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Everything posted by (='_'=)

  1. thats what the biologist from the Fish department told us, its a parasite that presents itself when fish are stressed, and there are a lot of things that can cause that stress.... so, not much we could do about it... hopefully it will at least prevent poachers from taking them, its a C&R only lake, and every time i go there i see people taking fish, even those small 6" fish which barely have any meat...
  2. i got one on Academy for $30 a couple years ago, it was marked at $130.... its a 7' M. it just sat there in the rod holder for about a year, as i had another rod i used for cranks... once i lend my crank rod to my dad and picked up the Bucoo.... that was the last time the other crank rod saw the water.... i also have a Falcon Cara for worms, those are the rods i use the most...
  3. well, we dont have agriculture close to that lake, as its basically inside the city, it has a 5 mile running track all around it.... today we found some more dead fish.... we are going tomorrow and try to catch a couple with whatever they have, to send to the lab, as the one i sent last week arrived dead and couldnt be tested....
  4. thats what i thought about the bluegill.... however, im not sure what to think about the bass.... this is a lake basically inside the city, it was recenty (about 4 years ago), turned into a park, now its an electric-only lake, no drinking allowed nearby, no 4x4s, etc... it has a bike and running track all the way around, so its basically a park now... therefore, it has public toilets, and i heard from one of the guards of the park, that it had a small water treatment plant to treat the toilet water and then dump it in the lake.... he also said the plant broke about one month ago and the water is being dumped directly from the toilets to the lake... i know this sounds weird, i have never noticed the characteristic smell or anything, but, im in Mexico so i wouldnt be too surprised if this was true.... thats why we are investigating what can be the cause of the death fish and the harmed ones....
  5. this has been covered several times already, try looking in the boating subforum.... i live in Mexico and things work different here, we always fish with friends and for you to be a non boater you have to have a friend with a boat, or else you are staying in the bank.... sorry i cant help with that...
  6. i sure will!
  7. we are at it... in fact i kept the one in the first pic and sent it to a lab for them to analyze it....
  8. hey. on a local lake we have been finding dead fish, maybe since one month ago, without apparent cause... fishing also decreased, from 5-10 fish in 3 hours, we went to 1 fish in the same time, or sometimes zero.... we noticed some fish had these thing in their fins or tails... whats is it?? someone suggested bacteria, because not all fish have it... today i caught 6, 2 had it and 4 didnt.... these are the ones i caught with that... another one, not in the tail, but in the bellys side... i also found this one floating around, still alive but floating... its missing its scales on the rear end.... maybe swallowed and spit by a bass?? and this one was caught one week ago by a friend: the other 4 caught today were normal... what could it be??? thanx!!
  9. well, last weekend i was at the lake and took this pictures.... i see some things in the upper half of the screen, right in the middle, and a fish drawing entering the screen... but the side image shows nothing... this one shows more fish, but the down imaging still shows nothing except the bottom... on this one i think i can see a fish?? one more... i still need to play a lot with it to learn how to read it....
  10. thanx!! i have been experimenting (still a lot more to do) and as you say, i shifted the passengers weight for the side to side balance.... one thing i noticed is that, without any gear and the storage compartments basically empty, with 3 of us, the third person would sit in the rear deck, but had to lean a bit to the right, behind my seat, and not completely centered.... next time i go out ill try what you say about giving it a small burst in the hotfoot to speed the process of getting on plane and see how it reacts...
  11. yes, i have a 150HP johnson and SS prop... and i do adjust the trim, but im still learning how to use it as my previous boat didnt have one... with 4 people im overloaded a bit, but the question is for when we are only 2 or 3, where should i store the gear?? heavier things in the rear? in the port or starboard compartments??
  12. haha no problem. yes, i have only driven it 2 days, so i still have a lot to learn... this forum speeds the process a lot though...
  13. yes, i noticed that.... with weight and people on the front i would get on plane faster... however, the water splash was more or less at the side of the steering wheel, no matter how much i trimmed, i couldnt get the splash to go back, while with 3 people in the back, the splash would be behind the seats, and as they said, if the boat contacts less water, it will go faster....
  14. well, im not trying to achieve max speed, i rather prefer to cruise at a moderate speed, but im thinking that the most efficient way would be with the weight in the back... i did notice that i would get on plane faster on sunday that last weekend when i test drove the boat with no gear and everybody on the rear... i still have a lot of experimenting to do, in order to get the most out of the boat....
  15. thanx! ill try to store the gear in the rear then, as you mention, and use the center compartment for the lighter things... since the only long box is the rod locker, i plan on adding a drop in tray to the battery area, lots of wasted space there, to keep the paddle, light poles, and other small things in there, and leave the rod locker just for rods.. its not that big, so i dont want to have to remove all the rods just to reach the paddle or lights on the bottom... and yes, 4 is a little crowded, but not impossible to do... we fished yesterday, 2 in the rear deck and 2 in the front... not the best thing to do, but they were close friends and the other option for them is to stay on the bank, so they dont complain... with a little extra caution and communication, we didnt have a problem...
  16. i recently got a Javelin 379. its a bit under 18' long, and has a single front storage compartment, a rod locker on the port side, and 2 storage compartments behind the livewell under the rear deck. now, the front compartment is big enough i can fit 15 Plano 3700 trays and have still some room left... with 9 or 10 of them being soft plastics, its a bit heavy... on the first trip i did on the boat, i stored all my gear in the front locker, and the rear compartments were basically empty. on one i transported the life vests but of course they came out when the boat was in the water, so it was empty the whole day. the one behind the drivers seat had a spotlight, a Pelican dry box with the cell phones, fishing licenses and wallets, and some other small things. a friend brought a big tacklebox, since it didnt fit on the rear compartment we put it next to the console, we also had a small ice chest with a 12 pack next to the tackle box.... so, the majority of the weight was on the front... the question is, how should i distribute the weight to get the best performance?? we were 4 on the boat, so one person sat on the rear deck and the other one on the front deck leaning to the right a bit to balance the boat.... but assuming 2 persons, or 3 with one on the rear deck, where should i put all the tackle?? maybe i could distribute the gear on the rear and use the front for life vests and such, so it would be empty while on the water... or distribute it on the 3 compartments.... i dont care if the gear is on the front or rear, as i fish from both decks, and i take out the terminal tackle trays and a couple worm bags and move them with me if i change decks with my partner... also regarding safety, with one person on the rear deck we run only as fast as needed to stay on plane, we are only fun fishing so we have no hurry to get there.... thanx!
  17. we went at 40 mph but we werent trying to reach max speed, and the third one was sitting in front of the console... during the test ride with the 3 of us in the back, the previous owner reached 48.... so im almost sure with 2 of us we will reach 50 no problem... and regarding the transom saver, i tried using the motor bracket, but the lower unit hanged just as low as it did with the transom saver in the shortes position... so i extended it a couple of holes and now the motor sits at an acceptable height....
  18. well, i turned it t the right, not all the way, but some degrees, and it did help a lot... i tried to trim it until it began purpoising and then trim down a bit, but i never got it to porpoise like before, maybe because there were 3 of us in the boat, i dont know... however, i noticed the steering was straight, i could let go of the wheel without a problem, and we reached 40 MPH without a problem and without pushing it too much, i could have stepped on the pedal a little bit more... so far im liking it, ill see tomorrow how it handles... and regarding the hydrofoil, the previous owner told me he had a hard time controlling the boat at full speed without it, thats why he had to add it... maybe because the torque tab was placed to the other side?? i dont know... i dont loose anything if i try removing it and see how i like it, but, the onwer told me he did have to add it to make it easier to maneuver...
  19. i have been reading about the small fin above the prop (i have seen it as torque tab or trim tab), and, as i understand, the rear part of the fin should be slightly to the right... this way, when the motor wants to turn to the right by tself, the tab will keep it in place due to the water hitting it....... did i understand correctly?? so, mine is slightly to the left as seen in the picture... i plan on moving it a couple degrees to the right and see if it helps correct the hard right turn....
  20. ok, thanx!! yes thats another good use for it...
  21. thats exactly what i want to do to mine, install a third pedestal seat. did you drill and install a recessed base?? thanx.
  22. thanx, ill try that later today...
  23. i have not tried extending the transom saver, but that could be a option... however, as you mention, if its risky, i would prefer not to use it.... i see most of the people use one, and i used one on my previous boat, i even strapped the motor down to the trailer with a small ratched strap to hold it down against the saver (no trim/tilt system), but now since my motor has the other support, ill try using it and see how i like it... thanx!!
  24. well, Yamaha endorses the use of either a transom saver or a motor rest: http://yamahaoutboards.com/yamaha-advantage/news/boating-tips/boaters-log-vol-3-no20-bounce-beaters-save-your-transom i also found this article, and it mentions this: then, referring to transom savers, it says: so now i really dont know... it sayd the tilt bracket should notbe used for trailering, and then it says the transom saver can also damage the motor.... http://www.boatus.com/magazine/trailering/2012/march/transom-saver.asp as of right now, i know the transom saver i have puts the motor in a very risky position, as i will definitely hit the skeg sooner rather tan later... so next time i tow the boat ill try the motor rest and see how i like it... i think it will be high enough, so i may even ask my friend to drive behind me and see how mucho movement the motor has...
  25. i was thinking, do new 2016 boats such as Stratos, Ranger, Triton, come with a transom saver?? or do they recommend the use of the integrated rest (if they have one)?? im guessing if a transom saver is needed, then all major manufacturers include one... but, do they?? i dont know...
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