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About whittler1

  • Birthday 12/21/1939

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  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
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  1. My guess would be a propeller. Is there a prize?
  2. Sorry but there are very few new ideas with hard baits. As a few examples, go back and look at the Bomber baits that used the internal foils inside a clear plastic shell to create a similar effect. Curved lips have been used for many years, they were not just invented. Granted they were not plastic lips but metal, Heddon River Runt is one example. Most modern baits are simply upgraded ideas using better materials and techniques than were available to turn of the century bait makers. Bending Lexan and making curved lips has been done and discussed since at least 2004 on several of the tacklemaking sites. I always wonder if a bass swims along with a crankbait and checks the scale count, fins, gills, eye position and color is correct before striking and do the hooks, split rings and line become invisible?
  3. When purchasing any kayak do not cheap out on the seat. A good quality seat, although expensive, makes night and day difference in comfort when on the water. The sit-on-top kayak is very stable fishing platform that will allow you to fish water that you can't get to in a bigger craft.
  4. Farmers in my area are usually happy to allow shed hunting, just ask for permission. Run over 1 shed with a tractor tire and you have spent several hundred dollars.
  5. whittler1

    Whittler's carvings & crankbaits

    Replica fish carvings and custom crankbaits.
  6. For a first handgun I always reccomend a .22. Cheaper ammo = more shooting, easier to control for a new shooter and develope their ability. While I'm at it a Ruger auto with bull barrel is a good choice, they are accurate, reliable and they can be had with the 45 grip frame so when your ready to move up to the 1911 your familiar already.
  7. Here are the pics. First pic is a .17 Hornet target and load data used, that is a 9mm case to use as a reference on group size along with a .17 Hornet case. The other pics are,l-r, .17 mack 4, the .17 Mack 4 Rimmed and a .17 Remington. Second pic is the parent case beside it's 17 formed case. With modern barrels, powders, bullets and cleaning products fouling is not going to be a problem. With proper break-in and cleaning you will love it. Use a high quality stainless steel one piece rod and a bore guide, cleaning from the breech and 99% of 17 problems are cured. If you are a " spray & pray" type the .17 is not for you. If instead of hitting a man sized target at 100yds. with a 20 round magazine you can hit a button on his shirt with one shot you will like it.
  8. Yep, been shooting and reloading .17cal. since the early 60's, mostly wildcats. 17 Bee, 17 Hornet. 17 Mach 4, 17 Mach 4 rimmed, 17 222, and the 17 Remington. The 17 Hornet, 17 Mach4 and the standard 17 Remington are my top three of all time. I don't own the 17 HMR because I reload and can shoot the 17 Hornet cheaper and it just simply has more juice. When I first started shooting 17"s the barrels and available bullets were fairly pood quality plus most of the powders were not really suitable for the 17. Now you can find truly quality barrels. powders and bullets in most gun shops that make the 17 sing. The 17 Mach 4 ( fireball case ) is a great 17 round, it's close to the 17 Rem. and quite easy to load for. In a good rifle the Mach 4 will do 4000fps with a 25gr. bullet and the right load. I'll get a few pics up later.
  9. I know a lot of baitmakers and painters, but I don't know anyone who will paint crankbaits for $1.33 each. Even if your baits were all painted one color with no detail or scheme at all your way out of the ball park. Try and Google custom bait or lure painting and see what the results are.
  10. Thank you all gentelmen for you kind comments on my carvings. Sam, at 72 I'm really not looking for another job, find myself already doing more carving than fishing. I do attend one pre Chistmas craft show and one tackle show in late January they keep me about as busy as I want to be.
  11. When not making crankbaits this is how I take a break. Carving replicas helps keep you in shape for the important stuff in luremaking. 7" bass 8" striper 6'" Sailfish
  12. Nice baits there Marty. Can't beat the basics, I'll take action over color any day.
  13. All great looking baits but the Speed Shad is just great paint on a great old bait.
  14. I have seen several of those machines and they all use some kind of chain or belts for their drive and holding fixtures. That type of setup always leaves a lot of chatter, which converts into more sanding to smooth the bait for finish. Those saw type cutters usually have to turn in excess of 40,00rpm and will require a very ridgid system. From block to a bait ready to finish I think I can do it faster by hand.
  15. If you want to make flatside baits then most of the work can be done with a router. A couple straight cut biits and a couple sizes of roundover bits and you can accomplish quite a bit. Making patterns and holding fixtures is the most difficult part of the whole process. With the correct holding fixtures you can cut some very small baits and do it safely. Glad to help you any way I can. The small bait, 3/4" in my avatar was done on a router.
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