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  1. Hey. I have a Javelin 379, which has 3 "steps" in the stern. Therefore, i dont know where to put the transducer of the Elite 7 hdi im installing, since i want to to be able to get readings while on plane. In the picture you can see where the previous td was mounted, of course i couldnt get readings while on plane on that location. So, has any of you solved this problem?? Maybe i should install it in the middle step? Bte the temp sensor is from an older unit and i dont want to epoxy it on the bilge... thank you!
  2. for El Salto would definitely recommend getting a guide, at least the first day. i was there on May of this year, we fished for 3 days, and even though we managed to get a lot of fish, we didnt catch anything over 6 lb, and by "we" i mean 10 anglers in 3 boats. it was a blast and im planning on going again next year, but now im hiring a guide for the first day at least.... a friend had gone one week before i did, and marked several spots on the gps for me.... i fished hard on those spots, and got numbers but not size.... 2 days after i came back, another friend caugh an 11lb fish out of the spot we fished the most.... we used a lot of white super flukes with chartreuse tail, deep diving cranks, and big jigs... this was one of my best fish, the other boat got some a bit bigger, ill see if i can get the pictures... i was going to post a trip report but my friend has most of the pics, i have only about 4 of them...
  3. cabelas has the refurbished Lowrance Elite 7 for $300 and Hook 7 for $330
  4. http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=Lowrance-Elite-5-HDI-Fishfinder/Chartplotter-With-Suncover&i=922116 price is now 300 and 200 after rebate though....
  5. thanx buzzed bait!! im getting an elite 5 from gander due to you pointing me there.. BTW its only 170 after rebate....
  6. hey. as the title says, im about to get a Hook 7 for the console and a Elite 5 for the bow. but i have a couple of questions. can the be linked together to share waypoints?? or how can i share them? i would like to be able to mark something on the console and view it later on the bow. also, what do i need to install the transducer that comes with the Elite on the trolling motor?? and finally, where should i install the Hooks transducer? i have my current one epoxied to the bilg, but i dont think i want to epoxy my next one, as right now im having trouble removing it for selling... i saw some people screw a plastic rectangular piece to the transom, and then screw the transducer there in order to move it looking for the best spor without drilling a lot of holes on the boat...
  7. thanx. thats about the general consensus, so i guess ill try that tomorro afternoon after my morning fishing trip...
  8. hey. i have the transducer epoxied to the bilge, but now im thinking about selling the unit to upgrade. how do i remove the transducer without damaging it or the fiberglass its epoxied to?? i know i could just cut the cable and purchase another one, but the price of the transducer on amazon is more than $100, and im selling the unit for $130 so getting another transducer to sell it is not an option. the unit is a humminbird 587ci HD DI and the transducer is the DI version, XNT 9 DI T. thanx!
  9. hey. im very new to this electronics part of fishing and im really liking it. it opened a whole new game. the boat i got came with a basic humminbird 550 in the bow and a 587 ci HD DI on the console. i used both of them basically for temp, depth, and speed. i would also check bottom contour and fish dropoffs or sudden depth changes, but never really actually looking for fish. about a month ago a friend adjusted the settings of the 587 and taught me the basics of how to read it. i went to the lake by myself again and found this and got about 7 bites from the same spot, so im assuming those are bass: so now, i want to upgrade my units. i may be moving the 587 to the bow and adding a bigger unit to the console. i want to spend about $350. i have seen several in this price range, including a used 859 DI for $350, or Helix 5 DI GPS for $280. i would like it to have GPS and at least down image, side would be better but i guess it will be out of my price range. now, several people over here have told me to go with Lowrance, claiming those are easier to adjust. i guess thats what they have used. so, im not sure of which one to get. if i get a lowrance i would have a bird on the front and a lowrance on the console, unless i sell the ones i have and replace them with another lowrance for the bow... so which unit would you get, with those features and in that range? i dont mind getting a used one if that means ill get a better one....
  10. thanx!! i found the gas rods on a local hardware store, they cost about $1.50, i bought enough to put on every lid on the boat.. i had thought about aluminium at first, but i cant weld aluminium, so i went with plywood instead....
  11. i have a Javelin 379, which as you may know, has a small front deck, and some empty space between the console and the rod locker... it also has a small cooler, big enough for about 18 cans or so, so its not enough for day long trips where i usually bring some food and water... and, it has no glove box or any place where you can keep valuables such as cell phones, boat papers, etc... so, with that in mind, last week i made this deck extension... i used 3/4" plywood, covered it with fiberglass, and then carpet... the cooler's lid is bolted to the deck, so it seals when closed.... and the finished product, with its small glove box and some leg room under the deck.... in person the carpet looks the same as the one in the boat, but it also depends on the angle it is, if i rub my hand agains it, it will "bend" in a way and look darker.... one thing i did learn is that the carpet must be laid on the same angle, a part cut horizontally from the roll will look different then one cut vertically....
  12. i found them, thanx!
  13. hey. where did you get those light holders?? i have been looking for some but all i can find are the Quick Fist type.... thanx!
  14. here it is, i just need to bend it and install it. by the way, what tools do you have on yours?? i have scissors, pliers, and hemostat scissors... but i seee some toll holders with a lot more slots, i wonder what else i could need... i havent had the need for anything else, thats why i made my holder with only 3 slots... in fact the hemostat scissors i just added there, i used to only have with me the scissors and pliers... im making another one for the front of the boat, any other thing i should consider??
  15. i did this a couple months ago: and i still have some material left over. im cutting it to include a beer can holder, and some slots for the tools... then i will bent it using a heat gun, and bolt it in place. ill post a pic when im done...
  16. thanx for your input! right now im using a Guest 2611for my TM batteries, i plug it as soon as i get home, and leave it always plugged. for my cranking battery im using a Schumacher which i also leave always plugged in 2 amp, from the time i get home to the time i use the boat again. the cranking battery is fine, but the TM batteries are not... those batteries came with the boat when i got it last year, so i dont know how the PO kept them... i read some comments some time ago about Sears batteries i believe, but i have not been able to find them.... they said (here in BR) that those were good batteried for the money, but im not sure if they were referring to the DieHard or maybe im mistaken and it was not Seas but another store....
  17. hey. i have a 24V TM, 71# thrust i believe. its on a 18ft Javelin. now, the batteries seem to last less every time, i think its time for an upgrade. which batteries do you recommend?? i used to think Optima blue top, but i have had a couple red tops on my jeep, and they went bad very soon, one was while using the winch, the other one while driving down the highway during a really hot day, it got like a hump supposedly due to heat, thats what they told me.... so now i dont know which ones whould i get... im using a LTH deep cycle battery for my electric only boat, and i has been working fine, but i dont know if i should get the same ones... i can get these for about $90 each.
  18. hey!! sorry i had been busy and hadnt had chance to report back. it was great!! we didnt find the big ones, but we got a lot in the 4-5# range with a couple 6# in the mix....not the biggest fish, but we had a lot of fun. grandpa got some nice fish as well, and that was the whole idea of the trip, so it was really great.... ill post some pics later....
  19. i was there a couple years ago, it was great!! we got 250+ fish in 2 1/2 days, but the biggest one was about 7#, most of them were in the 3-5# range... still great, but now we are going to El Salto for some big ones.... a friend was there this weekend, he says the biggest one was 9#, a bit shy of the DD mark, but he claims most of them were in the 5-6# range.... so we will see, we are planning on fishing 3 days, so if the first 2 days are not good enoug we can always drive to Picachos again, i wouldnt mind going back there!! so, we are leaving for El Salto this thursday, we plan on fishing friday to sunday, and drive back home on monday.... ill report back on tuesday!!
  20. thanx everyone for your input!! thats correct, we live in Mexico and are towing our boat, so we are expecting the trip to be less than $300 per person.... and money is not the issue (not that i have a lot of it), but rather the availability and possibility of getting another combo now.... here where i live we dont have a dedicated fishing store, the only fishing tackle shop is less than 500 sqft, so it doesnt carry a lot of selection, basically just plastic worms and crankbaits... a lot of my tackle i order from basspro, cabelas or academy and then i have to drive 3 hours to pick it up in Texas... but now (we are leaving on thursday), theres no time for that.... you hit the nail in the head Buzzed Bait, all we are concerned is having a good time, it could be the last time we can spend on the water... thats why i want to make it as trouble free as possible to him... i was thinking about tightening the brakes on one of my baitcasters, but ill have to see how that works... the other option is to use 17-20 lb on the Zebcos... i dont think i would want to go with less than 17#, as the fish are big in there and a lot of fishing is done on flooded timber, going with less would result in a lot of lost lures and fish... im using 50# braind on my worm and spinnerbait rods and 17# for crankbaits... we are fishing for 3 days, most probably he wont stand 3 full days in the boat, so this is just for when he feels like fishing... im also taking a very light setup for him to catch some panfish, he really enjoys that... i know, i dont understand how one could fish for panfish in a place with so much and so big bass, but thats what he enjoys, so....
  21. i have a Veritas (old one from about 4 years ago), and a Bucoo Microguide... out of the two i would get the Bucoo without a doubt... on the Veritas a guide broke when i got snageed, i was pulling to get the lure free and suddenly the third or fourth guide just poped loose... i also dont like the real seat much, it chipped and wouldnt hold the reel properly, i had to use a ziptie to fix it... its a light rod, i still use it almost every time out, but out of those two rods, i prefer the Bucoo, better quality IMO.... both of mine are microguides, and i dont complain about them...
  22. hey. my grandpa is 84 years old. he was an avid fisher 40 years ago, but hasnt touched a rod since then. im taking him fishing next week to El Salto, Mexico, where the chance to get a DD is better than average, and most likely he will get some 5-6# fish at least... my grandpa is too old to learn how to use a baitcasting reel, all he used back then was spinning.... but i dont want to get a spinning setup just for this trip. so, im thinking about seting up a couple Zebco 33s i have laying around, i have a brand new one and some older ones i could prepare for him. would that work? i know its not the best, but a friend took his son fishing there last year, and he caught up to 11# bass with a 33....
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