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Fishing N Boots

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Everything posted by Fishing N Boots

  1. I just got approved through the bank for a loan of $6,000.00 that I am going to use towards purchasing a bass boat. I was just wanting to know if you guys wouldn't mind helping me pick out a boat that is good for the price, as this will be my first bass boat purchase. Basically, if I find one i like, ill post pictures and information on the boat and you can help me in determining if it's a good price for the boat and if it will be worth the resale in the future.
  2. Watch every single episode and have no problem admitting it. The show is fantastic. I can not wait until this season finale but at the same time going to hate having to wait again.
  3. Woke up this morning in Central Oklahoma ready to go, walked outside and the Wind is gusting around 35mph @ 30 degrees. Went back in and went to sleep. Will be ready next off day though.
  4. I'm going the SX due to cost. I will have an addition $150.00 that I can spend on a reel on the 5th, so the SX is in that range, also it will match my rod. I don't think you are dissuading me, I posted it to get some type of reflection and knowledge on the different types that are out there, so thanks for the info. Thanks for the tips, I will actually go step by step next time. I hate the fact that I had to go buy a new rod, would of much rather took that $80 and put towards a reel or tackle. The reason that I went with the Vanish Transition was because it changes from the clear color to red to make it more visible to the fisherman without being more visible to the fish, supposively. So i figured hey, for $15 I can try it out this season, if I dont like it, may switch it up. Is it true that Fluorocarbon is better for a baitcaster where as Mono and Braid is better on Spinning set up?
  5. Yeah, I always have reeled in the slack, held thumb on spool and pulled the rod behind me while walking, at this point I was frustrated, and yanked on it, which made it snap. I couldn't believe that it snapped though, as I didnt yan'k that hard. Thank you very much for the tips,
  6. I had an H2O Rod & Reel that i had purchased from Academy last year. A couple of weeks ago I was bank fishing and got hung up, I tried getting it loose when in doing so broke the Rod smooth in half. Went to Academy to try and see if they would replace it since i purchased 1 year ago and they would not. So instead of purchasing from Academy i went to Bass Pro just to mainly look around. Was checking out the ABU Garcia Vendetta, and ended up purchasing it. I bought a 6'9" Medium-Heavy, I intend to use it mainly for Jigs and Worms (texas/carolina rigging). I also purchased some new line as mine is getting old. I purchased some Berkeleys Vanish Transition (14lb) fluorocarbon. I was wanting to know what you guys though of my choices? Do you think I bought the correct pole for what I intend to use it for? How about the line, do you believe it is a good line for my Baitcaster? I have been reading the articles and am just hoping that I made the right decision. On the 5th I am going to buy the ABU REVO SX that is Red/Black that will match the rod. Thanks!
  7. 1. Buy a fishing boat. (finally talked the wife into letting me do it) 2. Fish more then previous years. 3. PB Largemouth (5+LBs) 4. PB Walleye (4+LBs) 5. Master the art of fishing with plastics and jigs.
  8. GSP stood with Diaz for two rounds and Diaz still couldnt do much. GSP's wrestling/grappling is just to good. I personally think Hendricks can stop GSP. GSP showed some fatigue in the Diaz fight that he wont be able to do against Hendricks. Also, Hendricks wrestling is awesome.
  9. Where did you go to sign up? Was it pretty nerve racking being a co-angler? I have always wanted to fish a tournament, just my schedule always holds me back. I am nervous, as i will be completely new at it and dont want to get on the Boaters nerves/let them down for failing to catch fish. I am very respectful and will help out as much as needed.
  10. Even though it is public water the Fish & Game warden should be able to make strict rules and if those rules are not abided by then they are forced to leave. So essentially make it known if they interfere with fishing or get in their way in any way it's auotmatic, go home!
  11. I believe Hefner is where we get OKC drinking water so that is why it continues to drain. It should be getting pretty stout now that they are taking water from Canton lake. I love Hefner, i mainly fish the Dam though as that is where i catch almost all my fish. The bass that im holding up on my profile picture was from Hefner dam, and i also caught a 3.5lb walleye and a good size probably almost 3lbs drum all the same day. You can catch mulititudes of fish from the dam.
  12. Nice, gotta love it. Yeah man, i still have yet to catch a bass on a senko. I've had alot of perch smack it at the shore, but have yet to catch one.
  13. So over 4th of July weekend i went to Lake Eufaula, OK with some friends to watch a concert and take the boat out. Really didn't plan on fishing much but brought the poles anyways. The entire weekend was amazing, except for 2 hiccups in the trip. The first hiccup was when the starter went out, keep in mind i have an Inboard/Outboard boat, so changing the starter was not a fun task. Especially when you are on the water. I put a new starter in and it ended up being the wrong one. So woke up next morning, purchased another starter and "Vroom" she started right up. Total work time probably 4 hours. The second hiccup was about fishing. I got tired of messing with the starter so i decided to take a break and fish for a minute off of the boat slip. I have been fishing senko's now for a couple of months, Nothing hardcore or anything, just maybe actually fished a senko itself for maybe 5 hours total. I have still yet to catch a fish on them, unfortunately. So i grab my pole and throw it in the water about 10-15 times. I have 3 buddys watching, and my fiance. I go to cast again and accidently miss my spot and throw it on the boat slip. I had it wacky rigged and it get's stuck in someone's rope. So my buddy goes over there and tries to take the hook out, and is unsuccesful. So he tells me that he's going to go get pliers, so i decide to try. I lay the pole down walk over there and i end up getting the hook out about the same time that he returns. I fix the senko on the hook, throw it in the water and walk back to my pole. Well my buddy goes ahead and reels the pole in for me as im walking back. BAM!! He lands a largemouth. Probably right around 2lbs. Yet it was unfortunate because i have never caught anything on a senko before, and i set everything up for him. What made it worse was he had never heard of a senko, nor had he ever used a baitcaster. So that was the last, and only fish caught that entire weekend. All my buddy's have been giving me crap over it also. Anyone else have any good stories, where the fish should of been yours, yet someone else ends up getting it? Sorry im not the best writer in the world, call it ADD maybe.
  14. LOL, Hilarious!
  15. Yeah, i ended up dating it all the way back to when we came over from England back in like 1602. It brings up good conversation alot knowing that we were related.
  17. I feel she should of been found guilty. My reasoning was that there was a piece of hair found in the trunk with post mortem on it that was from Caylee Anthony. She failed to report her daughter missing for 31 days, which by that time the body had decomposed alot and all DNA on the body or around the body would be gone. There are really only 2 scenarios that could of happened in this case. 1. She killed her baby and by waiting so long that to report her missing, she was able to get off. 2. It was a total accident and she tried to cover it up rather then actually reporting the accident. Either way, she is going to have a horrible life unless she does a couple of books, sells her story, get's rich and moves out of the country. No one is going to be able to see this woman and be okay with it. My biggest problem was that she didnt get found guilty on child neglect, or child endangerment.
  18. My name is Josh Clanton. I am 3rd Cousin 4th Removed of Billy Clanton from the Ok Corral Shooting. I am also direct descendant of Ike Clanton and Old Man Clanton from the Ok Corral Shooting. I have 3 brothers so we all have the tattoo of "Clanton" on our back from shoulderblade to shoulderblade in Old English Lettering. I'm thinking about getting a six shooter tattooed on each side of it. Just not too sure yet. I loved the feeling of getting a tattoo, if i didnt want it to effect my job i would get a sleeve and alot more tattoos.
  19. Done!
  20. Very Nice. Congrats man!
  21. Do you know what it weighed? I'm perfectly fine with catching nothing and then catching that monster.
  22. Was this the only fish of the day? If not, how many did you guys catch and what was average size?
  23. Yeah i got them mainly for fishing. Yet i also got them for when i go to my little nephews basketball games, and other events like concerts, sporting events, so on so forth. I actually had to tell my wife, get ready, you will see how often i check out other women.
  24. I googled it, really liked the way it look, gonna have to make a drive soon and try it out. I also found a lake called Mountain Lake, down by ardmore, that seems to be pretty promising.
  25. Any of you guys have any of these? I just bought some on ***.com, went with the glossy black, wanted flat black, but was going to take longer to recieve them. They video tape everything you are doing, hands free. Glasses w/a camera. If you have some, what do you think?
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