Thanks Sam and Wdy...
Hey Justin,
you're right, it is tough here in VA Beach! but its also summer and tough to be shore stomper. the bass go deep and stay there most of the dog days of summer. I have a theory and i've never been wrong about it. "if there is a pipe leading to a small pond, there's bass!" i had the same bad luck fishing in va beach when i moved here as you did. heres some really important things ive learned in the past 9 years.
1-skip the crank baits and every other hard bait until you find fish. like Wdycrankbait said, im really busy, so i keep a rod in my car with maybe 3 soft plastics at the most. shaky head worms, senkos and 1/4oz swim jigs. slow down, minimize tackle, and downsize bait. there is a reason i only use 1/4oz swim jigs. i also use a 7ft rod with no more than 8lb line (i dont care what people preach, mono works fine for me and i fish super clear water a lot, but the majority on here here will preach flouro. its a personal call youll have to make)
2- MOST of my soft plastics are green pumkin, black/blue fleck and maybe watermelon red or black in color. dont waste your time trying to find the latest color KVD or Ike is using, THEY DONT FISH VA BEACH . if you truely want to get to the nitty gritty of color, do so AFTER you find fish...but then you found them, so maybe youre already there
3-GO TO BAITS- 7in Roboworms in Aaron Marins Magic (its dark green on top and has a purple line down the middle) rigged shaky head (1/8th - 1/4th oz VMC Jig head hooks)
BPS Stick-0's in 5-3/8in in black/blue fleck and green pumpkin (most people hate stick-o's, and prefer Yami's, but im cheap and theres 20 to a pack and they are still just as good IMO. good for starting off anyways)
"THE WALMART SPECIAL" Strike King 1/4oz Swim jigs in green pumpkin. as a starter, i bite off 1/2 of a zoom super fluke paddle tail (in watermelon red color) and put the remaining 1/2 as the trailer. OR you can put on a green pumpkin strike king baby rage craw as the trailer in rocky/weedy spots. reel in slow, or pop the bottom. one of my best secrets (not anymore i guess )
4-quick wins - Barkley Meadows near TCC Va Beach. there is a drainage canal that routinely holds 1-2 lb bass there. use a black/blue fleck weightless senko and throw under that tree...its a rough day if you cant pull at least one out of there. (driving on independence, its on the right. pull in the neighborhood and park "out of peoples way". the people are nice as long as you dont create an issue for them. the canal is public property, so you can fish there. i walk through the cul-de-sac on the left and between the houses and then to the tree on the other side of the canal.
TCC Va Beach Student Center Lake - there are definitely some good fish in here. fish the back side of the building, near the pipe and under the building. if you have a TCC id, youre good, if you dont, they may ask you to leave, but since i go there, i havent had any problems with security.
Bass Pro Shops in Hampton - Sam mentioned going there. while youre there, texas rig a red worm or black spinner bait and fish your way around the lake. that lake has been there since my mom was little and ive caught more than i can remember there growing up.
Dont waste your time on Mt Trashmore's lake. i've wasted time that i'll never get back there. its shallow and gets too hot for good bass in the summer, and hard to not get pestered by grounds keepers who think they are security. the secret is to fish the lake next to it. there is a point where the trail leads to. usually there are a ton of people all trying to fish that spot, but ive caught a few small ones out of there. mostly too busy for me though. i know a few guys who have said they caught some nice ones, but i just dont waste my time at the point. try to walk around and fish it.
BEST TIMES TO FISH - This goes for any where so this is no secret, but for shore stompers without a boat or access to lilly pads for shady bridges, the bass come shallow to feed in the early morning and in the evening. The last decent sized bass i caught was in 1 foot of water chasing baitfish. (See the pict). i am a pale skinned red head who burns when he thinks about the sun, so you wont catch me fishing local ponds in the middle of the day in the summer. (never mind that im at work). The only time i fish in 98 degree heat is on tournament day. THINK ABOUT IT, bass are the same way, its hot outside, (water temp is high) they look for shade. ie, pipes, logs, deep water, run off from a recent storm etc. if you are fishing in the heat of the day, look for where water temp will be cooler, even just 1 or 2 degrees.
Good luck, i wish i had more time to say we could meet up, but im trying to wrap up my summer semester in the next 2 weeks. Hang in there, youll figure it out. PM me and i'll shoot you my email address.
All the best,