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Everything posted by LWD

  1. Big fish never it's been fished out to where bass never get a chance to reach 4lbs. But I'd say the average of dinks to keepers in a lake I fish is about 20/4. That's the luck I've been getting anyway. Have a good one.
  2. hi I do a super slow retrieve when fishing senko. I let it pause, reel crank it 2-3 times then pause again. Sometimes I just cast out dead stick it and let the wind drift do the moving of the bait.
  3. Greetings! Good evening or good day. I fish at Flat Creek PFA here in middle Georgia. An 80-acre lake that uses pumps. Every few months or so they pump it full of fertilizer. The result is this green particle stuff that permeates the water and disappears after 1 month or so, it effects water clarity greatly. During the time when it's heavy you know the bites your after drop to scarce. You can place your fingers in the water and right where it's immersed to the first knuckles you can't even see your fingertips. Would you expect many bites in that type of water clarity? Should I keep fishing it hoping to make a lucky cast maybe on a bass' head? Thank you for reading and y'all TC. LWD
  4. I couldn't set my drag it was clamped one of those big ones you thought it was a snag but was actually a fish. Tugged harder than anything I ever fished in my life. I wanted to know what it was whether it was a big bass or a catfish. I almost made it surface it did a tail whip right below the surface and stirred up a large amount of water. Then it ducked and darted under my boat and my line snapped. I have a nick name for it "Brutus" the brute because of how strong a fight it put up. Every time I go to the lake I wonder if I'm going to ever catch it. Probably never will. Have a good one.
  5. Dang that's a big cat to me. I just use liver on a #8 treble. Dinks is what I catch mostly. Too afraid to fish the Ocmulgee river here close to where I live. There was a man who caught a 103lb cat. They fight pretty hard ain't no telling what big catfish lurking in the Ocmulgee. I fish out of a kayak so I think a 10lb channel would be my max able to handle. Love fishing them though. You ever fish for them in dense grass before? Have you ever used a carolina floater for catfish bait successfully? Thanks
  6. LWD

    Bream Pets

    Hey thanks a lot y'all for your recommendations so just one sunny for at least a 29 gallon tank. A hollow log so it can hide or swim through. A 5" channel cat I bet that's going to get big. I'll buy some plastic plants. Keep it clean and water changes every week. Thanks for the tips.
  7. Thanks Sam
  8. Thanks, sometimes I forget about google .
  9. How can bass see any color at all down at such depths?
  10. Haven't heard of any SM this far south as far as reservoirs are concerned, check the rivers perhaps.
  11. cool thanks!
  12. Was checking this out the other day comes in 5 pkg it looks like a fluke but has a swim type tail. Have any of you tried these yet?
  13. Hello, I would like to get an aquarium and put in a bream. What tank size and other items are needed? Thanks for your time. LWD
  14. I can attest also that a 3/0 red gamakatsu baby bass Zoom fluke works well. No Zoom product I bought I didn't have good luck on. Lemon shad 'better than salt' trick worm and what they mean by better than salt is that it doesn't have any salt and it makes the trick worm more sturdy less susceptible to breakage when it's on the hook. The 6" Zoom junebug lizard is my most used bait it can catch bass small they even make them in mini 4" inch sizes. I had Zoom's fluke jr's c-rigged works good if your looking for an even smaller sized fluke.
  15. Hey y'all I think they were short striking. One bit the tail off a lizard I was using. What's that switch called on your reel that switches left to right? I know I could of had one for sure but I left the switch in off position and my line went with the fish before I could set the hook. It is similar to a drag but the bail spins as well. It could be the extended heat too. There's always extended heat down here in middle Georgia been drought like weather for years little rain. Well y'all tc and thanks for the help. Hopefully I'll have better luck tomorrow. LWD
  16. Hey y'all, I swear my past three fishing trips has been all bites and no hook ups. Before it was tap tap bam! There would be a fish on but it hasn't been happening like that recently. I wonder if it's just the attitude of the fish or the hook up luck. Thanks and good fishing to you. LWD
  17. I got my other reel to work. Problem was on the inside thanks anyway.
  18. Hello, I do not think the drag is working on my reel. It's $10 Shakespeare Durango and here's the problem I had encountered while I was testing it. I have a c-rig hooked to a fence as I was turning the bottom drag knob adjustment I would pull back to see if it was working in all drag knob positions my line did not shoot out as I pulled back on the rod. It was clamped so to speak and would not come loose I wouldn't hear that drag sound. I do not know what is wrong I am about to test another rod I have with the same reel. Thanks.
  19. 12-18 inch how do you all cast with such a long leader? Don't you have your sinker hitting the tip pole and the long leader make it harder to cast?
  20. I don't see why they wouldn't either myself. Thanks.
  21. Howdy, I was out fishing yesterday with a 5' purple senko caught something didn't feel like a bass real strong fighter. Just wondering if anyone has caught a catfish using a senko?
  22. Berkeley Vanish 10lb floro
  23. Thanks. It was a bunch of quick sharp pulls actually. I never thought a fish would ever be that much of a battle. Whew, it's what makes it fun. Nick on my line or not I switched to a 30lb braid. I always thought a 10lb test would be enough for anything I was going to face. Have a good night.
  24. The line was keeping itself together strongly. I could tell because I had snags where I'd pull the line and test it's strength. Well this held on until about that much force. I had it reeled close to the boat. Felt it move from left to right. It had almost surfaced then I didn't see a tail but I seen something leave waves. From what I recall the force was tugging underneath my boat and that's when the line broke. I believe my drag was clamped and like you said may have bulldogged it. What does a 4lb bass feel like? I'm used to boating a 14' inch and this thing fought with about 3-4 times as much force as that. 4 lbs been the biggest reported bass in this particular lake.
  25. I had logs on before. But it's that gut feeling when you got a fish on man that's different than a log.
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