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About Ratherbfishing

  • Birthday April 19

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central Illinois
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Not sayin'.

  • Other Interests
    With fishing I can't afford other hobbies.

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  • About Me
    more later

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Community Answers

  1. This year has been an odd year. It seems that, at least on most of the smaller bodies of water, vegetation has been sparse or non-existent. Albeit, we have had various heavy rains and fluctuating temps throughout much of the year but nothing really all that out of the ordinary. The fish, when I can find them, seem healthy enough but I wonder how much longer this can go on. On one body of water (Emiquon-just off the Illinois River) where Asian and Chinese carp are present it has largely become, a mud hole. Where there use to be matted vegetation along the shore and stands of flooded cattails, now there is almost nothing. I think this can be attribute mostly to the carp but in other locales... I dunno. Has anyone else noticed a similar trend where they are from? It worries me.
  2. The local Dicks/Field & Stream has a "plethora" of Keitech baits in quite a few colors and sizes. It's one of the few products which seems to come in regularly. And, unfortunately, there is an entire shelf of Googan..."product." Would much rather see the latter product replaced with other stock.
  3. It's funny you should ask. I acquired one just the other day from a garage sale. May never use it but it's a cool blast from the past.
  4. When my calendar says I have to go to work.
  5. The only time I object to catching a fish (of any size) is if I have to stand elbow to elbow with other fishermen for that privilege. THAT does not appeal to me.
  6. Where I work they don't remain in stock very long.
  7. I work part-time at a sporting goods store. When someone who is new to the sport asks me to pick out some lures for him/her to get started, invariably one of the baits I suggest is a floating Rapala-usually in silver or gold. It's about as close to a "no-brainer" bait as one can ask for. I will allow that I haven't caught many really LARGE bass with this bait but the reason for this is generally because I usually pull out the Rapala when the fishing is tough and want to catch SOMETHING (anything). Under such conditions, smaller bass are usually more cooperative. So, it really isn't the baits fault. As some have already said, heavy line will kill the action and make it harder to get distant casts. I generally use 6 lb line with a Rapala (loop) knot.
  8. These days it's assumed (and thus, unfortunately, almost manditory) that everyone have a "smart" phone. I've dealt with some of the issues you are having to put up with-though not specifically with paypal. And it's very aggravating. In particular, I feel sorry for elderly folks who did not grow up with technology and yet are still forced to use it. Oh, and trying to speak to a living and breathing person these days is next to impossible. "Customer service" is too often a joke.
  9. Are you sure they were bass that you were seeing? Carp do a lot of jumping/splashing and seemingly live to fool new fishermen. Without having MORE information, anyone who claims to know what you are doing wrong is blowing smoke up your... crevace. It would be helpful to have some details. Everyone gets skunked once in a while so don't let that get you down (much). I will allow that one of the reasons bass are popular is because they can be caught with many methods, and in many locations but they can be maddingly stubborn, too. So, again, don't beat yourself up.
  10. I think it would be difficult to gauge how long to spin the line in the opposite direction. Using a good ball bearing swivel is a lot cheaper and easier. But barring that, I usually just remove the lure and trail about 20 yards of line behind the boat and allow the line to unravel naturally.
  11. Do you have a second (or third) mortgage on your home in order to feed your fishing habit? If no, than you need to continue to listen to the baitmonkey.
  12. I was sorting through some baits that I don't use often and noticed that the paint on one had softened with reaction to one of it's rowdy neighbors. It's still salvageable but but only if it doesn't get any worse. Does anyone have a hack that can harden/fix the affected paint?
  13. The reel manufactures would LOVE for you to believe you have to have 5 (or 7 or 10) reels in order to feel "complete" however this really isn't true. A 7.3:1 reel is a pretty "middle of the road" reel ratio these days and if you are cognizant of how fast you are turning the reel handle (and adjust accordingly), it will get you by on most applications-all of them, actually, if you don't expect too much and confine yourself to freshwater bass. As you improve and learn to "specialize," you'll probably want more than just one gear ratio but, again, you don't HAVE to. I have 3 baitcasters in a broader range of gear applications but PART of the reason is so I don't have to retie as often and not because I feel like I MUST switch gear ratio's. It only made sense to get them in different gear ratios so I could expand for their respective strengths/advantages. Don't overthink (and overspend). The 7:3:1 reel is a fine starting off reel.
  14. People don't like pistol grips? There are so few on the market right now-how would they ever know? If you watch video's from Larry Nixon (no slouch) from back in the day, he used pistol grips and he didn't complain. You may, indeed, find you don't like them but don't treat the modern talk as if it's gospel. Remember, some of these same people also listen to the drivel that's somehow passing for music.
  15. It won't hurt to find out. The worst that can happen is you find you don't like it. It might be a good rod for casting under docks and trees.
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