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Everything posted by TerryR

  1. Hey all, got a quick question here? I live in Southwest Pa but will be working in Frederick during the summer. Is there any good bass spots around the area. I have fished Cunningham Falls a few times here, was wondering if anything else was in the area. Any and all information would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. I had my first real fishing trip since July yesterday. Caught 3 bass shorefishing on craw colored marabou jig in 1/4 ounce size. Nothing special sizewise, 8 to 15 inches. Work has been killing me, finally nice to get a few days off to go fishing.
  3. Wow, nice fish. Never had anything close to that on Canoe Creek. Way to go.
  4. In my experience, I have done well from about an hour before sunset until dusk, then it seems to slow down until about midnight , then it picks back up until 3 or 4.
  5. I personally use a 30-06 for centerfire hunting, but I really want to get a deer with the flintlock.
  6. I hunt squirrel and grouse near the river, throw a rod in with the shotgun/.22, hunt from sun up till about 11 or so, then go down the river and fish smallies. Makes for a nice day.
  7. You aren't the only one who spent a new boat's worth of money on Cope, lol. I really need to try to quit again, after I finish what is in my fridge, going to try again I guess.
  8. All I use is mono, I change once a month or every other month, depending on how often I fish with it. Sooner if needed.
  9. A power plant discharge. I occasionally see the people there, but they are always the same 2 or 3. You have to walk a ways in, but I always catch many bass there, including some big ones. The walk and the fact that the water looks like pea soup I'm guessing makes people think it ain't worth it.
  10. Winchester 1300 12 ga. with a 24 inch barrel for hunting squirrel and grouse. Remington 870 Express 20 ga. with a 28 inch barrel for pheasant and dove. Baikal IZH27 o/u 12 ga. with a 28 inch barrel for trap shooting.
  11. I have dipped for 17 years now. I know it is going to catch up to me(has started somewhat, I have really bad teeth) but I just really like the flavor of Copenhagen. I tried quitting before, missed the flavor more than the nicotine. I was fine without nicotine after a day or two, but couldn't live without the flavor. Never found anything close to that taste unfortunately.
  12. Not a DD, but the biggest bass I ever seen in PA. I was on a dam wall about 5 ft above the water. Using a propbait, evening time. That bass exploded on it. Actually had it all the way in, it shook it's head and got off as I was trying to get it up the wall. I would guess 8-9 lb, not too exciting for southern guys, but that is an absolute beast here.
  13. Trilene XT, all I ever really used and never had a problem with it, so I stick with it.
  14. I am gong to be working in Anderson, SC for a few weeks. Hopefully, I get a little bit of time to fish and was wondering about any places nearby to fish there. Will only have a Shakespeare Ugly Stik 2 piece spinning combo with 10 lb mono, and a small tackle bag with a few topwaters, some shallow and mid dpth cranks, and a few soft plastics(Senkos and Brush Hogs). Any advice and ideas where to fish would be appreciated.
  15. Hunt deer with a centerfire rifle and flintlock. I also hunt a variety of small game(squirrel, pheasant, grouse, rabbit and occasionally dove).
  16. I haven't been up for a couple of weeks, but there were weeds growing. Not as heavy as I have seen some years, but there. Are you staying at the campground? Anyway, if you go to the causeway(by Wyerough launch) there is pull off areas by the bridge on either side. Go down from there on either side, you should hit some weed beds. Also, coming into the area from Route 53(going past the high school), at the causeway bridge, roughly the corner of the bridge on the right side, is some of those stakebeds the fish comission put in. The sailboat area can produce some fish sometimes, up toward Slate Lick mouth and those stumps. If it is raining when you are out, try crawdad cranks near fallen trees. Hammered some bass on that a couple weeks ago in the rain. I would take your cousin over to Pickerel Pond(kid area) maybe? Never fished that or around it, but I see a lot of kids there catching sunnies when out at family picnics. Not sure about boating, I just use my inflatable to cover more area along the areas I shore fish. But if you have electronics for your kayak, I would work the road bed out from that launch straight across the sailboat area. I heard there are some old bridges are along that roadbed, but couldn't verify that.
  17. Never had a snag feel like a hit, but I have had bass just reel in like sticks or logs. I caught an average size one last year on a spinner, the hit just felt like a weed. Pulled, and it just moved with no blade thump, honestly thought I had a clump of weeds. Then about 5 feet from the boat, I see a bass(and I guess it seen me), then it takes off like a rocket. Really weird, had a good hookset and everything.
  18. Howdy. What part of Western Pa?
  19. I'm partial to Rapala, the DT's are worth the money. Never fished the Spro's.
  20. From what I gathered, this was a case of a prosecutor trying to make a name for themselves and being too ambitious. While I'm not a lawyer or anything, it seems the evidence for 1st degree murder was kind of lacking. Maybe someone here is a lawyer and could shoot my theory down, but I would guess they could got her for neglience or something easier.
  21. Sorry, but these eating contests are gross. I want to puke just watching them.
  22. I would be a horseman in Genghis Khan's army. That would be so awesome.
  23. Hahaha, if I were doing as good as you are, I would never fish anywhere besides Canoe Creek.
  24. You actually thought it tasted good?! I ate one one time, and thought it was the most foul thing I ever ate. Almost as bad as fallfish, and that is saying something. But I have also heard they are good if you get them from someplace other than Lake Erie too, so who knows.
  25. I reeled in a crawdad trout fishing with red worms along the bottom of a creek once. It just wouldn't let go of the worm.
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