last time i used my boat, the electric fuel pump was leaking, so i got one from autozone and replaced it. im not really sure bassboats use this same pumps, but the one that leaked said "universal fuel pump" and thats what i got, one of those you install externally on cars.
after that, i noticed the engine was not running properly. it would start quickly, but when i accelerated, it would gain speed for the first 10-15 seconds and then it would stop accelerating. it never stopped completely, but it did slow down considerably, and it didnt matter if i was going at WOT or barely faster than idle, the speed would be the same and it would have bursts of speed and then slow down again. i thought the filter was dirty and maybe the engine was not getting enough fuel, so i replaced it, and also cut a section of gas that seemed to have a small leak, i though the engine was getting air instead of gas. however, the problem continued. i had trouble starting it once, and when i opened the motor i noticed the carbs were leaking gas. after i let it sit for about 15 minutes, i started quickly again, but the problem persisted.
i also noticed the hand pump was not getting hard, it didnt matter how much i pumped it, it wouldnt get completely full.
from the fuel tank first i have the filter, then the hand pump, then the electric pump.
could it be the pump it sending TOO MUCH fuel?? or should i replace all the hoses to eliminate a possible air leak that could be letting air in the motor??