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Everything posted by (='_'=)

  1. i tested it on friday, and had a tournament saturday and sunday... i ended up finishing in second... 1/2 the boats didnt even bring a fish to the scales... it was a 2 day tournament. On sunday i caught 8 fish out of this spot... so FishReveal ON for me...
  2. I was wondering the same thing. I just finished installing an HDS 7 Gen3 with fish reveal and will test it on the water tomorrow, hopefully in the afternoon i can report back.
  3. I pull a 18ft boat with my 4 door wrangler. With my surge brakes disabled i can definitely notice the difference.
  4. Well, i just upgraded my units, from Elite HDIs, I went to a couple HDSs, a Gen3 and a Gen2, with a LSS transducer and ethernet cable to link them. So, it has no StructureScan module. I know with the LSS transducer, i will get SideImage on the Gen3. But, what does the StructureScan module does exactly?? From what i have been reading, I think it used both DownScan and SideScan to create a better, much clearer SideScan image. Is that correct? Do you have a picture of the same underwater structure, with regular side or down image, and then viewed with structurescan module? My units are still in the mail so i have not been able to play with them, i just want to read as much as possible before getting them. Thanx!!
  5. I want to do an upgrade on my console unit without breaking the bank. Right now, i can get any of those units for a similar price, around $500, with side image transducer. But, i dont know the pros or cons of any of them. So, which one would you pick? I may want to link it to my Elite 7 HDI on the bow. Thanx.
  6. not much, if you are not afraid of cutting into it... i added one to my 94 Javelin in a morning.... i used a jigsaw to cut into the deck... measure 3 times, cut only once...
  7. Do you have a recessed tray for the pedal?? If not, I would strongly suggest you get one. Not only will it help you maneuver the TM easier, but it will also give you more stability and balance, and will reduce your back pain. I was hesitant at first, but once i tried it, i wish i had done it sooner. It is not easy cutting in your new boat, but it is well worth it.
  8. thanx, i will change just the plugs then. In case i find the plugs locally, they will be automotive. can i use those? if not, i will have to order online in the USA and pick them up next time im up north.
  9. thanx for your input! i live in Mexico though, so we dont have any prop shops around. So i will start by checking compression and changing spark plugs and wires and go from there. Overall i am happy with the boat, i have fished out of it almost every weekend for the 3 years i have owned it. the requirement for a hydrofoil is what had me thinking maybe a jack plate was required for the boat to perform better.
  10. thanx, i will check compression. i have been running this boat for 3 years now without an issue, but i know its a very old motor that may need some care.
  11. i just placed an order for about 200 and didnt see the free shirt button... i had seen it last week, but not today, maybe i missed it... what i DID notice is that, one of the rods i got (st croix), is excluded from the sale... so i purchased it at the regular price... but when i got my confirmation email, the rod shows the discount price.... i have yet to check my bank account to see how much they charged, hopefully they did apply the discount to that one as well... i bought 2 rods and got free shipping with no extra charge as well, and no tax.
  12. thanx! my goal is better speed and performance. as it is right now, i need a hydrofoil for it to plane. it jumps on plane very quickly with one, but without the hydrofoil, it takes forever.... and my top end speed is 52 mph, when i have seen others with my same boat running mid 60s... now that you mention, i rarely go faster than 40, as the lake i normally fish i can go from one end to the other in 5-7 minutes at 40 mph.... there are some bigger lakes i visit once or twice a year, and thats when i need more speed.... also i dont tournament fish... so, maybe i should not go in the hassle of a jack plate?? my boat is from 1994 BTW, and i am running a Raker 24 pitch SS prop.
  13. Hey. i have a 379T Javelin with a 150HP Johnson. I am looking for a manual jack plate and found this oneÑ https://www.ebay.com/itm/Jack-Plate-JPL-4500-Adjustable-6-Outboard-Boat-Jackplate-/290875834239 any comments about it? or another jack plate you recommend that wont break the bank? Also, can i use a 6" jack plate with my current setup without having to extend steering lines? I am running a hoot foot as well. Thank you,
  14. thanx for your input!! So after some thought and reading your comments, i decided towards a St Croix Mojo Bass. Dicks is having a 25% off sitewide, so I will get it there. Now, should i go with the 6'10" Medium Light Extra fast, or the 7'1" Medium Fast? St Croix mentions the 6'10" for drop shot/finesse, so i was thinking about picking that one. I normally use 1/8 and 3/16 drop shot weight, and 1/16 split shot weights, so i need something that will cast light lures easily. My current spinning rod is very soft, labeled M but i dont know the action. I would like something similar. I am looking for more sensitivity, castability and overall performance i am very happy with that cheap rod.
  15. I dont think a coupon is needed. I got this on my email
  16. i use a peg board. makes it easier to see what i have, and to restock the boat when i run out of something...
  17. thanx, im looking at it... but i guess it would be safer to use the 25% off, rather than wait and see if the products i want have the 20% plus 10%, and risking them getting out of stock...
  18. anyone has any news about TW? i want to get me a new spinning rod and reel, i might as well use the 25% off Dicks starting tonight...
  19. i have both, they are totally interchangeable. same power cord and same transducer cable (blue conectors on both)
  20. Hey. I have an Insight Genesis map on my Elite 5, and even though it shows contour lines, the map is almost all purple. How can i fix this? I already restored default settings, and downloaded the files again, but i keep getting this purple color in the map. How can i fix it? And while we are at it, how do i change GPS units to degrees, minutes, seconds?? Or how do i change Google Maps units to Degree, minutes??
  21. thanx! I have been looking at the Mojo bass and looking at the reviews it has, i could definitely spend a little more. I plan on purchasing on Black Friday, so hopefully i can get it at a better price. Now i just need to pair it with a nice reel... i read good reviews of the Pflueger President. My partner just got this combo from Cabelas with one and it looks nice, i am leaning towards the XT.
  22. hey... about 2 years ago i decided i would try finesse fishing, so i purchased a cheap Hank Parker spinning combo from Walmart, it was about $60. I was hesitant about small weight/hook/baits, but as soon as i got used to it, i began catching more fish than ever... i have barely used my casting combos fro the past 2 years, except for pitching heavier cover... so now, i want to get me a decent combo. i used my friends's Pfluenger President / Cabelas Tourney Trail combo, and even though it is rated M same as mine, mine feels softer... his rod felt like it was MH... i can throw 1/16 splitshots farther with my rod... i have a 7' M casting Falcon BuCoo Microguide, which last week i spooled with 15# braid and 10# fluoro leader to use as a "heavier finesse" with 3/16 weights. I had good success with it, so i was leaning towards a spinnign BuCoo. Which other rods i must consider?? Or stay away from them?? i would like it to be M, 1 piece, 7'. I am looking for the most sensibility without breaking the bank. Thank you, forgot to add, was thinking about pairing it with a Quantum Throttle or Accurist reel, just because i have some Quantum casting reels that i like. But i have not tried a lot of brands, so i am open to suggestions as well.
  23. Check out Juan Ro Chagollan: https://www.facebook.com/juan.ro.581 He is young (about 22) but has lots of experience in both tournament and guiding. I think he can guide you in Zimapan.
  24. hey!! i just saw your post. Here is a pic of my switches.... The Master Aerator has a 3 position switch. On the FISH (up) position, it will fill the livewell with fresh water from the lake. the other 2 positions are OFF. The Recirc. will recirculate the water within the livewell. When i got the boat, the filling pump wouldnt work. So i put new pumps and wires, and thats how i wired it. I am not really sure how is the correct setup, as i dont understand the FISH and RUN labels on the Aerator. Now that i think about it, I could swap the pumps, so the Recirculation fills the livewell, and use the 3 position switch for Recirculation Manual and Timer.
  25. i went to Picachos about 3 years ago, and it was great in numbers, not so much in size. But i heard this year it has been producing both... I also went to El Salto last year, but it was my first time down there, without a guide. I towed my boat all the way from Chihuahua. It was a great trip, again, great numbers, but biggest one on our party (we were 3 boats from Chihuahua) was about 6 pounds.... but everybody catched 3-4 pound fish all day, every day...
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