So over 4th of July weekend i went to Lake Eufaula, OK with some friends to watch a concert and take the boat out. Really didn't plan on fishing much but brought the poles anyways. The entire weekend was amazing, except for 2 hiccups in the trip.
The first hiccup was when the starter went out, keep in mind i have an Inboard/Outboard boat, so changing the starter was not a fun task. Especially when you are on the water. I put a new starter in and it ended up being the wrong one. So woke up next morning, purchased another starter and "Vroom" she started right up. Total work time probably 4 hours.
The second hiccup was about fishing. I got tired of messing with the starter so i decided to take a break and fish for a minute off of the boat slip. I have been fishing senko's now for a couple of months, Nothing hardcore or anything, just maybe actually fished a senko itself for maybe 5 hours total. I have still yet to catch a fish on them, unfortunately. So i grab my pole and throw it in the water about 10-15 times. I have 3 buddys watching, and my fiance. I go to cast again and accidently miss my spot and throw it on the boat slip. I had it wacky rigged and it get's stuck in someone's rope. So my buddy goes over there and tries to take the hook out, and is unsuccesful. So he tells me that he's going to go get pliers, so i decide to try. I lay the pole down walk over there and i end up getting the hook out about the same time that he returns. I fix the senko on the hook, throw it in the water and walk back to my pole. Well my buddy goes ahead and reels the pole in for me as im walking back. BAM!! He lands a largemouth. Probably right around 2lbs. Yet it was unfortunate because i have never caught anything on a senko before, and i set everything up for him. What made it worse was he had never heard of a senko, nor had he ever used a baitcaster. So that was the last, and only fish caught that entire weekend. All my buddy's have been giving me crap over it also.
Anyone else have any good stories, where the fish should of been yours, yet someone else ends up getting it?
Sorry im not the best writer in the world, call it ADD maybe.