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Go Big Orange

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Everything posted by Go Big Orange

  1. My club has an awesome schedule 2006 SCHEDULE Feb-18 Chickamauga Chester Frost March-18 Guntersville Mud Creek April 8 Guntersville Mud Creek MAY 6- 7 Weiss Lake Riverside June-9 Chickamauga Harrison Bay NIGHT July-14 Chickamauga Harrison Bay NIGHT Aug-11 Chickamauga-Nickajack Chickamauga Dam Sept-9-10 Guntersville Mud Creek Oct-14 Nickajack Hales Bar NOV-11 Guntersville Mud Creek April-10 Regional Chickamauga Chester Frost
  2. ( in fact on one of my trips to Toledo Bend I had to go to a repair shop on the Lousiana side and the man that owns the shop has a stringer of bass he caught in the early 70's of 10 bass for a total weihgt of 108 pounds! and two other stringers with similiar days on the water. ) Maybe thats the problem too many lunkers hanging on a stringer instead being released. > I dont know if you have size limits there but we do 15" to keep which I dont keep I take a picture and throw em back. But I saw a show on how a 15" limit can have negative effects. They said limits like that tend to make the lake produce fish of 15" or less. Kinda corresponds to the poll on the main page.
  3. My Pride and Joy - 91 Sprint with 175 Mariner
  4. I am just looking for something to lock my rod locker and the area I store my depth finders in when i bring the boat to work for afternoon fishing.
  5. Anyone know where to find a lockable bar that goes accross the deck to keep folks from opening your important storage areas? I saw one on a commercial but I did not get the manufacturer name.
  6. Largest Small Mouth I ever caught was 5lbs caught May 18, 1986 on Watts Bar Lake part of the Tennessee River system. I bought a new Bait caster and rod and was just standing on the front of the boat casting a Shad Rap and playing with the settings on my new reel to try to get maximum casting distance. I was just chunking it out and reeling it in when he nailed it.
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