a fish diary. I also found I'm more successful and focused when instead of fishing once or twice a week for 3+ hours I fish almost everyday for .5-2 hours but that's just me
  9. Awesome thanks again tjc within the next day or two im going to give the passaic another shot and or whites cant wait
  10. Thanks for the info tjc76! I have only been seriously bass fishing for the past 2 years (took me a while to get over beer and worms but hey lol) so as long as theyre there I dont care if they are only 1-2 pounds lol. If you dont mind me asking where in the passaic do you fish. Im not looking for youre honey hole or anything sepcific just where to park. I live a few blocks away and have tried parking across the street from elmwood park h.s with a little bit of luck. Just alot of trash in the water there and I dont like fishing so close to the street. I have also had good luck behind memorial middle school in fair lawn the problem is in the summer heat its like a mud bug swamp.
  11. If you are talking about field tips and broadheads those are just the tips or the points as you could say. They are interchangable the end of an arrow has a female thread and the broadhead or field tip has a male thread. Most rangers/targets are field tip only. And good idea that is what I did my first year got my bow for familiar with it and totally learned how to shoot and starting learning how to scout and use a climbing stand etc. Hunting is one of the hardest things youll learn there are so many sides to the hobby but imho the most rewarding......ya know close second to fishing lol good luck
  12. although a recurve is more difficult and more rewarding its not like a compound is easy. It is still alot harder and rewarding than firearm hunting (not that there is anything wrong with any of the 3 different types) I would suggest to start with compound because it is a little easier for someone totally new to archery, bear archery makes a good RTH combo and so does pse those are youre best bets imho for cheap reliable bows(I know there are better bow just really considering price w/ that suggestion).Or pick one up used that what I did when I started. And I saw someone mentioned hunting out of a blind, just be careful with that alot of blinds are too small for archery hunting and you cant draw inside of one. Good luck!
  13. saw this thread and had to log in for the first time in a very long time. I have been fishing potash in oakland NJ lots of good sized perch (its a shame its so polluted would make good eats) and LMB is decent numbers. I usually go there for only 1-2 hours to get my fix when Im short on time but always get 1-3 even when Im only on the water for an hour. Nothing to call home size wise though. Been getting em on small zoom flukes and black/blue buzzbaits. Went to sebago on 7lake drive yesterday (I know its NY but its pretty close for most of us north NJ guys) got skunked water was very clear and but very turbulent. On a body of water that size Id figure they where holding deep and I was fishing from shore so I guess that attributes to part of my failures. Living so close to the passiac ive never really given it a shot but after reading up on some of you guys posts im gonna head and try it. Anyone ever fish whites pond in waldwick Ive also been considering giving that a shot.
  14. Ive been trying pitching into heavy cover w/ a senko and had one on a texas rig but only after countless outings trying this do you guys find a wacky rig to be more suitable for this presentation?
  15. No matter what I do on a regular senko of any color I cant buy a fish all my friends and everywhere I read it supposedly "fool proof" and a thousand different ways to fish it. But ribbontails I seem to be much better w/ and the only technique ive found to work for spinnerbaits is when the suns at its highest and its the hottest part of summer I just throw it over open deep waters and burn it back to shore for the short time its stays above 95 here in NJ the spinner is my go to if that helps anyone having touble w/ em spinnerbaits seem to be the only thing im well versed in
  16. For some reason I seem to have to have the best luck with strike king red eye spinners on the hottest days
  17. Getting skunked multiple times will only increase the need to bass fish will having a good day will have the same affect it is a vicious cycle my friends
  18. Hey guys/gals new to the forum 20 years old...21 in a week been fishing at least once a week 8 months a year since I got my license and first truck when I was 17. Just the past year and a half ive progressed beyond worms and a closed reel and have been getting out 2-3 times a week bass fishing dont currently own a boat but will most likely be purchasing a used jon boat towards the end of this summer just having the usual troubles of anyone who has to teach themselves everything I read everything I can from bassmasters and field on stream Im also a vol. firefighter bow hunter and a member of IUOE local 94 look forward to getting more tips to help my frustrations see you around.
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