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Everything posted by Ratherbfishing

  1. Fished a baby brush hog. Worked great. Moved to the standard size (had to borrow one from a friend because I was out) and caught my biggest fish of the day. Yes they are pretty good baits.
  2. The only thing more ravenous than Charlie Brown's kite eating tree is the infamous lure eating tree-only there seems to be more than just one of them. It's been my experience that the TYPE of lure being eaten is less relevent that the cost of said lure (or it's ability to be replaced). Expensive and difficult to replace lures are definitely high on the lure eating trees menu.
  3. I think, sometimes, that they can hear it when I cinch up a knot in my line. Monofilament is especially squeaky.
  4. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Competition is good!
  5. How big was it? Could it have been a partially decomposed and otherwise deteriorated chain pickeral? Otherwise, I'd guess it was a "stick."
  6. SOME of this is truly funny and SOME of the outcomes were borne out of sheer stupidity but before you laugh TOO loud, remember that it might be YOU next. I had a 5 speed pickup with which I used to back my boat/trailer down ramps but that didn't last long. I broke out in cold sweats on more than one occassion.
  7. They may not be very smart but when they refuse to bite, they refuse to bite.
  8. This summer I witnessed something I never guessed I'd see in a million years. A friend and I were on a marshy lake near catttails. I could see a muskrat on his "hut" and I expected, since we were some distance, that he would go about his business. Instead, the little critter swam right up to the boat. I figured he'd see his mistake, dive down and then swim off but he circled the boat twice. I half expected him to attempt to climb in the boat-he seemed so eager to be near us. He didn't do that but he did stop along the side and began nibbling on some green plant. Then he started squeaking plaintively like he wanted something. Apparently, he got bored with us because he eventually swam once more around the boat and then headed back to his hut. THAT was pretty darn funny! I have a little camera footage of him but I'm technologically challenged and don't know how to download it.
  9. mmmm...nope. It's pretty much about the catching.
  10. When asked "Do these jeans make me look fat?", a few wrong answers are: "Said the white whale to Captain Ahab." "No, it's your butt that makes you look fat" "Not as fat as those shorts you wore yesterday." "They don't MAKE you look fat but they sure don't help"
  11. I caught a 35 inch musky this past Friday while bass fishing (using a half-ounce spinnerbait). (No pics as I wanted to get it back in the water quickly). This is my third musky while bass fishing (and none when actually targeting musky and/or big pike). I thought about buying a musky rod/reel and specifically targeting them but I think it would ruin my "streak." It seems to me that "smaller" musky (25 to 35 inches) are as apt to bite bass lures as the larger offerings. If I'm "happy" with the smaller musky, would I be too far off to stick with my bass baits and just target high percentage musky areas?
  12. Something I've been thinking about: I was wondering if propeller science/technology has increased to the point where installing a new and improved prop might give some additional and worthwhile "umph" to my old 70's model Johnson 9 horse motor? And even if this were the case, do they make new/different props for old motors? And is it "legal"?
  13. Like I'll ever have that problem.
  14. I suspect, except for folks fishing for Muskies or big pike, you won't get many affirmative responses from Northernffishermen.
  15. $250 is an enormous amount of money if you can't afford it and/or if you want the biggest bang for your buck and then don't use the baits you purchase properly. A person with a handful of beetle spins and curly tail jigs who then uses them properly and in the right places can fish circles around someone with a whole boat load of lures who doesn't.
  16. Fright Night
  17. I'll have to check on the model. It's about a 15 year old 25 horse Evinrude. Been solid as a rock except this little "glitch." I'll go easier on pumping the bulb. Never thought about flooding it this way. Thanks!
  18. Yep, maybe not "as a rock" but firm. No choke to speak of. Just a plunger primer.
  19. I find it a pain just to inflate and set up my belly boat (and flippers and life jacket and gear, etc) for use so I'm pretty sure this contraption is not for me. But if you are patient (I'm not) and have very limited space, this might be a good way to go.
  20. Unlike me, my outboard seems to be having difficulty getting gas after it has been sitting idle for a few days. I pump the bulb plenty and prime it (once as instructed) but I almost run out of cranking power before I get it to fire up. I'm pretty sure it's not getting gas as once it DOES start and has been running, it never fails to start IMMEDIATELY afterwards (and always continues to run just fine). Is there any trick for getting gas to the carburator more quickly (i'd rather not use starting fluid)? Or could there be another problem I haven't discovered yet?
  21. About five minutes before I arrive or 5 minutes after I leave.
  22. Good luck trying to get a Walmart "associate" to go back at the counter to sell you a fishing license. I swear I see tumble weeds bouncing past.
  23. If you are right handed, the reel handle should be on the left. Being superior in both thought and deed, I have to poke fun at all you "righties" just a little. I've noticed that probably 90 percent (a scientifically derived figure-completely made up) of right handed people who use baitcasters with the handles on the right, when using spinning gear, place those handles on the left. What's up with that?!!!! (Note to those who struggle with the nuances of humor and self-effacing sarcasm: That first sentence was written in jest). ; )
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