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Everything posted by Ratherbfishing

  1. I am the first to admit that I have not kept up on current technology. I'm not quite a dinosaur but I'm certainly one of the earliest mammals. I just "hooked up" my girlfriends older component stereo system. It has a separate CD player, turntable, and tape deck and they all play fine. But wanting to move into the 21st century, I hope to connect an Mp3 player to the 90's era amplifier-perhaps through an auxiliary jack. Is this easily done or are the technologies simply incompatible?
  2. Ain't no big thing. My comment wasn't meant to be critical and I think we are in agreement that, sometimes, we have to mix things up to give them what they want.
  3. I don't think it is particularly helpful to generalize about which retrieve is best-particularly from one lake to the next. On ONE day they might like a long pause between "pops" and on another, almost none. Let the bass tell you what they want.
  4. It is ONE of the reasons that smaller bass don't make it to becoming larger bass. They get eaten. To a bass, a meal is a meal is a meal.
  5. Never had a fly or mosquito explode on me yet but I suppose you just never know. ; )
  6. Exactly this. I can pretty much hold my own against some good fishermen IF the body of water is relatively small but once the lake gets over a certain size...the good ones will blow me away!!!!!!!!!
  7. This! The only time I've caught musky (4 so far) was when I was fishing for bass and, on one lake at least, likewise for crappie. It's impressive when a 14 inch crappy takes a 3 inch chigger craw or 5 inch super fluke. Just "target" catfish and they will surely go away.
  8. I've had days on the lake when the bass really like them and I've had days where they preferred something else. Hmmm...seems like I've been here before.
  9. Piercings are all the rage these days.
  10. Usually, when my one buddy and I get together and there is one target (such as flooded tree) to cast to, he will cast to one (his side) and I will cast to the other. Or when we are moss fishing, it has been verbally agreed that if a bass blows up on a bait but misses it, the verbal expectation/understanding is that the other fisherman. if his is in a position to do so, can (and should) cast to that same spot. He and I have not always seen eye to eye on EVERYTHING but when it pertains to fishing itself, catching is less important than being a good neighbor. As Frost once said, "Good fences make good neighbors." The best way to influence your son would be to start by example but there is nothing wrong with pointing out when problematic or unacceptable behavior occur. One has to choose ones battles BUT a parent should not have to be "afraid" to correct something if you think it important or necessary. And, importantly, your son won't know what you want or expect if it isn't voiced by you (in a gentle manner). Using the above example, some fishermen would take offense at another person casting to their missed (moss) fish but my friend and I have talked about it and we both agree that we'd rather see the fish caught than miss the opportunity. And we both get immense pleasure just watching the fish bite. If , on the other hand, you feel the need to correct EVERYTHING and have a difficult time choosing your battles OR, conversely, you are afraid to speak out at all, you might need to examine your own inner voices and life commandments.
  11. I've been IN a few dives before and I've been known to dumpster dive but that's the extent of my experience.
  12. It seems somewhat odd to me that one persons ideal settings would not be someone elses ideal settings. What is one person looking for with one setting that someone else might not want to see? Or is it that people just like to have a "choice" (even if that choice might be wrong)? I don't wish to hijack the thread but, rather, i hope to add to it.
  13. Came back swingin'! Nice fish! Hope you continue to heal up!
  14. This is why some/many bass fishermen carry several fishing outfits with them-so they don't have to retie so often. When I go out, I generally have 3 somewhat dissimilar baits tied on and I usually start by fishing fast (search baits and/or reaction baits) and then going slower-as need be. This isn't ALWAYS true but generally speaking...
  15. Good suggestion. Plus I think this hook isn't as likely to be the one that goes into the fish's mouth anyway.
  16. Caught plenty of smallmouth with them and, also, a 30" musky. That's not big for a musky but in a flowing river and on 6 lb line, it was plenty big.
  17. Awwww!!!! It's so cute!!!!
  18. I'm unsure if this helps or not. ; ) But actually, yes, I know what you are saying. No matter what (well, ALMOST, anyway), there is usually some way to resolve it. I think it may be a factor of age but a few years back (4 years ago, I think) I pulled my boat to Canada and back with considerably less anxiety. Of course, THEN I was merely a guest on someone else's trip and I just had to get there (and back). I was not the chief instigator and planner.
  19. Up in Canada we fished Rat-l-traps and Cordell spots in 30 and more feet of water. The bass weren't at the very bottom (somewhere in the middle) so "deep" is, perhaps, a misnomer but yes, I've fished them in water that was deeper. Did quite well, too.
  20. That's not a snake. It's a hose. (and reading closer, I see someone else has beaten me to it).
  21. This. You might try circle hooks where you just reel in your line.
  22. Yeah, I know. I read your thread earlier! What a drag! I think a big part of my stress comes from that the entire trip (my first of this type) has fallen almost entirely on me. If responsibilities were split up more among its various participants OR if we we just driving there and renting someone else's boat, a big part of the stress would be alleviated. But I had boat motor problems last month and I still am not entirely sure WHY my trailer tires wore so unevenly before (hope it was just under-inflation-which they were). Anyhow, What will be will be, I guess.
  23. Translation of the expression "Just Sayin'": "You're an idiot but I'm too nice to just come out and say so." : )
  24. I've already replaced my hydrostatic approximator- twice!
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