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Everything posted by Ramz

  1. I have a 2-stroke Mercury 5 horse engine. To start it at the beginning of the season and to run the gas out at the end of the season I fill up a garbage can with water and run it. I notice oil in the water eventually. Can prolonged running of the engine in that water (with oil in it) cause problems?
  2. I have the trailer hookup on the back of my truck and over the years I haven't always remembered to close the little rubber cover on it. I am putting new lights on my Jon boat trailer and am concerned I need to replace the hookup on my truck as well. Can anyone simply explain how to use a multimeter to check the light hookup on my truck?
  3. I have a jon boat with a 30 pound thrust minn kota trolling motor. The trolling battery I have is big, heavy, and cumbersome. Can I switch that out for a smaller battery that would so much easier to carry and transport? If so, any suggestions on battery brands and models?
  4. Parents bought a place on the St. Joe river in Michigan. The water visibility is low, I believe the depth is no more than 8 ft, & there are stumps everywhere. I was wondering what would be the color of grub you would use?
  5. Without a doubt... my dad. He was the first one that took me bass fishing & was with me when I caught my first LM.
  6. Fishing early in the morning reminds me up fishing with my dad when I was a kid. Waking up and eating some PB & J sandwiches before hitting the water & being mezmorized by the fact that I was up in the morning but it was still dark out. The sound of the engine firing up, flipping the aerator on, & wondering if our neighbors were being woken up by the noise. Love those memories !!!
  7. an oversized jig and pig in black & blue. probably like a 1/2 oz with a 4 in. chigger craw trailer. But then again I have caught big ones on an 1/8 oz Strike King Bitsy Bug with a 3 inch craw trailer. Half-ounce might not sounds oversized to most of you, but it is for me.
  8. Ramz

    Swim Jigs

    I like throwing a chigger craw as a trailer, the way the claws move as you real the lure in is pure poison.
  9. I just recently bought one and haven't tried it yet, though I can't wait to. It seems to me that the A-rig is more of a novelty lure, but I can't honestly give my thoughts on it until I actually throw it. What type of line, rod, reel are you guys using when you throw it?
  10. I plan on fishing square billed crankbaits this year. I want to bounce them of stumps and submerged wood. What type of line do you suggest using?
  11. I live in Griffith, the Northwest part of the state, better known as the Region. Fish mostly the small lakes at my Izaak Walton chapter.
  12. I just recently purchased a used Quantum Energy casting reel off eBay. I know many people would not dream of using a used reel but I got it for only $25 and considering how much a new Quantum Energy costs I could not pass it up. Also this is my first casting reel and it feels great. I want to put braid on it and I plan on using 50 # braid but I am not sure what rod to use because of the fear that braid may cut into my guides and cause break offs. I bought a Browning casting rod mainly because of the price (it was cheap) to put the reel on. Was this a bad rod choice? Can anyone give me any suggestions?
  13. What is funny is honestly when I started this topic a few days ago I have never had caught a fish on the last cast. Two days ago..... last cast of the night.... I can honestly now say I have caught a fish on a "last" cast.
  14. Two of my buddies and I were fishing the other night. It got to that point where it just got too dark to fish without lanterns and we all said as every fisherman says when it gets to that certain point, "last cast". Of course that last cast turned into a few extra casts just to be sure but my point is that we did not catch anything on any of those concluding casts. Before we left the lake we started talking about none of us have ever caught anything or even gotten a hit during any of our "last casts". My question is, has anyone actually caught anything on those last casts? I would imagine that a fish caught on a last cast feels 10x better than a fish caught on the first.
  15. I've been fishing out of a bass boat my entire fishing life, but that bass boat belongs to my father and the boat is no longer in driving distance. I was given a 14 ft jon boat w/ trailer for free and after some fabrications to the trailer it is now ready to go. I have a trolling motor to go with the boat whcih is perfect for the small lakes I fish by my house. The only thing that makes me nervous is I have never launched a boat by myself. The boat launches on these small lakes are easily accesible but I still am nervous of what could go wrong. Is there any tips or words of confidence anyone can give to someone in my situation. Please try to leave out the horror stories. THANKS !!!
  16. I must not have gotten the memo that these "Rage" baits are the best thing since the invention of the jig & pig. I am going to have to try them out. If you were going to be fishing a new lake and could only use one type and color WHAT WOULD IT BE?
  17. 1/8 oz Bitsy Bug (blue/black) with a Chigger Craw (black/blue flake) 5" Senco (black/blue flake) weightless 3/8 oz chartreuse and white Spinnerbait w/ bleeding bait trailer hook
  18. 1/8 oz Bitsy Bug (blue/black) with a Chigger Craw (black/blue flake) 5" Senco (black/blue flake) weightless 3/8 oz chartreuse and white Spinnerbait w/ bleeding bait trailer hook
  19. Its funny that you should mention Issac Walton because the lake I am referring to is an isaac walton lake. I am a member of the Griffith chapter.
  20. I might be goin old school here but I have always like using Jitterbugs and topwater Torpedos. Also a spinnerbait (dark colored w/ colorado blades)
  21. I fish this small lake that has some nice 5 and 6 pounders in it. The problem is, as soon as the temp hits the 90's like it is now the topwater vegetation is THICK except for some small patches and a little area of the lake. This is the first year I am going to be fishing it using a boat. I plan on throwing a few different Scum Frogs, but that is really all I have as far as frogs go. What are some effective lures I can use. They are most likely going to be floating topwater because it seems anything else would be craziness because of the amount of weeds in the water. Also I have been wondering if I should use a different type of line. As of now I have 15 lb test Stren mono on a Mitchell 300x spinning reel. THANKS FOR ANY REPLIES
  22. Can you use flourocarbon also?
  23. What is the difference between a texas and carolina rig? Is there any other popular rigs besides these?
  24. Around $ 150- 200
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