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Everything posted by (='_'=)

  1. well, im in Mexico, but all my purchases are shipped to the US....
  2. i dont think thats correct..... for the local electric only lake, a friend of mine has a 15' glass boat with a 70lb 24V motor, and i have a 12' tin with a 36V motor... his boat, being a lot heavier than mine, goes really fast, dont know the numbers but he leaves me way behind... he can also go against current and wind when i have to anchor or drive to the bank and wait for the wind to stop a little,,,. so its faster AND stronger...
  3. i just placed an order on Cabelas and got a code for $20 off any order $100 or more... i think its basically worthless right now, as it cant be convined with free shipping, but when theres no free shipping code, it will be useful. i used a similar code on the order i placed today, and it saved me 20 but shipping was 14, so it was basically a $6 code.... anyways, i dont plan on ordering more from Cabelas anytime soon, and the code expires on 12/24/15, so if theres someone who really needs it, i will be glad to send you the code, just send me a PM...
  4. some months ago i got me a ready to fish 1994 Javelin with a 150HP, 24V trolling motor, brakes on the trailer, everything as good as it could be for a 20 year old boat, for less than $4200. the deals are out there, you just have to look for them carefully.
  5. sorry, i posted in the wrong post
  6. i had a similar problem once, and the cause was the lower unit barely had any oil....
  7. thanx! then everything is working as it should i guess, now ill have to take it to the lake for the final test....
  8. thanx! then everything is working as it should i guess, now ill have to take it to the lake for the final test....
  9. well, i didnt take apart anything external, and there is no spring nor retainer or nut. i already installed it on the motor, so i cant take a picture, but it looks like this one, only with a gear at the end of the shaft of course. as you see, the shaft is very small, and is not threaded for a spring or nut. the bendix is going up, but its not going down as it should... i guess as Rhino said, the engine will drive it down again when it starts....
  10. thanx, thats what i believed as well, the motor would "push" the gear down when it starts... i guess ill have to head out to the lake to verify...
  11. well, today i tested the starter without intalling in on the motor.... it spins as it should, and it goes up, but it doesnt goes down... mine is a little different than the one in the video, the uppermost part is the small gear, the one on the video has a spring and a nut above the gear but mine doesnt have that.... i know its working, so i installed it on the motor now... i guess ill have to test it out on the lake (i dont have ear muffs), so, what do you think will it work?? will it go down once the motor starts?? thanx!!
  12. thanx!! i managed to install them yesterday using 2 old ID cards to hold them in place while my friend assembled the housing and the lower lid...
  13. thanx!! more or less what i was thinking, i was going to use thin plastic but i guess ill look for some thin metal then...
  14. thanx, do you happen to know how is it called, or have a picture or something?? i was thinking about maing something out of a thin plastic sheet, like a credit card material, but if it already exists, it would give me a better idea of how to do it....
  15. hey, i am trying to replace the carbon brushes on my starter, but im having problems because the springs raise them out of their place and i cant install the lower section onto the starter body.... do you have any tip of how to do it?? i know how they should go, but i cant make them to stay on their place.... dont know if that matters but its a Johnson 150 from 1994.... i guess most starters are about the same though.... thank you!!
  16. thanx!! i will install it then and use it to charge the battery, better safe than sorry....
  17. my boat has a 2 bank charger, plugged to the trolling motor batteries... i plug it when i get home and unplug it before leaving, it stays plugged all the time. is this correct?? and for the starter battery, i have to use a regular portable charger. i read somewhere that you have to disconnect the battery to avoid damage to the motor, so thats what i do, i disconnect psitive and negative and the put the charger. this one i put in slow mode (2 amps), and again, i leave it hooked always until its time to go fishing again... i can get this switch locally, will it work instead of disconnecting the battery?? its automotive, but i dont know the difference with the marine switches. i would get one but its difficult for me as i live in Mexico. http://www.harborfreight.com/heavy-duty-battery-cutoff-switch-66789.html thank you.
  18. this is a friend, who got stuck by another friend... thats the risk of fishing out of a pelican i guess.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKpyOQLKvSY.
  19. hopefully!! i didnt know how much they can grow per year, hopefully in a couple of years we will begin to see 5# fish again... meanwhile ill try to target the few 2-3# that may be in there... or enjoy catching numbers instead of size, which is algo good....
  20. just for the sake of it, here are 3 screenshots of my facebook album from a one day outing... too many pics to upload individually... that was some years ago, when we began fishing and yes, we took pics of basically every fish we caught....
  21. repost...
  22. normally we dont keep the count, but these time we put $10 each on the pot, 5 to the biggest fish, and 5 to the most fish... i caught 31 and won that one, my friend caught the biggest one... there were 4 of us in the boat BTW... and i spent only one bag of GY senkos, the rest of my fish came out of senko-like lures from another brand... and im going again this weekend, ill try the swimbait and see what i can get....
  23. you dont have to believe me, thats totally fine... these are some of the fish we caught in there, these two were caught within 5 minutes...
  24. it was drained by accident, they opened the dam and couldnt close it, it got stuck or broken, and by the time it was fixed, the water, and fish, were all gone... its a small lake, maybe 5 miles long and on some parts its only about 50 yards wide, its like a canyon.... when they finally closed the dam, it filled with water in maybe 3 weeks, as the lake is always flowing, not much water but steadily... so i think the lake kept some of the fish, im not sure if they restock it or not, if they did its not known to the public.... so now i noticed an increase in numbers, but a decrease in quality... i know this was going to happen, and hopefully in 2 years or so it will be great again, but now, im struggling trying to catch anything over 2#.... or maybe there arent any around to be caught??
  25. i fish a lake that was completely emptied about 2 or 3 years ago.... before they emptied it, you could normally catch 30-40 fish per day, and the average would be 3-4# with a couple 5# in the mix.... i went last weekend, and we got 74 fish, but the biggest one was 2#, the rest of them we didnt even bother weighting them.... so, im not sure if there arent any big, or at least medium sized fish in the lake, or its just so crowded with small fish that they are the first ones to bite.... how would you target the bigger fish?? im going again this weekend, and i know i can catch small fish all day, but i would like to focus on bigger ones even if i catch less.... we were throwing T rigged 5" senkos and creatures to the shore, which was about 8' deep....
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