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Fishing N Boots

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Everything posted by Fishing N Boots

  1. Very Nice! Congrats! You know what BOAT stands for dont ya. BOAT = Bust out another thousand
  2. So do you think that going with the 571 HD DI would be a better fit for the bow or do you think the 346c DI is still the better option?
  3. Awesome, thank you very much for all the info. I will go to bass pro tonight and check it out.
  4. Do you think the 346c DI would be hard to see whenever I am standing up in the front?
  5. I would ask obviously about the title, ask if she could send you some more pictures, and then ask for a number to call and speak to her. Usually you can tell a lot by the phone conversation rather then email. I just drove 2 hours to get my boat, so sometimes the drive get's you a better deal, in my case the gentleman lived 2 hours from really the closest city so it was hard to get people to come out and look.
  6. The guys at bass pro were telling me to go with Lowrance Elite 5x. What would be the difference between the two? The down imaging? Also what about the Humminbird 571 HD Di, it's the same price but with 5" screen.
  7. Awesome man, thank you very much! I may get some of the clear patch, going to check out bass pro shop first.
  8. Was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on a fish finder to purchase for put up from with my TM. The Transducer is obviously going to be on my trolling motor. I just installed an Lowrance Elite 4x at the wheel and put the transducer on the transom. I will be looking to spend around $250 for one.
  9. Good idea, with them being blue I bet i can find a color that matches. I installed one fish finder last night the other one I'm awaiting in the mail.
  10. Awesome bassin b feels good to hear someone with first hand knowledge.
  11. Just purchased an lowrance elite 4x and an lowrance elite 5x dsi but i have to wait for it to be shipped. Dsi is going on TM.
  12. Yeah I planned to take it to the marine mechanic and take the rest of the money to fix everything and redo the plastics. Quick question: I was thinking about upgrading both fish finders, will I have to rewire or are they plug and play? I can do some stuff on my own, but not sure about wiring and boats. The fish finder at the front of the boat that has the broken transducer is a Humminbird Wide Portrait, the one at the wheel is an Lowrance X52. Seems they both are old and out dated. The Humminbird Wide Portrait still turns on but the transducer is broke, in which i can not find a replacement transducer so far. The Lowrance turns on and just goes to a black screen.
  13. Just purchased a 1994 Skeeter w/1993 Evinrude 150hp. She is 18'8" so should do pretty good on rough waters. She is in very good condition and the pictures do not do her justice. Took her to the lake, she fired right up after choking her, planed out real smooth. It has 3 brand new batteries, a 3 bank minn kota charging system, 2 livewells, alot of storage. Everything works on the boat except for MPH Gauge, Trim Gauge, the transducer on the fish finder on the trolling motor needs replaced, and the fish finder at the steering wheel needs to be replaced (turns on and goes black). The carpet is in perfect condition, the exterior seemed to be in perfect condition, no cracks, minor scratches, transome was perfect, no fade in anyway, super shiny and sparkly. Obviously the seat is a little banged up but I can get it replaced for around $400. I will clean her up and post better pictures yet they were offering $6,000.00, I got him down to $4,500.00. The reason being was i drove 2 hours to see it, and he told me everything worked, yet he let his son borrow it the weekend before to fish a tournament and these issues arose (he seemed about 75-80 years old). Please give me an honest opinion of what you think. I really believe I could turn around and sell it for $6,000 here in the city, since it will see more customer then someone living 2 hours from the closest big city.
  14. Sounds Fun, I'm a newbie to bassresource, so hopefully I can give it a run for the money. Getting a fishing boat in the next week so COUNT ME IN!!!
  15. Unfortunately I do not. Like i said, the thing is very very nice. I know it's hard to guess what something would be worth without seeing it, just mainly wondering a ball park I guess. I did some research on them but it seems they are either around 4k to 8k. I am trying to find me a 20' just in case there is rough waters, there just doesn't seem to be many popping up.
  16. I will be fishing lakes like Lake Murray, Konowa. I will also be fishing Grand Lake alot (where the classic was held). The Cajun is very clean, like i said the exterior is spot on and so is the interior. I guess my main concern is it's a 1993 that is in pretty close to pristine condition he is asking $6000 with the bench seat redone (couple of sun cracks and minor fading) or $5600 without. Does that seem like a good price for it? Keep in mind it will have a working motorguide 24v trolling motor, and all gauges and motor working fine. Everything was checked and in order except for small leak in the carburetor so they are currently replacing that.
  17. This is not my first ever boat, it's my first ever purchase of a bass boat. My brother gave me a 1988 fiberglass stratos before and loved it, but sold it. I have since owned a 1998 Glastron. This will be my first ever bass boat purchase and I am not very knowledgeable on them. I understand that the Aluminum Xpress could be a better purchase for the price, but it is just not what I am looking for, may seem weird, but it's just me. I went and looked at that Skeeter today, it was a 1994 20ft long very nice interior, but the exterior coating was fading very bad with alot of cracks. It needed to be replaced, he was asking 5750 and wouldnt take even 5500. I am about to go look at a Nitro 18ft that has a tore up bench seat but the rest is brand new, carpet, other seats, trolling motor, batteries. 5k I also found a 1993 Cajun that is VERY VERY NICE, looks like it has been garage kept. They are selling for $6k, its a dealer, and is going to make sure all gauges are working and will guarantee the motor up to a certain point. He did a compression test while i was there and it came back perfect and he wont sell unless we take it on the water. How are Cajun boats? Are they good boats? It has 1 fish finder at front with trolling motor, it has a 1993 Johnson 175. They did replace the carburator on it though because it had an fuel leak. So does anyone know about Cajun's and if they are good boats? It's very nice, like i said, looks brand new really. Everything will be working on the boat and if anything was to go out soon after purchase they will replace, even if motor locks up he will refund the money for up to a month after purchase. They are a very well respected dealer here in oklahoma city. E&R Boats is the name.
  18. Thank you, for some reason I never thought about looking at the articles. I only read them every day.
  19. Thanks for that find. I definitely just can not get into aluminum boats for some reason. Something about the way they look throw me off.
  20. Is there anything that I can do to test out the condition of the Transome on the ProCraft? Reason I ask, is because I am starting to lean towards this one. After speaking to the gentleman he is down to earth, knows alot about the boat. I will be viewing it tomorrow and having him start it up. So was just wanting to know if you have any pointers or anything that I need to check out while there. It's going to be difficult to get it to a mechanic to check out, so it will have to be done with me.
  21. What do you guys think of the 1997 Nitro #2 on my post above? Also the #1 above. Those are my 2 favorites so far that i will be going to look at tomorrow.
  22. What are some signs to look for when looking over a boat? Just incase I am not able to take it on the water for a test drive. I do have the clamps to hook up to the motor and start it up though. Obviously I'm looking for deep scratches or cracks in the hull, yet what other things can I look for? I plan to purchase tomorrow and am going to look tomorrow. Sam: You got me nervous/worried now, because after talking to the guy on the 1993 ProCraft, i am very interested in this one. He told me that it is very smooth on rough waters. He mentioned that he is going to get it detailed and polished up today. He informed me that he has no problem hooking up the clamps and starting the motor. Told me that everything runs perfect and has always been covered. I know you can never trust sellers of something they own, but just wondering.
  23. Right now i have about 4 that i am currently deciding on... 1. 1993 Procraft Dual Pro. This sucker is in fantastic condition. Has 3 brand new marine batteries, had the entire steering system lubricated 1 year ago. The interior has no rips. Has a fish finder and also Motorguide trolling motor. Has a Mercury 150 XR6. http://oklahomacity.craigslist.org/boa/3673055624.html $5500 obo the gentleman selling it told me he is getting it detailed and repolished tomorrow. 2. 1994 Skeeter 200zx. Seems to be in good condition. Check it out at the following website. www.boattrader.com/listing/1994-skeeter-200zx-101963505 $5750 3. 1997 Nitro 700LXSC - Good Condition. www.boattrader.com/listing/1997-nitro-700-lx-sc-101963248 $5250 4. 2000 Nitro NX 750 - Good Condition. http://oklahomacity.craigslist.org/boa/3681245141.html I think my two favorite would be the 1993 Dual Pro and the Skeeter. Any ideas or suggestions would be great. Thanks.
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