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Everything posted by Redtail

  1. Thanks all - worked great!
  2. I just bought a 2004 Skeeter 150 Yamaha VMax and it has a hot foot. I'm trying it out today for the first time. Do I have to put the hand throttle full ahead and keep it there to start the engine and then use the hot foot pedal like in a car? Thanks in Advance!
  3. Thanks Joe! Those pice are great and a big help!
  4. I have read that you should trim the weed guard on a jig so it is even with the hook point and also spread the brissels out. A also read that you shouldn't trim it down, but you should thin out the brissels. Trimming the guard makes it to rigid. Any opinions?
  5. I would have a better chance of meeting God than skipping with a baitcaster and not getting an enormous professional overrun!
  6. Strangely enough, I have found the complete opposite! I am amazed how many people ask me to take them fishing in my boat. People that I never would have imagined had any interest in fishing. I still haven't been able to take everyone that has asked. The ones that have gone always want to go again.
  7. How do you decide if you are going to peg your weight or not when fishing soft plastics?
  8. Dick's always has a big supply of them here in Central MA.
  9. Charlie Moore should change his name from the Madfisherman to the It's all about me Fisherman. He is the complete opposite of Bill Dance - most of the fish he catches are dinks. I haen't seen any body on TV catch such small fish since Gadabout Gaddis - for those of you old enough to remember him!
  10. What does a pod of baitfish look like on your fisfinder?
  11. What are some of the things you do differently as the water temp drops back into the sixties? What depth of water do you fish and do you change your style? Some say they fish the same as in the spring, but that hasn't worked for me. Just looking to share some tips with other colder weather fisherman!
  12. Next time you're out in the boat. don't fish. Try a little Kayak Tippin instead. See how many you can tip over in an hour! Only Kiddin. Does sound like fun though! When I'm in my boat, I don't have a job, mortgage, wife, kids or any worries. It's the most relaxing thing I do. I don't fish tournaments and leave when I want. Even though the bite has tailed off some and the fish are a bit smaller, It's still great. I hope you get the feeling back - you will - time off should help! Can't stop thinkin bout that Kayak Tippin!
  13. We got 7 Saturday morning in Harvard. 5 of them between 2.5 and 3.5 The other two were about 12 inches. I tried topwater early and then some cranks & spinnerbaits and came up empty. Fat Ika's worked again in skinny water near laydowns and docks. My record is still in tact though - 1,643 casts with a crankbait and no fish!
  14. sdcoll-the boat launch is at the public beach (Harvard residents only). I talked to one of the high school kids that works there. He said they usually leave at 5:00 p.m. unless there are a lot of people at the beach. In that case they stay later. I guess there is no set time as to when they leave unfortunately. If you live in Leominster, it's only about a 12 mile drive for you which isn't too bad even if you had to wait a bit. Sorry, that's the best I could get for you.
  15. SDCOLL - I'm going either tonight or tomorrow night - I will go over to the launch area and see what I can find out.
  16. Can anyone recommend a good pro seat? I have to replace mine and I was looking for something comfortable. I think that's what it is called, the seat in front of the boat you run the trolling motor from. Thanks in Advance!
  17. I use it for 2 reasons. It gives me a bit more confidence that the fish might hold the bait a little longer. Also, it will mask any other smell you might have gotten on your hands which would then get on the bait, like gas, oil, sun block etc.
  18. If I averaged out for the whole season (good days and bad), I would say about one fish per hour.
  19. No restrictions....
  20. Mackkie The place in Central MA I fish is in Harvard - It's called Bare Hill. It's 315 acres and very beautiful. There is a public beach, but they charge $25 per launch. I'm pretty sure after 5:00 p.m. it's free. I know someone on the pond and they let me leave my boat docked for the season. It really doesn't get fished alot, probably because of the high launch fee. Huge population of LMB and some smallies. Most of the fish we catch range between 1.5 to 5.5 - the deepest I've found is 27 feet, but for the most part it's a shallow pond - lot's of cover - some structure. There are a few rocky shorelines and a ton of hydrilla. If you decide to go sometime, I would be gald to tell you some of my hotspots! Good Luck.
  21. I have done extremely well in Central MA with a Fat Ika - fished just as you would a senko. You may not get as many fish as you would with a senko - but I have found the fish are bigger. Last Saturday I only got 4 in two hours, but one was 4.9 Pliars in their eyes, dropping pickerel on a trolling motor - dudes find a better way to dispose if you must - that's a bit sick.
  22. I just started forcing myself to use something else for at least an hour every trip out. Last time out it was a spinnerbait with little success. It is so difficult for me to fish something other than soft plastics because of the no confidence factor.
  23. I went out the other night for an hour and a half and decided to only use a spinnerbait off points. I usually fish soft plastics and made myself do this. I caught a 9" yellow perch, a 12" LMB, a 12" crappie and a 16" pickerel. Unfortunately, that's the best I've ever done with a spinnerbait. Still no confidence with this bait. I guess it's back to soft plastics!
  24. 1) Fat Ika (Green pumkin w/ black) 2) Fat Ika (Black w/ blue) 3) Fat Ika (Any other color)
  25. Excellent! I agree, 4 lbs is a great fish all over New England, but 7 is a true monsta! I just got a Cavitron buzz bait - I guess Ill use it more often. I'm glad to hear you set her Free!
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